Chapter 69

"This was not how it was supposed to go." Lucas told himself as pain shot throughout his injured arm. He could hear Amay's labored breathing as she held on to him and fought to stay alive as best she could. "This was not how it was supposed to go at all."

"You can make this all go away, if you just give up and let me take you." Ida called out to Lucas as she was starting to pick up a little more speed in her step. Even with the electricity sending jolts through her and hindering her speed and aim, she could feel it slowly wearing off. Her face began to slightly blush a light green as she felt the excitement of this chase of a prey, and imagining how sweet his seed might be along with how strong her children will be.

"Keep running and struggling my little snack." Ida though to herself.

Lucas could feel her words and it made his skin crawl in terror. It felt like she was breathing down his. He couldn't help, but wonder how far she was behind them. "Was she feets away or was she inches? Could she be close enough to finish us off or was she aiming to shoot us with her web again?" Lucas's mind began to ask as his panic continued to rise even more.

"Lu..cas.." Amay called out between heavy breaths. "You focus." She told him as she could feel his hands shaking.

"Right. Right." He told her. Even with this chase, he needed to concentrate. One wrong move or another bad step, and they we both goners. He took a quick deep breathe and began to scan the area.

For the most part, they were on a clear path back to were they first saw Bigfoot. However, there was still a lot of trees, bushes, logs, and different things in there way. He also realized there was a lot of stuff she could use to her advantage, and he wasn't too sure how long it would be before she could freely move or aim properly. He could also hear moving water coming up ahead.

"The stream," Lucas felt the idea in his head come to life. "If I could get us into open space and out of these woods, maybe we can increase our chances." He told himself as he tightened his grip on Amay.

"Hang on, Amay.. Please." Lucas told her as he could feel a small trickle of her blood cover his hand. Without another word, he tried to pick up the pace with her. While it was difficult with her not being able to move her feet, Lucas finally came to the clearing and saw the decent size stream moving the waters towards an unknown destination.

His eyes looked at it for a moment trying to get a best estimate if he could get the through it or not, but with time barely on their side, Lucas was going to have to risk it. He dragged Amay with him as he tried his best to get his feet in the water.


The sound filled the air and sent a chill down both Amay and Lucas back. Everything went silent for them, as Amay looked along with Lucas. Their eyes both landed on a thick white stick substance that nearly engulfed all of Lucas entire left foot. There was a sudden jerk and pulled him by his foot backwards.

Lucas watched in horror as Amay was unintentionally, thrown forward while he was pulled backwards. He watched as she landed hard on the appendage still lodged within her stomach and forced it deeper. Amay didn't scream or anything but laid there in shock as her body began to shake from all the pain.

He could do nothing but brace himself for impact with the rough rocky ground. Pain shot throughout his body as he landed with a thump. Before he could even ask about Amay or even fully get up, he felt the webbing start to pull him backwards.

"I caught you 💕," Ida song to Lucas with her three eyes fixated on him. She had the web in her right hand and used her now working three appendages to pull at the web. "You know I had my expectations set high today." She began to speak to the struggle Lucas.

Lucas fear and panic began to set in as he tried to grab onto anything to keep himself from being pulled towards her. He then held onto a massive rock for his life as she began to pull him more.

"I thought I was going to have at least a good fight with the pathetic creature that roamed the land with the great Silverfox and the Loyal Guard Dog. But I was not having my hopes to far high. Which, I'm kinda glad I was right," Ida continued as she looked over at the bleeding out Amay, who struggled to raise her upper body. "Trash will always be trash. Better off dying then wasting everyone's time."

Lucas felt his fingers began to peel back and break as he tried his best to resist her. Yet, his grip gave out and he let go. Tears filled his eyes as he desperately tried to grip onto the sand.

"Damn it." Lucas thought to himself as he felt himself getting pulled in close to the woman.

"But I can't say I'm fully disappointed about any of this. I get to have a prize for my work at least. " Ida said while looking up at the trash pull herself toward the boy with a trail of blood following her. A soft giggle left her mouth as she saw Amay revert back to her true form. "First I'm going to make you watch as I mount Elizabeth's seed right here. Then when you beg for it, I will destroy your crystal. I don't care what strength you had, I will not have your filthy cursed object tainting my temple of a body. You could see it's a mercy that I won't let our children feed on." She giggled as she brought the boy even closer.

"Damn it. I don't have any strength left and the last bit of blood I have is barely enough to keep my wound closed." Amay thought to herself as she tried to hold out her left hand and allowed a small pellet size bullet of blood to form in her hand. "I just need a clear a little bit more power."

Lucas wanted to give up so badly as he could see part of his life flash before his eyes, but they stopped as he saw Amay still trying to fight. With his mind telling him to give up and his body feeling as if it is wanting to shut down, Lucas pushed himself to look around for anything. Anything that could be used to push her back and him and Amay could get away with.

He saw a rock and he throw it back at her. Although it missed, he didn't stop by throwing another one at her and another. He used every rock he could get his hands on, either it be big or small, to try and knock her off or to loosen her grip to get away.

