Chapter 34: Endless Path Of Sword


[NAME: Shu Feng

AGE: 17

TITLE: [Beast's Nightmare]

BLOODLINE: Wood Ancient- 8%

Human- 92%

RACE: Human

CHARISMA: 180 - 185

LUCK: 10

SP: 14 343

LP: 20 000

HEALTH POINTS: 3 500/3 500

CHAOS ENERGY: 3 000/3 000

STAMINA: 800/800


SPEED: 630

MIND: 400



CULTIVATION: Sixth Stage Foundation Building


SOUL: First Stage Soul Perception

HEART: First Stage Heart Still Like Water


Cultivation Technique


SOUL CULTIVATION: Divine Soul of Chaos

Cultivation Technique

HEART CULTIVATION: Endless Chaos Heart

Cultivation Technique

SKILLS: Active: [Basic Chaos Burst]

Passive: [Chaos Will]

ABILITY: [Analyze- Level 2] [Soul Search] [Flawless Eye] [Third Eye]

'Oh right, I almost forgot about my Lucky Points.'


"The Host needs 1 000 Lucky Points every spin."

'That expensive? It was the same as 100 thousand System Points!'

"If you are lucky, you could get a prize that it much more valuable than a mere 100 thousand SP." UG said while keeping his serious and plain tone.

Shu Feng knows that arguing with UG would end up fruitless. So might as well comply. He has a total of 20 Thousand LP and that ables him to spin 20 times.


After saying it, a light wheel with some random question marks appeared in front of Shu Feng. It was spinning and slows down in a few moments.


[You have received a book of knowledge.]

[Endless Path of Sword

Description: A book containing numerous informations regarding the way of the sword. Knowledge of every Sword Gods had been listed in this book.]

'Woah! This is amazing.' Shu Feng thought when he heard that the book contains the knowledge of every Sword God. Even though he didn't know who they are, just the word 'God' on their title makes them undeniably powerful.

Shu Feng retrieved the book from his Item Space. It looks like a normal book to him and there is nothing extraordinary. And when he flipped it, there was only white paper and there is no information.

'What the heck?!'


"The book can only be accessed by it's true owner. This book contains knowledge of every Sword Gods that had ever existed. This book would cause not only this world but a whole universe to succumb in a bloody battle. Please used your blood to tie the book and recognized you as it's owner."

Shu Feng gulp when he heard UG's explanation. So he immidiately bit his thumb and drip his blood into the book's cover.


After the blood was seeped through, a blinding light blinded Shu Feng.


He fell on the ground, luckily for him, he was inside a cave and both Zise and Kei went out to hone their combat strength.


In a mountain where everything was calm and silent, a lone man was standing at the peak while holding his sword in front of him in a vertical position.

The man slowly raise his head and their was no flashy nor strange phenomenon. The surrounding Energy Essence were calm and the tranquility didn't fade.


With a single slash, everything straight ahead of him got teared apart.

There was no explosion and there is no sound.

It was a completely silent slash.

This was the Silent Sword Technique.

The scenery suddenly got blurred.

Shu Feng finds himself standing in a vast ocean. Everything around him were a complete deep blue sea.


All the water suddenly gathers at a one point and slashing towards the horizon with a single line. The space got torn apart and lightning descends.

This is the Deep Sea Sword Technique.

A sword technique that contains the power of the endless ocean. Destructive and unstoppable!

The scenery change again.

Countless cultivators and Demon Beast were fighting at a bloody battlefield. Corpse were lying everywhere.


Two mighty figures were fighting from both sides, causing a massive and terryfying explosion that sweep across everything.

The Beast in the human form suddenly slash his sword downward.

The slash was plain. All the blood in the surroundings was absorb by that slash making it stronger and stronger.

This is the Bloody Asura Sword Technique.

A technique that feeds on the blood of countless lives to make itself stronger.

Thousands into millions of times had passed for Shu Feng.

In this time, numerous and endless scenery keeps on showing in front of him and printing all those informations into his mind forcefully.

In the outside world, Shu Feng kept on twitching and holding his head like it was about to burst. His Chaos Energy was in turmoil causing upheaval in the radius of a thousands kilometers.

All the Demon Beast turned away and flee oit of fear.

Kei and Zise came rushing back towards Shu Feng since the commotion came directly from the cave they were staying in.

Zise was the one that is anxious the most since he could feel the pain that his Brother was suffering.

After an hour, the earthquake slowly stopped, bringing back the missing tranquility in the whole forest.

Kei laid his Brother's back into the cave wall and patiently waited. He was not worried since he knows that Feng was still breathing and his heart beat was all normal.

So what would be the cause of the commotion before?


Shu Feng slowly opened his eyes and you could see the mental exhaustion he suffered just from looking at his dull colored eyes.

Zise suddenly wakes up and came in front of Shu Feng while rubbing his head into him.

"There, there. Big Brother is fine so don't worry." Shu Frng said while caressing the Little Guy's head.

'Ahh~ such a smooth hair after a long and exhausting journey.' He thought while gently massaging Zise's hair.

Kei came inside when he heard the noise. He looker towards Shu Feng who was giving off a much more different vibe than before. It was like he was a tempered sword that with only his looks would give a sharp feeling.

