
" So oh great and powerful leader, what do we do first" Arla says." I am great and powerful aren't I, hehe. That aside I'll need Jango to go out there and recruit as many clanless mandalorians as he can whilst also making a name for himself as a bounty hunter." Jango nods and remains silent." Arla, when Jango sends the new recruits to the HQ I'll need you to fill them in on what they are meant to be doing and organize them into the army." " So what's the army for?" asks Arla. " If we're gonna disrupt Vizlas operations then we'll need our own forces to keep up with theirs."

"I'll be busy dealing with some things of my own and am gonna rely on you two to build the army while I'm out and about." I say as I lead them to the main control room. We pass by several patrolling bots on our way there." I noticed the droids everywhere. If you need an army why not make more of them?" asks Arla.

" Ughh, First they are not droids, they are bots. Second, they don't have battle instinct. Besides, I decided it to be best if I make them the security force of the army as well as battleship crews. I need foot soldiers made of flesh because I trust them to get the job done." Plus it will make me a bigger candidate for Mandalore.

We arrive at the control room and I guide Arla to a large battle table." This room is where all of our coordination will come from. You Arla will be in charge as the chief commander of all operations second to me." Arla nearly tripped when she heard that.

" You want me in charge!?." Ha, the look on her face. "Yes, I need competent leaders and someone who can organize things when I'm gone. Also there are battleship and fighter drone designs awaiting mass production, I'll need you to make me a fleet." I can see her sweating and eyes twitching.

"If I make any new blueprints I'll send them to you to build at your discretion. I'm going out there to build a reputation as Kyber. Oh and if you need any extra help with public issues you can ask my other AI that runs Kyber Enterprises." That one knocked the both of them of the rocker. "You run Kyber Enterprises!?" They both exclaim. "Is that really much of a surprise?"

"Hey Jango, catch." I toss a digital key card at him. " What's this?" " It's the access card for your new ship in hanger 3." I say as I walk to my ship in hanger 2. Now that I got them working on the boring stuff, I'm gonna go have some fun.

There are a few pirates near the mid outer ring that I owe a visit to. While I'm at it I'll finish training with the Meta Force.