Getting Ready

"Hey Jango, we're almost at the gate lets go." After dropping off the bounty, me and Jango make our way to HQ so that he can get geared up and ready for the OP. The room door opens with a sleepy Fett walking out.

"You still haven't told me where this HQ of yours is." Jango asks as he takes a seat in the control room. "We are headed to the uncharted region. My base is set up there away from prying eyes." We arrive at the gate and I apply my backdoor code that lets me use any gate to travel to and from my base.

We make our way through moments later and we begin our decent to the planet. We arrive in the hanger and step out to see an army of worker bots and several patrolling security bots moving around.[whistle]"You've quite the Headquarters. You also seem to have an army of droids, what's the point of recruiting me then?"

"First of all, they're bots not droids. droids have form of sentience, whereas my bots don't. Second, I recruited you because bots don't have instincts nor can they be creative in situations that require it. I plan on making all my officers living people."

"Okay, that does make some sense, but why have an army at all?" Jango asks. " The point of an army is to be a deterrent. My army will be used to protect the systems that the Republic neglects." I lead him to the armory to show him the new gear.

I press a panel and a glass container opens to reveal another set of Mjolnir Mark VII armor. The only thing is that it's not customized yet."This will be your new armor, please take and customize this armor as you see fit." During my time training I found a way to eliminate the strain on the body found from traditional spartan armor.

By using a new material I invented called Nano Liquid Beskar I was able to make the armor more flexible and safe for those who haven't been augmented." Oh and when your done, the weapons locker is over there on the other side. Please feel free to use the training room next door to familiarize yourself with your new gear."

Jango looks like he's getting the best gift he'll ever get for the rest of his life."Don't tell me you built all of this." "That's right, everything you see was invented by yours truly. Now hurry up, we need to get your sister remember." He nods and gets to work on his new gear, familiarizing and customizing how he sees fit.

It doesn't take long for him to finish. He changed the color of his armor to dark green and added a flamethrower to his left arm. On his right is a energy blade like my own. He grabbed a semi auto rifle and Deagle blaster. He and I make our way to the ship and set our coordinates for Mandalores moon.