Chapter 33: Luo Yong

Knock! Knock!

In the main hall of the Bai Family Residence, a middle-aged man knock the door while looking restless from excitement.

"Come in." A deep and hoarse voice came from inside the hall.

The middle aged man opens the gigantic door and walk towards the center before kneeling with one of his knees kissing the floor.

"If it isn't Bai Dong, what matter did you want to report."

Bai Dong was the Head of the Guard in the whole Dragon Eagle City. He was currently kneeling in front of the Head of the Bai Family which is the grandfather of Bai Shi.

Since the day that Shi's father leave the Dragon Eagle City, his grandfather didn't have a choice but to remain at the position temporarily until they came back.

Bai Dong was the only true blue uncle that Bai Shi has. There are some other family members that is either half-blood related to his father but all of them didn't deserve the position of the Head of the Family.

In this world, polygamy is normal. They gave birth to various sons and daughters so that even if one died, the family line would still continue.

"Reporting to the Family Hea–

"Skip the formalities." The man in the throne said.

"Yes Father." Bai Dong said while taking a deep breath before continuing what he was about to say.

"Young Master Bai just came back." He wanted to tell more details but he just skip everything and directly said what was the thing that made him excited the most.


Complete silence covered the whole hall.

Hearing that there was no response, Bai Dong continued his report and telling his father about the where abouts of Bai Shi.

"Let's go and meet him right now. This matter is not simple as it is." The man in the throne suddenly said while getting prepared to leave.


In the main hall of the Su Family Residence, the General and some elders were gathered while listening to the whole story that General Su was telling them.

They even let him sit on the throne which made him awkward. Since it was his first time sitting in a place of authority since the position was passed to him by his father.

In his right side was where the General was standing. This was Su Hei's uncle, Su Yong.

In their tradition, only the Family Head would have the right to be called 'General Su' because it represented the whole Family.

Su Yong was Su Hei's uncle and was only here to hold down the forth of the whole Su Family. He never sits at the throne once and only place himself right beside the throne.

Su Family was known due to their unyielding loyalty. Even the Elders of their family was righteous and reasonable. They were the symbol of a true Knight.

It was due to this reason that they were infuriated by the betrayal of Su Hei's brother that leads to their plan being destroyed.

Everytime that Su Hei tells them about how they met Shu Feng, everyone present was amazed by him.

Especially on how handsome and young he is. They were even planning on which of their daughter that they should offer to Shu Feng and Kei so that they could tie them to the Su Family.

Feng and Kei naturally removed their cloaks since they were now inside a closed place and no one would stare at them with those hearty eyes.

"I, Su Yong greatly express our gratitude to Young Master Shu for saving not only our Family Head but also the Young Master of the Bai Family. If you have any request, feel free to say and we would surely do it if it's within our ability." Su Yong said while cupping his fist and looking at Shu Feng with a grateful expression.

"General Yong is too polite. I only did some swings and it was also fate that brought them to us." Shu Feng said while sounding not too arrogant nor too humble.

General Yong wanted to say something but was interrupted when he sensed a familiar aura.

He directly disappeared on the spot and reappears in front of their Main Hall's door and slowly opens it.

He kneels with one of his knees kissing the floor while looking at the ground.

"General Yong greets the Head of the Bai Family." Su Yong said.

Su Hei also came down and bowed his head while cupping his fist then doing the same formal greeting.

He did not kneel since he was the Head of the Su Family. Only those elders and other members kneels while paying their respect.

Bai Zong, the acting Head of the Bai Family waved his hand in satisfaction and scan the surroundings with his sharp gaze.

His sight soon landed on a teenage boy who was sitting beside Shu Feng. He finds his figure very similar to his son and only those eyes were in different color.

The direct descendants of the Bai Family has a unique deep black eye color due to their heritage. But Bai Shi has a deep dark green eyes which is the same color as his mother, Su Sheng.

Su Sheng was Su Yong's daughter and Su Hei's cousin. This made Su Hei and Bai Shi's father brother-in-laws.

Bai Shi also looked back at Bai Zong, he suddenly remembered his father and cannot help but feel despair since he didn't know if he was still alive or not.

Bai Shi stood up and walk towards Bai Zong and cupped his fist while bending slightly forward.

"Bai Shi greets his grandfather."

"Good, good. It has been 14 years since I last saw you and now you've grown up tobe a fine young man, hahaha." Bai Zong said while rubbing his chin in delight.

Shu Feng was just quietly sitting from the sides while his eyes were closed.

He was reviewing the information about the reward that he got from completing his second mission.


[Mission#02 - Escorting Mission completed]


"Rewards had been given to the Host."


[Space Crossing Talisman

Description: A type of talisman that would let the user and the people within the radius of ten meters to instantly cross the space and arrived at a place that the host wanted. The place must have been visited by the host. The talisman can be used to travel to a different world as long as the Host's knows about the coordinates of your destination.]

Shu Feng was amazed by the ability of this talisman, he could travel to a different world. That means that as long as he knows about the coordinates of his previous world then he could go there.

'UG, how much SP I need if I want to buy the coordinates of my previous world from you?'


After a few minutes of silence, a notification ring inside his head.


[Earth's Coordinates - 10 Million SP]

Shu Feng somewhat already expected that it would be somehow expensive but he didnt think that it would be this expensive!!

Maybe he would just become strong and make his way to his previous world with his own strength.

