New Discoveries

I'm sitting in the training room of my ship while traveling through hyperspace. I'm trying to focus all my energy on a small device sitting in front of me. Over the past month I have been Hunting pirates and high bounty criminals as well as freeing thousands of slaves.

Between trips I have been practicing my Meta Force and have also been meditating on several planets to increase my influence. So far I have finally finished the basic force training quest. I can use the force on equal grounds with a jedi knight.

Ding( Congratulations on discovering the Matrix device.) "Finally, I've been doing this for hours. Now that I know how to do it it'll only take a few minutes." The device I just made has been a pet project of mine since realizing how much a waste of time meditating is.

The Matrix will help me spread my influence without me having to be on the planet myself. By combining my force energy with a transmitter I can slowly spread influence. Although it would take a few months longer because it won't come from the source of the influence.

I plan on completely automating my spread of influence by building several devices and putting them in a probe. The probe is designed to enter a system from hyperspace and travel to each planet in the system to launch the devices from orbit.

I also received and update from Arla that the first batch of recruits have arrived and are being organized into their teams. They should be battle ready by the end of the week.

I sent her new blueprints for something I've been wanting for a while. It's the iconic power armor from the game Anthem. "The Javalins", of course I only have the Ranger and the Collossus versions and I added my own customization to them.

Obviously the first thing I did was make them more Mandalorian with solid black and gold accents. The main reason I wanted them was so that I can have a mobile artillery unit. I can attach miniguns, mortars ect.

With these new units I can eliminate the need for tank units. Plus I think it would be cool to fly around like Iron Man. I also designed new weapons such as personal combat hover drones that were inspired by the forerunners from Halo 4. I also created several deployable shields.

I've not been neglecting my Meta Force. I learned to wield lightning and pyromancy. I can even emit an aura that causes those around me to feel pressure fear. I learned battle meditation but I don't think I'll ever use it because of how much strain it puts on me.

Thanks to the fact that I have a golden world in the system of my HQ I was able to send most of the freed slaves that chose to join me there. A large and beautiful city is being constructed. The city will be powered by a large Deca Arc Reactor and will be completely environment friendly. The city structures will be a color scheme of gold black and silver. The first city I will ever construct and I already have a name lined up. ASGARD.*original I Know*