Arla Fett pt 2

"Jango! Jangoo! Let me out of here! Jango? I know you can here me." Arla continues to yell in her cell as we watch her through the cams." What do I do Thax? every time I try to talk to her she yells at me. She keeps claiming how deathwatch will save us all and how I should return with her." Jango looks dejected watching his sister.

"You know I've been watching deathwatchs illegal activities since they were exiled right? I even have recordings of them selling drugs and dealing with slavery and the such." Even though I could have shown this the first time, I enjoyed watching Jango get chewed out by his sister.

Jango glares at me and says" Why didn't you tell me that before!?" "You didn't ask? Okay, okay heres the recordings and all the other things I've kept track of." I hand him a drive that connects to the cell holo screen.

Jango leaves to speak with Arla while I watch through the cams."There you are Jango, now let me out and we can..." " No sister. You need to see the truth." Jango inserts the drive and the videos play./Pre Vizla: "What the sales on spice?" Random henchman: "Sales have gone up and we started spreading to the inner ring." Pre Vizla: "Good, good. We can use the funds to prepare for another attempt. And the what of the deal with the hutts?" Random henchman:" A deal has been secured and we are sending men to secure the new product as we speak." Pre Vizla:" Whatever we need to fund this war."\ The video ends and Jango pulls up a series of accounts involving drugs, slavery and a bunch of other things deathwatch are sticking their hands in.

As the holo closes Arla stares at the wall in disbelief. " Now do you believe me. I am your brother Arla, I would never lie to you." Arla continues to stare at the wall. A moment of silence later." That's not right, Pre Vizla said we would go back to the old ways. This can't be true." " Oh but it is, and don't forget assassination on the list either." I say as I walk in.

"Who's this kid?" I wish I wore my helmet, I may be tall but I still have the face of a 9 year old." This is Thaxon Torriel, son of Jobo Torriel and last of the Spartan clan." Jango says." Isn't he supposed to be dead?" " I was off world when the civil war started so no. And if your wondering why I haven't revealed myself well, people would try to get in my way if I did."

"Why do you say assassination?" buts in Jango. Arla looks up too." Because Vizla bombed my house with my parents still inside." Both of them are silent now. " Well no need to wallow on things now. Arla, deathwatch is nothing but a group of thugs, murderers and slavers. Are you still inclined to serve them, even after we've shown you proof?" Arla stares off for a moment." And how do I know your telling the truth." I stare at her and pull oit my blaster."Hey Thax, what are you doing!?" I ignore Jango and place the blaster on the table.

"If I'm lying, you can kill me yourself." The air gets tense, Arla stares at me even deeper. Jangos eyes shift between us and is about to say something but Arla reaches for the blaster." If your lying... then I won't need a blaster." She hands me the blaster and smirks.