That's Right! I still need to leave this plave since my mission eas already completed.

Shu Feng slowly stands up and was preparing to leave when suddenly Bai Zong came in front of him. And what happened next shocked everyone.

"I, Bai Zong was deeply thankful for Young Master Shu Feng's help in protecting my grandson and his companions. Please accept my gratitude and if there was something that Young Master wanted, we would do out outmost ability to help you achieve it."

Zong said while bowing in a complete ninety degrees angle while speaking in a very sincere tone.

Shu Feng felt amazed by his actions since in this world they valie their reputation the most.

"I am not thanking you as the acting Head of the Bai Family but as a Grandfather. So please accept my gratitude." Bai Zong added which made Shu Feng admire him more.

He knows that if he didn't accept it, he would just keep bowing in front of him. Then how about inquiring some informations.

"Does Family Head Bai Zong knows any information regarding the leader of the Demon King Forest?" Shu Feng said while showing a slight smile on his face.

Bai Zong and the others were shocked about Shu Feng's question since any information regarding the Leader of the Demon King Forest was confidential. Although some are available for public information, those informations were only vague and not clear.

But since he was paying his gratitude, then he could only tell all the information he knows regarding the leader of the Demon King Forest.

"The Leader of the Demon King Forest was named as Luo Yong. He was a pureblooded Fire Dragon. He was currently at the Fifth Stage of Nascent Soul Realm and was trying to break through to the Sixth Stage. He has five subordinates under him. And the strongest was Kai Hong which is also a dragon albeit being not pure.

Kai Hong is a Upper One Star Demon Sovereign which is the same as a Second Stage Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator. There are other four but all of them were at the First Stage."

'It seems like Gao Jie was one of them.' Shu Feng thought when he heard the information about the five subordinates under Luo Yong.

"This information should have been classified and only available to all the Demon Beast under Luo Yong, but one of his subordinatess leaked the information to us.

This was the reason why many powerhouses was gathering near the Demon King Forest.

Worst of all, Luo Yong would be weakened after the Tribulation either successful or not. And he cannot delay his ascension anymore since he already delayed it for a whole year back then.

And if he did not ascend this time, it would incur the wrath of the Heaven and he may suffer a fate much more worse than ascending. And the one who leaked the information was... " Bai Zong said everything he knows but stop himself in his last sentence.

"Is it Kai Hong who leaked the information?" Shu Feng ask straightforwardly.

"Yes." Bai Zong answered while marvelling on how smart Shu Feng is.

Feng came to this conclusion since he knows that Dragons were proud beings and didn't want to be under someone. Although Kai Hong was not a pure dragon, he is still one. So when the chance that he could rule over the Demon King Forest arrived, he would surely grab it. But since he was only one, then that would mean that he would find the other four subordinate troublesome. And he could only leaked the information to the Human Race.

Second Reason is that he was the strongest next to Luo Yong. It would be quite unreasonable for someone at the First Stage of Nascent Soul Realm to revolt when he would face three Demon Beast at the same stage and another Second Stage one.

And if Kai Hong was only at the First Stage of Nascent Soul Realm, he would not be so dumb to start his betrayal.

Reviewing his conclusions, he suddenly thought of one possibility about the deal that the Leader wanted to make with him.

And that was to protect him after ascending if he was successful.

And this was also the reason why Kai Hong sent that Fire Lion to kill him so that this deal would not commenced.

Shu Feng knows that everything that is happening at the Demin King Forest would be known by Luo Yong. And maybe he was already aware of Kai Hong's betrayal but he cannot kill the other for a certain reason that he did not know.

Well, if it was someone at the Second Stage of Nascent Soul Realm, then it would be better if he could start cultivating now and advance soon.

Seeing Shu Feng thinking deeply, Bai Zong cannot help but ask out of curiosity.

"I wonder what Young Master Feng needed those information be?"

"Hmm, nothing. Just clarifying some things." Shu Feng said while walking away, but he soon remembered something.

"If you plan to go there, it would be good if you won't try to kill Luo Yong. Cause he wanted to make a deal with me regarding about keeping him safe after his ascension. And as for that Kai Hong, hehehe." Shu Feng said and then disappearing right after followed by Kei who bid his farewell on Shu Feng's behalf.

When Feng saud those last sentence, a small portion of his killimg intent leaked out which made the hall chilling and frightening. Bai Zong and the others felt their scalp tingle even though they know that his killing intent is not directed at them.

It feels like their own lives was in Shu Feng's hands. Bai Zong keep his advice into his heart since he was also planning on going at the Center of the Demon King Forest.

He sigh and suddenly felt pity for Kai Hong. Since he knows that Young Master Shu Feng would surely kill him since it seems like they have some kind of enmity.

Although Shu Feng was very young, he believed that he was already atleast at the First Stage of Nascent Soul Realm or maybe even at the Third Stage for Luo Yong to make a deal with him.

Or if... If maybe just a slight chance..... Maybe he was already on the same cultivation level as Luo Yong?

Just thinking about it made Bai Zong's scalp tingle once more. He suddenly look at his grandson who was still sweating from the killing intent that Shu Feng accidentally released.

He felt like his grandson would be further become involve with Shu Feng. He suddenly discovered that Bai Shi was very lucky.


Shu Feng and Kei appeared outside the wall of the Dragon Eagle City. They make their way towards the near secluded place.

'Alright! Time to cultivate.'