
Before I began the expedition to start the secret base, I sent a present to every republic senator. Each one got themselves the latest model of assistant AI, a floating orn with a singular reticle. This is mostly to gather information on the senators, especially Sheev Palpatine, while masking as a form of self promotion.

they also get discounts on software and hardware updates. They can customize and name them however they like. I also plan on doing this to either blackmail or expose certain senators of their corruption.

I also sent an army of mosquito bots to follow and spy on them incase they don't use the AI. With that out of the way I sent the first wave of ships full of resources and construction bots. It will take at least a month for them to get to their destination and another month to finish construction of the gate.

It will be a year before my facilities on the chosen planet to be finished and self sufficient. The planet chosen is a red planet with mountains all over. It's the perfect cover if anyone decides to go exploring. All anyone would see are a bunch of mountains.

During my time waiting for everything to settle I'll be focusing on my force training and making new blueprints and focusing on new branches for my company. I also asked my father for for training in combat.

Mother disagreed due to my age but I told her that my physique makes me stronger and I also look older than my own age. Plus my intelligence makes more mature than most adults. Father agreed but he was too busy to do it himself so he got an old friend of his to do it.

The next day we were greeted by an old gruff looking mando that was armored from head to toe and armed to the teeth. " Hello there little pup, my name Zev. I'll be your trainer from here on." he said." Hello uncle Zev." he looked at me a few moments, I think he's still finding it hard to believe I'm three years old.

"Now listen up pup, I'm not gonna go easy on ya just because you're my brothers son. The trainer is gonna be tough, tougher than anything your gonna see in any academy. Are you sure you want this."

With no hesitation I said." I'm a Mandalorian, I'm more sure than anything." "Haahaa ha, pups got bite that's for sure. You're definitely your fathers son. Lets go to the training room then."

With that my training began, and it was the worst thing that I had ever done in both of my lives. He first starts with physical exercise, to the extreme. I'm a kriffing three year old even if I have the body type of a spartan, This crap is gonna kill me.

We spent a good portion of the month getting my physical training up. Then he decided that we should spar so that he could see what he was working with. I'm kriffing three, and he's a six foot tall mando that looks like he could crush a b1 battle droid with his bare hands.