year 1 birthplace

*Again with this CRAP!!!* I think to myself about the current events as I float in darkness again. I try to get a hold of myself as I am extremely excited for the upcoming events.

As I contemplate, everything around me begins to move. It feels weird as I can actually feel my body, but, it doesn't feel like me. I see a bright light and for some reason I am drawn to it. Moments later I arrive beyond the light to see.... A DROID!!

I try to yell but when I do"WhaAa..whaaA" I sound like an infant. It was then that I remember that I was being reborn as a baby, not just popping out of nowhere as a man. "Zora Torriel... it's a boy... congratulations."spoke the droid. "Would you like to hold the child?" "Yes, give him to me." The droid takes me to a beautiful woman, who I assume is my mother. I look at her, she has hazel brown hair and light blue eyes. She looks exhausted.

Just as everything is quiet someone bursts through the door. " Honey are you alright is the baby okay. I came as fast as I could." " Calm yourself Jobbo, I am alright, and our baby boy is safe." My mother says. I assume the large man is my father. "A boy, I have a son, Hahaa. This is. joyous day." "What shall we name him love."

"We shall name after my grandfather, Thaxon... Thaxon Torriel." My falther says. after all the excitement the droid takes me into a pod to be examined. "Doesn't he seem a bit large for a baby" father asks the droid. after the examination the droid says" The child is healthy but a mutation has occurred." my father and mother looks at me, a bit worried " What does that mean droid? will he be alright?" mother asks. " The child's muscles and bone seem to be stronger and as a result your child is slightly large than normal. Other than this the child is fine and is not in any immediate danger... I suggest regular check ups to be sure." as the droid explains my parents sigh in relief and after further explanation a hint of pride can be seen on their faces.

They decide for us to rest for the night to be discharged in the morning. As I attempt to rest I hear something. DING. ( synchronization at 100%. System ready for use) * Wait , what? System? What are you?*

( I am the system guide. I am here to assist you )* That's right. God said there would be a guide. Is that you?* ( Correct) why does he sound like SAM from mass effect andromeda. *What is your function System?*

( My functions involve giving quests and helping you earn points. you can use these points to buy knowledge of all kinds from any universe in the shop) * Okay system, can i see the shop* DING. after I asked, a translucent screen appeared in front of me. The screen listed numerous forms of knowledge and blueprints of all kinds from many different universes. one that caught my eve was the one I was looking for.

*System, what's my current balance?* ( your current balance is 500 points host) It seems I have exactly the right amount.*System, how can I earn points* (The host can earn points by completing quests, defeating enemies, and inventing new technologies) well that makes sense. I guess all I can do now is buy it. DING. (Purchasing... basic force knowledge... downloading)

As I hear the notification, immense amounts of knowledge flows into my mind. Force meditation, force manipulation, force push, force pull.DING.( Update. New quest acquired. complete basic force training: 1000 points) Interesting, it seems the moment I gained the knowledge aI triggered this quest. 1000 points too, I'm gonna need that.