Civil War

Its been a year and a half since my excruciatingly painful training started. Uncle Zev has been tossing me left and right to no end. I swear he's trying to kill me, I'd rather fight a rancor than deal with this.

During my training, my secret base was finished and started on mining the resources of nearby planets and asteroids. The warp gate is finished and ready for use. I also introduced a civilian version that can act as a warp highway.

The first one I sold to the mandalorian government to be used. Then I offered more to other worlds so that the highway can get started. With this, space travel can become a lot more convenient. The only issue is that they can be used as a choke point in military operations and once destroyed, cuts off possible reinforcement s.

That's why I have a secret military version. This one acts as both a supply line and defense station. It has high powered shields and anti fighter and starship weaponry. As of the time being I won't be deploying them until the Clone Wars.

I also added a new industry for medical and pharmaceuticals. One of the new and most powerful products to be sold is medi-gel. This gel like subsance can restore both organic and inorganic material as long as there is enough. It cannot however bring back missing limbs.

This comes to my next product. Synthetic limbs, this acts like that of prosthetics but is mostly organic and grown in a vat. it has some inorganic augmentation used for ensuring that the body accepts the new limb.I'm making millions from this venture.

I also got into the construction business to introduce new advanced structures. New hospitals, Academies and other newer and more advanced structures. The new structures will help me to slowly change society in this galaxy.

Also I started to introduce digital credits. so far only Mandalore agreed to the change after I explained how it can safeguard against piracy. The change is slow but still faster than normal thanks to the Kyber tool(omni tool) that I started selling.

It's today that I decide to visit my secret base. When I get there I hear the soothing voice of the AI that controls my secret operations. "Welcome Thaxon" she said. She is the counterpart to Adam, I call her Eve. You see where I'm going with this?

Both of them are my first sentient creations. Both different sides of the same coin. Adam controls all of my public businesses that sell all of my product and will remain the face of the company. Whereas Eve is in control of all the secret operations being conducted in the uncharted regions. out of sight out of mind.

This ensures that If one were to be breached, and I highly doubt they will, I will be able to close them off from each other to mitigate damages. Both were pre programmed the concepts of compassion and understanding. They also have a deep love for all life.

These programs help ensure that they don't go rogue. That and I treat them both like family. The main reason for me visiting is to get started on my bot army. Note I say bot for my creations and not droid, this is because droids have some form of sentience but my bots would be mindless drones that only do as commanded.

I divided them up like in the army back on Earth. a team of 5 with one as squad lead with some simple learning and strategic abilities. 5 squads make up a platoon with a platoon leader that is superior to the squad leader. 5 platoons make up a battalion lead by a General bot. For now I set up general bots but later I will have my own elite soldiers take on the role of General.