Bounty Hunter pt 2

Jango Fett pov

This strange kid tossed me a data pad and tells me to follow. I follow him to a hanger bay that is completely empty, or I thought it was empty at least. As we get closer to the center of the hanger an enormous ship appears from what seemed out of nowhere.

The ship was a sleek black with gold trim and no windows. There are several turrets on the fore and aft of the ship as well as twin cannons on the nose. As we approach the ships boarding ramp opens and the inside looks clean and bright.

The kid leads me to what I'm guessing is the ship controls and speaks. "Eve, please set a course to the nearest bounty hunter guild, we need to make a drop off." " Yes sir, setting course now. We will arrive in approximately 5 hours and 33 minutes." "Thank you Eve."

If it weren't for the fact that the galaxy map showed us moving I wouldn't have known. The engines make no noise and I feel no movement from the ship." Where did you get this ship?" I ask. He looks at me with a cheeky grin and says." I built it. Now follow me to the kitchen so we can go over the data on that pad I gave you."

We make our way through a short corridor into a room that I assume is the kitchen. we sit at a round table and I open the pad. In the pad, a description of all deathwatch exiles and locations are revealed, my sister Arla Fett is among them."How did you get this, and why is my sister a deathwatch exile?"

Thaxon Torriel pov

"I have ways of spying on deathwatch and many more. As to why your sister is among them, they brainwashed her you see. She truly believes that they are the saviors." Jango looks at me for a while and I can tell he wants to smash something.

"I can help you get your sister back but I will need your loyalty in return." " Agreed" He says immediately." That was fast. Are you not gonna ask if I have an agenda or what if I would hurt you and your sister or something?" I ask"Nope. She's my sister and if you say you will help then I'm all in. Besides, your Thaxon Torriel, Last of clan Spartan. Your family is considered one of the most honorable of Mandalore."

Honestly I thought he would need more convincing but I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth."All right, after we get your bounty dealt with I'll take you to my base to get you better equipped." "What's wrong with my equipment?"he asks."Do you really want to compare yours to mine."

He pauses for a few seconds and shakes his head" No, I suppose not. Your equipment is obviously better than mine." I smile and we make our ways to the crew quarters. "It will be a while before we get there so you might as well get comfortable."