Chapter 57: Primordial Chaos Stone.

Shu Feng keep on running inside his head what UG just told him. He already know what to do but due to his nervousness he could not help but repeatedly review the procedures.

He took a deep breath and slowly calm himself down. He started absorbing the Chaos Energy from the Chaos Stones. It rapidly entered inside his meridians and made their way towards his Dantian and keeps on entering his Chaos Pool.

His Chaos Full is already replenished the previous time but due to the constant consumption of his Inner World, the amount got decreased.

Shu Feng makes sure to absorb the Chaos Energy from all the Chaos Stones at the same time so that he could save some time. A total of One hundred strands of Golden colored energy was connecting him with all the stones around him.

It looked very beautiful and enchanting. Coupled with his god-like face and swaying hair made him a celestial that is surrounded by hundreds of golden strands of light.

Unbeknownst to him, the surrounding Energy Source strarted to gather around him which didn't happen everytime he uses Chaos Stone as the source of his Energy.

Long Zao and Zen Fu stared at Shu Feng with an expression like they had seen a ghost! How can he absorb those one hundred Stones at the same time?! And considering how powerful and vast the energy contained within each stone, will he not burst out from bring stuffed with those energies?!

This is the questions keep on ringing inside the heads of those two. Kei just look at his brother plainly like it this situation os normal for him. He just thinks about how many of those stones wpuld his brother give him once he is done! Just thinking about it made him excited since he could solo everything with Zise fast asleep in his embrace.

After a few minutes of endless absorption, all the stones decreased in size and his Chaos Pool already reach it's limit! And this time, instead of directing the Chaos Energy into his Pool, he revolve the second level of his Cultivation Technique, Chaos Energy Dust which instantly converted the Chaos Energy into different colored fine crystal dust that flew directly towards their respective vortices.

His Chaos Pool serves as a reserved bank that he could used when he is in battle and also the source of energy for his vortices everytime that he is not cultivating. Unlike when he needs to manually revolve the second level of his Cultivation Technique just to instantly convert the Chaos Energy into Chaos Dust just to supply his vortices, the process of conversion would not matter if the vortices directly absorb the energy from his Chaos Pool.

Every vortices would absorb a single Chaos Drop from his Chaos Pool and then turn them into different colored dust. Then the vortex would absorb it's corresponding Chaos Dust from each other.

Although Shu Feng could also directly send the Chaos Energy Drop that he absorbs from the Chaos Stones into the vortices, the process would be several times slower than when he manually converted the energies into Chaos Dust and let the vortices absorb it on their own.

All of his vortex that revolve around his Inner World keeps on increasing their size while nurturing his Inner World albeit much more slower this time since almost all of the energies was used to increase the size of the vortices.

As their size keeps on increasing, the Space and Time vortex move further away from the the Light, Dark and Lightning Vortex. These three vortices also move in a constant motion as the Space and Time vortex and just enough to maintain theri previous diatance including the other five vortices that is the most closest to his Inner World.

Within just one hour, all the Chaos Stone decrease in size more and looks half of it's original size! And with this consumption, all of his vortices already reach their size limit which made all of the excess energies directly flew toward his Inner World.

Shu Feng didn't stop on absorbing and just continues in converting the Chaos Energy into Chaos Dust.

Long Zao and Zen Fu looked really stressed right now and wondered where did those massive amount of Energies go! But Kei still looked expectant and plain at the same time. Because for him, everything is normal!

Shu Feng speed up his absorption rate more which accelerated the speed of the growing of his Inner World by several times.

The wind around him started to whirl and become more strong together with the passage of time! This event made Long Zao and Zen Fu frown in confusion. This is not their first time witnessing someone breakthrough to Core Formation Realm since they even experience it themselves but the event taking place right now is not something that should happen to someone breaking through to Core Formation Realm!

But for Kei, this is just normal!

All the one hindred Chaos Stones decrease into one third on their original size just after another hour of frenzied absorption! And this time, Shu Feng's Inner World already reach the limit of it's size which increased by another ten inches!

It looks like a insignificant improvement but the more size his Inner World reach, the several times it becomes harder to increase even a few centemeters! And for it to increase more than an inch within an hour is something only Shu Feng could do!

