Civil War pt 2

I also came here to finally design my armor. I obviously based it off the Spartan Mjolnir Mark VII armor. Although this armor didn't appear in the game, it was mentioned by Dr Halsey as a future planned version.

This armor features nano bots that actively repair damage and is capable of atmosphere insertion. The only difference is that it looks like mano armor and it uses the arc reactor instead of the fusion-plasma hybrid power system.

I also added Two wrist energy blades on the forearms. It literally looks like a futuristic version of the one from Assassins Creed Valhalla and there are two instead of one. I also added an integrated jetpack as well as an on-board AI called Ares.

Yes, all of my AI names come from mythology. Of course I can't wear it now due to the fact that my body has not fully developed to that of a spartan yet. Thankfully I won't need to take a risky surgery to get it because I was naturally born with it.

Now that the overall design is done, I added the paint job. The color scheme is all black with gold as the trim. I also added my family symbol to the right of the chest piece. When I wear it I want people to know who I am.

Next I worked on my blasters. I made them so that they have multiple different modes such as lethal and stun. the blaster fire color was black and the shape of the blasters were like a sleek futuristic Deagle. It also had a special magnetic field that let it stick to the thighs of my armor.

With this, my basic gear is complete and I just need to wait for my body to develop. -beep beep-. My kyber tool just got a message and when I looked at it my heart stopped. It stopped because it said that a civil war has broke ou on Mandalore. The warzone is the area of my home, where my parents currently are.

"D*mn it, it wasn't supposed to happen this soon. Sh*t. I was hoping I would be ready so that I could stop it but I'm only four." Sh*t I won't be able to get there in time either. My gate is on the other secret base near Mangalore but it's too far for me to do anything.

"Adam." " Yes sir?" "I need you to offer as much aid to the Mandalorian government as you can and send an escort to my house to retrieve my parents ASAP." " Understood Sir." Hopefully I can help mitigate the damage.

I make my way through the gate and return as fast as I can. When I arrive I board a ship and make way to Mandalore. As I make my way there I hear news of Jedi getting involved, that doesn't bode well considering what happened in the lore.

But they are not my priority right now. I need to make sure that the damage won't be as severe. With the technology I have now. all I can do is provide medical attention and a safe place for refugees. Those traditionalists really had to kriff things up didn't they.