"Fufufu. You still trying to fight, but using primitive means." Ida said in a voice of satisfaction and mockery. While it was useless, she had this low respect for how much he was trying when others gave up. As she got to the point of where he was below her, she dropped the webbing and stabbed her left appendage right next to his face causing a cut to bleed from his face. This caused Lucas to immediately freeze up. "You move and I will make it painful for both of us."

Her voice sent pure waves of fear down, Lucas entire body. He felt as she lowered her weight on top of him. Her hair while undone nearly covered his face as he was fully trapped staring into her eyes. While she giggled and focused on him, Lucas arm and hands began to frantically feel around for something close by.

"Now then. How about we finish what we started?" She said in a sadistic yet seductive voice as her only right hand began to feel up Lucas chest. While she did try to caress it, she did rip through it like butter.

Lucas began to breath heavily as he could feel her warm breath mix with his. He closed his eyes tightly as his left and right hand began to frantically feel for anything that could save him from this. He then felt the straps on his backpack from were he left it before Bigfoot fully started fight.

"Fufufu," the words left her mouth as she stuck out her tough with green slime on it. She saw Lucas tighten his mouth up and turn his his head away from her. Using that same right hand, she rough grabbed his jaw and forced him back to her. She then forced her mouth on his and invaded his mouth.

A sudden sharp pain went through Ida's neck, that caused her to pullback from the boy talking a trail of her slime with her. Lucas immediately turned his head spitting out her saliva and looked back at the shock Ida.

Ida slowly pulled her the item from her neck allowing it to drop down neck to Lucas. She brought her arm down and saw her own blood coming from her neck. and soon followed down to her chest.

"You stabbed me?" She said a little shock by this and eyes then look at Lucas who tried to pull himself away. Her face quickly contorted as the slit, down her mouth opened up to reveal her massive fangs and predator like mouth. "You stabbed Me!?" She let out as she pulled back her appendages and used her right arm to grab Lucas by his throat.

He could feel her claws start to dig into his next as she started to strange him.

"I'm tired of doing this the nice way. I'm taking what is-" Ida said looking down and felt something hit her in her right big eye.

" of him." Amay said taking a deep breath for falling face first back on the rock. Her vision became darker as everything soon sound like it was underwater.

Ida screamed in pain and allowed her body to roll back as she tried to hold her with her right hand.

Lucas seized the opportunity to get back up on his feet. He grabbed the knife and went for the backpack like a blur and ran as mush as his feet could carry him. He got to Amay trying to shake her awake. Her eyes were half way open and she was barely conscious as blood began to pour out of her wound.

"Run...leave me." She weakly told him as she barely could hold on any more.

"Hang on for me. I'm getting us out of here." Lucas told her as he grabbed her by the waist and began to drag Amay into the water with him as he was going to carry her across the stream to the other side.


The sound filled the air once again as a thick thing of web shot out, just barely missing Lucas hand.

Lucas looked up to see Ida standing there with two eyes open as she barely could focus on where they were. "You're not leaving me that easily." She roared out as it started to sprinkle on all of them. Ida pulled her head back aiming a thick thing of web at Lucas chest, and fired at him.

Withou thinking Lucas dropped Amay, and used the backpack as a substitute. She forcefully pulled it out of his hands nearly ripping it in two and allowed some things to fall. Lucas quickly picked Amay back dropped whatever was left of the backpack. He suddenly slipped and both of them fell back into the water. Slowly Lucas tried to crawl back while still holding Amay bleeding out body.

He could hear Ida get closer, and knew she was charging up for another webshot. He closed his eyes knowing there was nothing he could do since she had them cornered like prey.


Lucas heard those words barely leave Amay's mouth, but he knew he couldn't do that. He just held onto her tightly as the light rain began to pick up. The booming sound of thunder caught them off guard as well as a random bolt of lightning hit a near by tree close to them.

When Ida turned her head thinking the boy managed to launched an attack at her, Lucas hand had slipped and him and Amay got swept up by the current of the stream. Ida head turned back to finish off the two but saw that they were both gone. As she tried to look down both ends of the streams, her eyes began to hurt from the rain.

"Damn. They got away." She said in sad voice. She turned around to head back towards the forest line. "With her dead and him all alone, we will be all mine in no time." She thought to herself as she rubbed the blood and rain from her face.

As the water carried both Amay and Lucas, Lucas fought to stay ahold of her as best as he could. He managed to pull themselves back onto a muddy river bank. Although his vision was clouded by the incoming rain that beat the shame and guilt of losing into him, he checked to see if she was at least still bleeding. Her wound was still bleeding, but it wasn't as much as it was earlier.

"She's alive at least." Lucas told himself feeling relief wash over him, but was soon replaced with guilt and failure for allowing her to get hurt this badly for him. "I'm sorry I got you into this mess." He wished he could say to her. With her letting out a cough from some of the water, he lifted her up and began to drag her to safety with his quickly fading strength.

