Chapter 56: Tribulation Lightning Can't Bully Me!

Shu Feng went to find Zen Fu and the others before proceeding in his breakthrough. It didn't take long for him to find them at the pond just beside the residence of Luo Yong.

Surprisingly, this Leader of the Demon King Forest did not yet came out from his rest. It seems like the injuries that he suffered from his breakthrough is not that simple as it seems.

His subordinates also didn't question the existence of Zen Fu and the others because they thought that it is Shu Feng's acquaintances. They are all greatful for his help and didn't pay much attention to the others.

The possibility of Long Zao being the origin of the whole Demon King Forest and Zen Fu serving as it's protector since the day it was created didn't come to their minds.

"Why are you here?" Long Zao ask when he sense that Shu Feng suddenly appeared beside them. He is worried that this brat might blow up his cover and all of his efforts would be in vain.

"Sigh, I am not here to stop your shamelessness." Shu Feng said while skipping the formalities. Such a shameless dragon didn't need to be referred as a Senior at all.

He is not being disrespectful since his tone didn't sound arrogant and he only speak in his formal tone just like how he talked to Zen Fu.

Long Zao didn't mind him skipping the formalities and felt relieved instead. He didn't care what he came here for as long as he won't blow up his cover.

Looking at how Long Zao and his brother talk so casually, Kei is already convince to the bottom of his heart that they are really acquaintance!

"I want to advance into Core Formation Realm and just here to inform you." Shu Feng casually said without expressing too much emotion.

But for the others, this is something surprising! Mostly Long Zao himself, he is curious about Shu Feng the most since he possessed a terryfying strength that could make someone change their point of view!

Advancing to the Core Formation Realm is something that most of the cultivators failed to do. Since they needed to passed a Tribulation before successfully advancing.

The reason for the tribulation is due to the birth of a core that is considered as going against the Heaven! And anything that goes aginst the will of the Heaven must suffer it's wrath!

"Where do you plan on assaulting rhe tribulation?" Long Zao ask out of coincidence.

"At the place where Luo Yong assaulted his Tribulation. I don't want to do it here since it would surely destroy some structures." Shu Feng said without much concern. It is only appropriate to do it in the forest since the residence here is not his property.

Although the materials where these establishments is made of looks sturdy, he bet that it won't be able to withstand a blow from a Tribulation Lightning.

Long Zao unconsciously sigh in relief without knowing why. He just got the bad feeling about his tribulation. He is sure that a advancement of someone whose strength is beyond monster is meant to be not, normal?

Zise who was still sleeping before came before Shu Feng in a hurry. He is still trembling slightly when Feng embrace the little guy into his arms. He gently caress his hair for it to calm down.

'It seems like the danger is still lurking.' He thought to himself while looking at Zise. Long Zao look at the purple horse at his hands curiously and pondered if what race it belongs to.

It is his first time seeing a strange creature like that.

The last time that Shu Feng and Long Zao met, Zise is lying comfortably on top of his head and Long Zao didn't pay much attention to it.

The Dragon just thought that maybe it is a mutated beast from two different race.

Shu Feng used the teleportation cave to transport himself all the way down from the Sky Mountain. The others also tag along him but he didn't pay it much attention.

It doesn't matter of who is there to watch his advancement. It is just a normal breakthrough and didn't have any interesting event that would take place after all.

In Shu Feng's mind, his advancement would be the same as how others who advance to the Core Formation Realm.

After a few minutes of speeding ahead, they soon came to the place where Luo Yong brokethrough. The memories of that fight is still fresh into his mind. Such a memorable experience should be tresured! Since that event brings him a lot of fortune.

Looking at how Zise had already fallen asleep while in his embrace made him think that this guy just felt that he was about to leave and just force himself to go down with him albeit with his condition.

He then handed him at Kei who willingly accepts. Although they would usually fight all the time, he still secretly like him but he didn't want to express it on the outside. Looking at the trembling Zise that was on his ambrace made him frown in worry.

He unconciously caress his hair which made the Little Guy calm down a little bit. Kei can't help but show a slight smile on his face when he sense his reaction.

Shu Feng saw this and cannot help but nod in appreciation, he is sure that this two would be going along soon.

He sat down at the center and meditates silently in order to calm his heart and mind. He positioned himself a hundred meters away from the others. He didn't know why but he suddenly felt nervous and excited at the same time.

This is his first time confronting a Tribulation Lightning! Should he buy some treasures to block it just like how Luo Yong did it the last time? Or should he cover myself with my Chaos Energy for protection?

'That's right! Buying tresures would cost me System Points which is not profitable at all. And using ny Chaos Energy to shield myself is not a hundred percent safe.' Shu Feng thought while analyzing what he should do.

And just this time, his genius and intelligent brain started to work and did sone theories and math calculations.

'If I breakthrough to Core Formation, a Tribulation Lightning would attack me in order to stop me from advancing! That only means that the Tribulation is bullying me! Should I let it strike me whenever it wants and just let it do what it wants?

Of course not! I should let it taste my strength so that it won't ever bully me again in the future! Such a brilliant idea!' Shu Feng thought to himself while his expression keeps on changing from a frown into a smile and with a face that looks like someone who just got a sudden realization.

And this where his burning passion came to effect. Or we could say his passion for being idiot? Is his brain really a genius one? Reminder, he is someone who didn't read any manga or story about cultivation in his last world.

That means one thing. He is an idiot about cultivation and only rely on his own way of thinking!

He brings out all the high quality Chaos Stones and distributes them around him. When Kei saw these stones, he can't help but salivate a little with his eyes sparkling like some crystal.

Long Zao notice this behavior of him and cannot help but take a look at what Shu Feng keeps on placing around him.

When he look at those stones, he is puzzled and shocked at the same time. He didn't know the origins of those stones but base on how pure and powerful the energy contained in them that is even much more powerful than the highest quality Energy Stones that he had ever seen!

Zen Fu also noticed this but didn't think about it that much.

But Shu Feng suddenly realize something very important. He didn't know how to proceed in his breakthrough! But this is where his help come to the rescue.


"The Host just keep on absorbing the Chaos Energy inside those Chaos Stones until you reach your Chaos Pool could not take any single bit of energy anymore.

Once that happens, just continue absorbing the energy and let the ten vortices absorb those energies after they automatically turned into Chaos Dust.

Then this would help them grow in size and nuture your inner world at the same time. But since this is the limit of how many vortex could be created currently, the excess Energies would be given to your inner world.

After feeding those energies to your inner world, it would eventually reach it's limit. And this time, the system would give you one piece of Primordial Chaos Stone. Absorb the energy inside it very carefully and guide it gently towards the very most center part of your Inner World.

After settling the Energy at the center, carefully form it into a solid ball shaped core at the size of a baby thumb, that would be your core.

Lastly, channel all the excess energy that is not needed by your Inner World anymore into it's center and let your core devour them. Please keep in mind to do this procedure with a hundred percent care." UG gave Shu Feng a long yet quick explanation. He also keep in mind to do it carefully. Although some informations still confuse him, he just keep those thoughts behind his head and decided to ask later.

But what does UG mean to let his core 'devour' the excess Chaos Energies? Isn't it more appropriate to say that his core would 'absorb' those energies? Well, maybe UG got a mistake in his explanation.
