'I knew when I met you,

an adventure was going to happen.'

- A. A. Milne

_ _ _


I got up to a splitting headache.

Christ! It's like someone's using my head in place of a punching bag.

Twenty minutes later, I had just taken a shower and had finished putting on my black skinny jeans when my phone started ringing. oh, man! where is that goddamn phone? I finally spot it under the bean bag.

"What is it, Gavin?"

"Good morning to you too, dumbass"

"Shut up. I don't have time for this right now. I got a freaking headache for fuck's sake!"

"Serves you right for having too much to drink last night. I'm surprised you made it home in your drunken state."

"Shut the fuck up and tell me why you called Gavin!"

"Alright, alright. I got some good news. There's a race up at the tracks next Saturday. You win, you get 2K - cash."

"Okay. So who am I racing?"

"That's the bad part. Ummm..."

"Just tell me already Gavin."

"Devon. You'll be racing Devon Carson."

"What?! Are you insane? Why would I race that fucktard after what he did?"

Memories from a bleak night rush to the forefront of my brain. Opening the door of a warehouse and seeing Devon Carson, the guy who I trusted the most, forcing himself on my 14-year-old sister. The pent-up rage threatens to spill but Gavin's voice pulls me back to reality.

"..... the only race we have lined up yet. We don't know when the next one will be. It's your choice..."

"Fine! I'll do it. What time?", I ask grinding my molars to stop myself from cursing.


"See you at school," I say and turn around, cutting off the call and throwing the phone on the bed. I look out the window and freeze. The window opposite mine isn't empty like it always is: now a girl is occupying the space, currently running her eyes all over me. Long brown hair, honey tinted skin.

Who is she? she's gorgeous... wait... what?!

Suddenly her eyes flicker up and I find my eyes locked with a pair of stormy grey ones.

I know I look, good babe... I smirk at her.

She turns around and grabs something and rushes out of the room but not before I see a blush creeping up her face. Pulling on my white shirt and black biker jacket I head down for breakfast.

"Hey, mom," I say kissing my petite mother on her head and sitting down for breakfast.

"Hey, good morning. Where's Chloe?"

"Right here mom" a voice interrupts and I turn back to see my sister coming through the doorway.

"Here's your breakfast. C'mon eat up" mom says placing a plate of pancakes in front of me and one in front of my sister.

"yay! pancakes!" My teen sister squeals like a ten-year-old dumps a gallon of honey on the pancakes and digs in.

sisters... I grumble shaking my head and digging into my pancakes after drenching them in maple syrup.


With my stomach satisfied I grab my bag and head out, my sister had already gone with her friends I can finally take my motorbike. I stop in my tracks when I see my neighbor - the brunette- walking towards the road, her attention on her phone.

I grin and walk up to talk to her. But before I say a thing she bumps into me and raises her head, startled.

"I'm so....sorry," she says and a swirl of emotions go up on her face as she gazes up into my eyes.

"Umm...I gotta go" she says, almost like a whisper just as another voice shouts from the car.


Kara.. so that's her name...

"Hey...Wait a second..." I say as I see her walking away towards the car. I catch her wrist, pulling her close, and whisper in her ear,

"So...you enjoyed the show?"

"Ummm... I'm gonna be late for school" She blurts out as panic flits across her face. She frees her hand from my grip, jumps into the car, and speeds out before I can say another word.

Well... Kara... You won't get off that easy or that soon...

I think a smile on my face as I get on my bike and drive towards school.