For a few wet and agonizing moments, Lucas didn't know what to do or were to go. It was mostly trees and rain nearly everywhere. He came to a stop as his breath was visible from the drop in temperature. They needed somewhere to hide out from the rain and to rest. So all he could do was keep going. After 5 or 10 minutes that felt like hours, he came to another complete stop. He looked around one more time through what he could and saw a cave.

"I don't have any other choice." He thought to himself glad he was going to get out of this rain finally. "Okay. Hang in there Amay." He whispered looking down at her.

He began to slowly pull her towards the cave. He was conflicted if he was actually getting weaker from the cold or has she always been heavy. It was something that kept him from thinking of how bad the situation was and from breaking fully down. He felt the rain stop beating on him and also on Amay for a good moment. For the first time before all of this started, he could take a breath. His attention fully went to Amay.

"Hey, Amay. Wake up. We are safe." Lucas said as he furiously began to shake her. "Please, I need you to tell me what to do to help you. Please," he begged her.

Amay let out a rough cough as she wheeze a little. Her eyes barely focused as they already started to gloss over. The ember that kept her going had turned into nothing but a fading spark. Yet, through all of this she had a weak smile on her face.

""She barely could say as she coughed up a little blood.

"Amay!" Lucas said in a mixture of excitement and utter worry. "I need you to focus for me. How do I save you?"

"I was thinking....after this can we go see those lights again?" She weakly asked him. "What were they again?"

"Fireworks...They were fireworks. I will take you to see a billion of them." He said with a smile as tears continued to fall from his eyes. "But you have to tell me how to save you."

"Okay...."Amay answered him. She took a deep breath that caused her whole body to slowly rise and slowly desend. "I....lost a lot of blood and as long as they spike is in me. I will die."

"Okay. Can we do the tkiss thing were you take my blood like that." Lucas said in hope. However his hope faded as she shook her.

"It won't be enough to stop or heal my wound. I'm going to need more," she told him.

Lucas pulled back for a moment as he wasn't sure about this. Yet seeing her like this and knowing she could die at any moment moved his fear back. He took a deep breath and nodded his head in reassurance. "Okay. I will do it."

"....I need you to place your hand in my mouth...and I need you to pull it out of me." Amay said feeling her eyes become heavy as her breathing started to slow. "We need to hurry." She forced the words out.

Lucas didn't say another word as he moved closer to her. He positioned himself to where his left forearm was above her mouth and his right hand was touching the broken appendage. When his hand touch the appendage, Amay body tighten up as she felt it move in her body. This caused Lucas to immediately pull his right hand away in fear of hurting her any more. That same hand began to tremble.

"Lucas!" Amay yelled at him causing more pain to run through her body. As soon as he was looking into her eyes. Amay took her final breath. "Are you ready?"

"Ye-yes." He hesitated for a moment, before taking a deep breathe and licking his lips. He took a deep gulp as he tried to call his nerves.

"Promise me you won't stop until it's fully out," Amay told him. "No matter what."

"Okay. Okay." Lucas stuttered on his words. "Let's just do this."

"Good. I'm ready. " Amay said gently placing her mouth on Lucas arm.

Lucas took a deep breathe as he felt Amay's sharp teeth touch his arm. "1..2..3!" He counted before grabbing the appendage and started to pull upwards. He felt Amay's teeth dig into his arm as her muffled screaming filled his ears. He closed his eyes as he couldn't look at the pain in her eyes and tried to push out her blood curdling screams.

Water filled Amay's eyes as she felt ever inch of the appendage being pulled out of her. She gripped the ground tightly and even slammed her hands on the ground. Her back arched felt her body began to pull with the appendage. Even, her eyes rolled to the back of her head until it was fully out. As they appendage, left her body she fell back to the ground limp.

As Lucas finally pulled out the appendages, he tossed it away, and quickly started to take deep breaths. He felt Amay mouth had loosed from around his arm. "She must have gotten enough," he thought to himself as he softly giggled.

"I thought you were going to...bite...a...lot...harder..." Lucas playfully said as he opened his eyes to see the blood leaking from her wood had stopped, but it didn't heal. His eyes slowly mover up to Amay's lifeless expression. Her mouth was hung slightly opened with his blood going in, but she didn't sallow it. Her skin was extremely pale. The life in her red eyes were gone as there were life less orbs that barely hung open looking at him.

Lucas didn't scream nor did tears fall from his eyes. As his hands began to shake, he placed them on her and slowly began to shake her. His voice began to tremble as he pushed her lifeless body in an attempt to see her wake up. "Hey...Amay...wake up. There's no need to play games at a time like this." He told her as tears formed in his eyes as his shaking slowly stopped as the reality of what had happened set in.

He slowly gripped at her body as his head hung low. He closed his eyes tightly and breath in sharply as all the weight of this all hit him. His tears began to fall onto her as he finally began to breakdown over her.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."Lucas began to cry as he couldn't hold back anymore. "Please come back, Amay. Please." He said as he began to beg for her.