All to say, he gave off a feeling of maturity and someone who already experience the vissitudes of life.

Shu Feng look towards Kei which made the latter flinch in fright.

'Such a sharp and terryfying gazre.' Kei thought.

It was like a very sharp sword was suddenly pointed on his neck.

"W-what happened?" He asked when he saw his Brother was already awake. He cannot help but stumble on his first word since the feeling of being pointed by the illusionary sword was still fresh and vivid to him.

"Nothing, I am just comprehending some informations. But I didn't expect it to be so hard and cannot help but fall unconcious." Shu Feng answered while smiling faintly.

"Hmm." Kei nodded his head in understanding. Since that is what his Big Brother told him then he believed it.

"How much time had passed?" Feng ask when he saw that it was somewhat already dark.

"Four hours." Kei answered while dragging a Demon Beast inside the cave and carefully digging it's core.

"Only four hours?" Shu Feng ask in confusion.

He stayed inside that space for almost ten years anr it not, more than. He saw numerous and different sword's style which pave for diffetent paths.

He suddenly thought that he could kill a Demon Beast at the Nineth Stage with only a single strike using the almost endless experiences he had been to.

Not only that, he could also feel that his mind was tempered by leaps and bounds. He estimated that he could broke through to the Next Stage if he cultivates for a full day.

And he was overjoyed with this information. He knows better than anyone how hard it is to advance in his Soul Cultivation Level.

Such massive improvement brings great excitement to him.

He flicked his hand and a book suddenly appeared in his hand. He examines it and the covered became hard and the edges was as sharp as a sword.

He flipped the pages and the informations that he previously experience was already present at the book's pages.

It has a total of more than million of pages and each page contains different informations from one another.

But the most odd things is that the book is not thick and can be carried by his one hand.

After he flipped the second page, the first page would vanish.

And when he flipped the second page back, the first page would instantly appear again.

He thought that this was the reason why the book could contain such massive informations without changing it's size.

Shu Feng continues in drawing prizes from the Ultimate Lucky Spin. He only stops when he has only 15 000 Lucky Points left.


[You have received a skill book of the Fire Element]

[Blazing Inferno - Low Grade Emperor Rank

Description: A skill that would let the user burst a pillar of scorching fire from the ground.]


[You have received a stone.]

[+20 Chaos Stone - High Quality

Description: A stone that is born from Chaos. It contains a pure Chaos Energy.]


[You have received a pill.]

[Core Strengthening Pill - Complex Six Star Spirit Rank

Description: A pill that can be used to stabilized and strengthen the core of a Core Formation Cultivator several times.]


[You have received a chance of instant recovery]

[+1 Instant Recovery

Description: A chance of fully recovering from any injuries that may indanger the Host's life. It is also efrective against mental and soul damages. As long as there is still a tiny bit of blood remaining, recovery is possible.]

Everything that he received is a good deal for him. And just like the book of Endless Path of Sword, the chance for Instant Recovery is also very valuable.

Since he cannot buy it in the Shop no matter how many times he ask UG about it.

And right now, he has a total of two chances of Instant Recovery. This chances already save his life for two times. So as long as he still has a tiny drop of blood left, he would still be alive.

He also decided to give Kei the pill since he didn't need it even if he breaks through right now to Core Formation Realm.

The Chaos Stone caught his attention since he needed anything that would help him break through right now.

As for the Blazing Inferno, he decided to learn it later after finishing his most important and urgent business right now.

He retrieve all the twenty Chaos Stone and put it around him.

He sat crossed-leg and started to cultivate.


"Will we really make a deal with him, Leader?" Gao Jie ask at the middle aged looking man sitting in the throne.

Everytime Gao Jie looked at him, he cannot help but feel despait deep down.

"Sigh, you know that I have an internal injury due to forcefully stopping my ascension a year ago. And only you and me knows about it. And right now, my combat strength is only that of a Peak One Star Demon Sovereign.

The Humans would surely seize this chance to kill me. I can only place my hope on him to protect me once I successfully ascend to the Sixth Stage, if that happens, all my injuries caused by the wrath of the Heaven would surely heal." Luo Yong said while sighing out of helplessness.

Although he knows that Shu Feng was strong, he estimated that he would be at most Secong Stage of Nascent Soul Realm if he exerted all of his strength.

He also got the report of Shu Feng killing the Fire Lion in a single strike. But he didn't know that Shu Feng almost died on that battle.

Gao Jie just nodded his head in understanding. He also see for his own eyes how he got intimidated by Shu Feng's whole being.

Just standing beside him makes every inch of his Demonic Energy run into turmoil.


It's been a whole day since Shu Feng started to absorb the Chaos Energy from the twenty Chaos Stones.

The benefit in absorbing those stones makes his advancement two times faster with only half the effort.

Those stones contained a very pure Elements. His understanding about all the ten elements got deeper every second that he absorbs the Chaos Energy.

It was like his body was adjusting to those elements and it even manage to strengthen his Vortices and his Inner World.

He didn't cause any disruption or disturbance to the surrounding Energy Source since he was directly absorbing the energies conrained within the stones.

He also did not worry about converting the Energies since they directly entered inside his Dantian and helping him in his progress.