Civil War pt 3

By the Time I make it, entry to the planet is blocked and I can see fire and destruction from orbit. The only thing I can do is watch and wait. Due to the fact that my influence covers Mandalore I can sense the thousands that are dying.

I decide to return to my room and meditate so that I can try to sense my parents, but what I sense is nothing. Almost as if there is nothing to sense. I hope what I sense isn't true, I hope that they are alright. But I know the truth, tho I still can't believe it.

Not long later I get a message that the escorts arrived at my house only to find rubble. My parents are nowhere to be found. I knew what this meant, They're gone. D*mn it, why did it happen today.

The civil war wasn't supposed to happen till 5 years later. What caused it to change, why? Did something happen, or was I just wrong. D* mn it.

I try to contact Uncle Zev but he's not answering. Of all the times he doesn't wear his kyber tool. I keep telling him to keep it with him at all times. Where the kriff is he.

I sit there waiting for news and, well, anything. I decide to watch the holo net to see if anything happens. And as of answering my prayers some news shows. On screen I see a man in mandalorian armor wearing death watch colors.

"Mandalore, today I come to you to ask that those that wish for pacifism to surrender themselves. For those who want to betray our very ideals, our culture." Why does he sound familiar." Today we warriors have had enough of the lies that are being spread. Today we fight to go back to our old ways." The mandalorian slowly takes off his helmet and when he does, I become shocked." I Pre Vizla, shall lead us to the future we deserve." " Uncle Zev?! No no no no!" What goes further is the sets of demands and a series of names on their hit list, my parents included.

When they were done everything went off. I stand there starring at the screen. If someone else was in the room with me they would be suffocating under the anger that I was emanating. The force around me was lashing out at the walls and furniture in my room. The entire ship began to tremble.

After a few minutes of brooding my anger weakens and I calm myself. I make my way to the bridge and set coordinates. I set it to return to the gate. As the ship enters hyperspace I sit there and stare out at the sea of light. I wonder why, why of all people, it was him.

I know what he did, but I don't understand why. Why did he kill them. Why my parents. He was my fathers brother in arms so why. I don't know but I WILL find out.