Ch3. Sapphire Newcomer

YeonA's POV

Three weeks later

Over the course of the three weeks that have gone by, things were still normal between Jungkook and I - we haven't had a full conversation but just exchanged a few words here and there.

So Monday morning came on the fourth week and I'm already waiting for my Criminal Justice professor to enter the classroom.

"I heard there's a new girl."

A couple besides us begin to talk about the new supposedly female student that the sophomore class will be having.

After a few more whispers are made, the door opens to reveal our professor, Mr. Simmons, and a female with dashingly good looking sapphire hair. "Class, meet your new student."

"Hello," the female bows, making sure to boost her hair, "my name is Lee Mihyeon, Minah for short." She smiles at everyone, and when her eyes stop on the person besides me, her smile widens and her eyes linger.

"You can choose any empty spots," she nods her head and goes to the one right in front of me, sitting next to the quietest boy on campus.

With confident strides and the sways from her hips, she makes saunters over to the empty seat, her hungry eyes never leaving the man besides me, who pays no attention at all. This doesn't seem to tick her off, if any her smile widens to a smirk and her eyes narrow in only at him.

A laugh rumbles inside of me, so I keep it in by turning my head the opposite way. When she plops down, her action releases a strong smell of a perfume that's rich and luxurious in smell. Something only the wealthy can afford.

As the teacher starts the lesson, the newcomer turns around and glances directly at the man diagonal from her. "Can you help me? I don't know what we're doing in this class."

"We're learning about criminology," Jungkook answers without showing any emotion in his voice. He has a blank expression on his face as he looks up, continuing to lesson to the professor.

"Thanks," Mihyeon, Minah, beams with a bright and energetic smile before turning back around to listen to the professor.


The class finally ends and I'm packing up my stuff when I stop in my tracks when I hear that deep yet high pitched voice. "Can you show me where my classes are?" I look up to notice Minah standing in front of Jungkook, who looks like he came out from a zombie movie - still showing no emotions at all.

"Your next two classes are in the C building on the second floor. You then have lunch which is on the building besides this one. Your fifth class is in the A building in the basement. Sixth is behind the cafeteria, and seventh is besides your basement class. Eighth and ninth are both in the E building. Anything else?"

Her face shows obvious signs of confusion, but Jungkook just ignores it as he rounds her and exits the classroom. She blinks three times before exiting as well and disappearing among the crowd out in the hallways.

I let out a soft sigh and exit the classroom. Next is Pre-A-P Algebra, one I ultimately despise these days - you'll know why soon.