The Padawan

Shili pov

I sit here in my cage and meditate. Ever since these pirates killed my master and captured me this is all I can do. These pirates attached a color to me that sends shocks to my brain every time I try to use the force.

We were on a mission to rescue some corellian officials taken for ransom. My master and I made our way onboard and were ambushed. They surrounded us and used Tesla weaponry on us. The shocks from the weapons overwhelmed my master and left me unconscious.

When I came too I was in this cell. I meditate and pray that I can get out of this. BANG. I open my eyes to see that my cell guard is on the floor, dead I assume. I sensed no immediate threat or life anywhere nearby.

Then, as if summoned, a man appears out of thin air. The man wore Mandalorian armor that is black with gold accents. The strangest thing about him is that I can't sense him at all. It's as if he doesn't even exist.

The man continues to stare at me as if contemplating something. He opens my cage and removes my color. "Follow me if you want to live" he says. I do as he asks. I don't know why but I felt compelled to follow him.

Thaxon pov

After dispatching the crew silently I make my way through the rest of the ship to search for anything valuable. I made my way to the Captains Quarters and access his terminal. The terminal tells of how these pirates managed to kill a Jedi Master and take his padawan.

The terminal also contains a catalogue of all the valuables that were stolen where it was kept as well as several stash locations. I download everything and then scrub the terminal of all data. I then activate the beacon for the local authorities to locate as agreed on the contract.

As I make my way to the door I notice 2 lightsabers on the edge of the bunk. I grab them and head towards the brig. When I get there I see a guard standing in the middle of the hallway. I move closer and activate my arm blades. The guard falls to the floor with a thud.

when I look towards the forcefield blocked room I see a young Nautolan female staring at the dead guard. I deactivate my cloaking. I wonder if I should take her in as my student. If it works I get a new asset, but will it work.

The Jedi brainwash their padawans from childhood. I fear the indoctrination would be too much of an issue. Whatever I plan to do I need to get her out of here first." Follow me if you want to live" Yeah I said it, and it felt good too.

I used a bit of force manipulation to encourage her to follow so as to make things smoother. She follows me to the hanger and we board my ship. When we get inside she looks around in awe. I walk to the controls and set coordinates to coruscant.

I turn around to see the girl staring at me." Who are you?" The curiosity is practically oozing from her." My name's Kyber. And what's your name." Shili, just Shili. Where did you get this ship, it's amazing. How come I can't sense you through the force?" She asks as we walk down a hall. I open a door to the side and say." This is where you will be staying till we arrive at coruscant. Your free to go to the kitchen or recreation room but don't bother me or mess with anything, okay."

I obviously don't want to answer anything. I don't want her pestering me either." Before I go, here." I toss her both sabers I found and walk away. As I walk away I can hear her trying not to breakdown. Probably due to seeing her former masters saber.