
My name is john charles. I'm a 19 year old High School graduate with no plans for the future. I'm mostly just over the world and society that we live in, but none of that matters now.

My mom convinced me to get a job and I was on my way to the interview. Key word "was". As I was driving my pickup, my brakes stopped working. I was trying to slow down but ended up running a red light and getting hit by a cemitruck. I was crushed underneath it and died instantly.

At first, I am surrounded by complete darkness, completely aware but unable to feel anything. I try to scream, but I can't even hear my own voice. As I am thinking this is it, this is all that's left for me, I become blinded by a bright light.

When my vision clears, I see I am in a white room with an elderly gentlemen standing in front of me. "Hello John, I would like to apologize to you for your abrupt demise. You see you were not meant to die today as that is a mishap on my part. I read the paperwork wrong and caused your death, I'm terribly sorry."

*Great, I was killed by a clumsy god.well this sucks* I think to myself." Yes I am a clumsy fool, just as you say. Can you please forgive me."*!!! Wait, you can understand me?!* " Well of course I can, I am god after all."

*Well that does make sense, but, what do I do now* "Well now I am going to compensate you for my mistake by allowing you ti be reborn in another world" he said.*Wait, what do you mean another world? Can I not return to my world?* " Unfortunately no, as you see I cannot allow a soul to return to a world it had just died in. That would cause some issues with your soul and cause it to implode you see." he said.* I see, so what world can I go to* " Any world you want."* Really? In that case I want to go to the star wars world. If at all possible, can it be 15 years before the blockade of naboo.* " Why certainly, I just need to finish the compensation by giving you your 3 wishes and finalise the location and backstory."

*Backstory huh. Well I would like to be born on Mandalore as the heir to my own clan. The clan name is to be Clan Spartan, named after the spartans of my history. as for my wishes:

1.) I want a body type equivalent to that of spartan 117 from halo

2.) I want a mid equivalent to that of an advanced AI that is capable of learning and evolving at a fast pace

3.)I want to be capable of using a power similar to that of the force while also being a wound in the force to be able to counter all force users

That's pretty much it*

"Very well, that can be arranged. Also before you leave I will be giving you a guide so that you will be able to survive more easily. At the same time I may be throwing a few obstacles in your way so that you don't become complacent. Have a safe trip." with that he snaps his fingers and everything goes black again.