
*Before I do anything, can I change your name? It would be awkward for me to refer to you as system all the time.* (Of Course host, you can name me whatever you like.) * Sweet, alright I'm gonna call you SAM. Oh and please don't call me host, my new name is Thaxon.* (Of course Thaxon) Now that this is out of the way, I should get started on that quest.

I close my eyes and begin to meditate. I try my best to feel something that resembles what I remember from the movies. for an hour or two I felt nothing and just as I was about to give up, I felt it. It was faint but it was still there.

DING. (Congratulations Thaxon, you have now unlocked META FORCE. Would you like to see your status?) * Wait, I have a status? And what is META FORCE?* (Yes you have a status, and the META FORCE is a power similar to that of the Force. This power is directly tied to your soul and is at the moment very weak.)

*How do I improve my META FORCE?* (You can improve your META FORCE by increasing its influence in this world. you can do this by meditating on worlds until it completely encompasses it. The more worlds encompassed by you the more powerful you will become.)

Okay so that just means I need to meditate more. At least I'm still an infant that has nothing better to do. For now I think I will just sleep for the rest of the night. I begin to close my eyes in anticipation for the days to come.

The next morning, both me and my mother are discharged from the hospital and make our way home. Our home is an enormous mansion style home with flags that hold our house symbol, a shield with two beskad crossing it ~Think the one from halo~. we make our way inside to be surrounded by staff and many other family members that came to greet us.

After the excitement my mother takes me to my room and lays me in my crip. She leaves the room with a nanny droid to take care of me. Now that I'm alone, sort of , I can begin meditating to envelope my first target, Mandalore.

A few weeks go by and seem to only be able to envelope 1/3 of the world. The more it envelopes the more of it I can feel. I'm 3 weeks old and I have been quiet most of the time. this starts to worry my parents so they take me for a chech up.

At the hospital I am being examined once again. this time, they begin scanning my brain to check if I have a disorder. "Is my baby alright Doctor?" my mother asks. A man wearing a white outfit speaks." You son is more than alright, he is extraordinary. His brain wave pattern indicates that he is extremely intelligent, so much so that he will probably learn to speak within a month." shock can be seen on both of my parents faces.

The doctor on the other hand is brimming with excitement at this new discovery. " Your son seems to have more mutations that we weren't aware of before. It's nothing life threatening but it also makes your son extremely special. I would like to take some blood samples and more brain scans to examine if that is alright."

My parents look at each other in relief and then nod to the doctor. With that I undergo several tests and give blood samples and such. Afterwards the doctor sends us on our way so that he can begin his research. We arrive home and this time my parents won't let me out of their sights, it seems that they are still a little worried.