And when it reach the limit size, Shu Feng took a deep breath and open his eyes slowly. Although he looked really fine outside but in reality, he felt like he is stuffed so much that he wanted to throw up really bad!

He check his Item Space and an unknown stone really appeared in one of the slots just as UG informed him!

He casually flick his hand and retrieve the stone from his Item Space and placed it in his palm. As far as he could remember, this stone in named Primordial Chaos Stone.

In just a single glance he felt a very terryfying energy that is a hundred thousand times more powerful than the Chaos Energy contained within the Chaos Stones that he had been absorbing all this time!

Now he finally realized why UG told him to be more careful i love absorbing the energy contained inside this Primordial Chaos Stone. Because a slight mistake and he would surely burst out! Although he had three chances of instant recovery, his breakthrough would surely fail!

Shu Feng didn't know but as soon as the Primordial Chaos Stone appeared in his palm, a very pure and powerful energy gush out from the stone which creates a strange change at the surroundings!

In the whole hundred meters radius around him, different kinds of plants with rich and pure energy contained in them keeps on growing!

The Energy Source started to surround Shu Feng in a contant distance and didn't dare to be close to him like how a subordinates knowing their place in front of their emperor!

Long Zao and Zeb Fu really cannot keep their cool this time and just let themselves kneel in the ground in full disbelief written all over their face. Instead, Kei just looked amazed this time, because with how powerful the energy being emmited by the stone that his brother took out, he knows that he would instantly die if he absorb even just a sliver of that energy!

Even Zen Fu felt that they would surely burst out if he consumed that for cultivation purpose! Maybe only Long Zao if he is still alive could atleast take the energy inside the Primordial Chaos Stone but he could at least take three of those stones and more of it would surely kill him!

He suddenly wanted to become more powerful and strong just like his brother! The desire that almost died down suddenly fired up again!


"Successfully igniting other's desire."

[+10 DP]

A notification rang inside Shu Feng's head which made him realize that the point he receive this time is different from his SP and LP. If he remembered correctly, it is the Desire Points that he could get from igniting other's desire. He almost forgot about it's existence since it is rare for him to ignite other's desire.

He would just check it later since he got a very urgent matter right now!

Shu Feng took another deep breath and closed his eyes. He carefully absorbs the energy inside the Primordial Chaos Stone. Once it entered inside his meridians, he felt like it would break at any moment!

Long Zao and Zen Fu freak out when they saw Shu Feng absorbing the energy inside that strange stone!

'Is he going to kill himself?!' Long Zao screamed inside him. He could feel how terryfying the energy contained in that stone is that it is even enough to instantly kill someone at the early stage of Emperor Realm if it was absorb!

But Shu Feng who is not even a Core Formation Realm yet just absorb it without much hesitation! It is already miracle that he didn't instantly burst and die!

Zen Fu also looked very terrified this time! But he still decided to look on since he could feel Shu Feng's confidence when he absorb that energy just now!

Shu Feng's body got constructed the very first he arrived in this world which made him the most compatible person to used Chaos Energy in his cultivation.

But he is too weak right now and he didn't yet started cultivating his body which made him vulnerable to any Energy that is stronger than his current Chaos Energy!

And just as predicted, cracks started to appear in his skin every second that passed. Shu Feng gritted his teeth since the pain he felt like now is simply unbearable with each passing time!

Even his insides is getting in turmoil! His blood, veins, miscles and bones were veing destroyed in a constant time! Although it automatically heal in some time, it would still get destroyed eventually which made the pain more potent!

But what he didn't know, his whole physical being is going through a tough process of cultivation! Which means this could be considered as a way of Body Cultivation!

Bloods keep on seeping out from the tear in his skin all over his body! And he still needs to absorb one third of the energy inside the Primordial Chaos Stone!

If this keeps up, he would definitely loose his consciousness before he could even fully absorb the energy inside this stone!

'Damn! It is now or never!' Shu Feng shouted inside him. He can't afford to fail since his breakthrough would dictate his Life and Death. If he failed, then he could only wait for those Blood Skull Society to kill him!