
We exit the warp gate to see a planet covered in bright lights. I receive a holo call from the surface and am directed to a landing pad near the Jedi temple. When we land I go to the quarters and knock on the door.

Shili hasn't really left the room since she boarded."Hey Shili, we've arrived." I say through the door." I'm coming." The door opens and Shili walks out. We leave the ship and head to the temple. When we get there we are greeted by a little green you know who.

"Greetings Shili, sensed your arrival, I did." He said. " Who is this stranger." Shili bows" Greetings Master Yoda, I am glad to see you. This is Kyber, my rescuer." Yoda looks me up and down and glares a curious look. " What are you, sense you, I cannot."

I say nothing and turn around to walk away. Just as Yoda is out of my sights I start to get dander signals from the force. I activate my arm blade and face the incoming danger. My blade clashes with a short green lightsaber and I jump back a few feet only to get bombarded with continuous attacks from the saber.

Yoda and I trade swings at each other and are forced into a deadlock. I push Yoda away with the clash of our blades and leave a gap between us. The tension in the air between us rises as we stare at each other in our defensive stances until suddenly, Yod deactivates his saber.

"Hmmhmm, Interesting, you are." Yoda smiles and I deactivate my arm blade. We stare a little while longer and then are interrupted." Uhh, what just happened?" Shili looks to both of us awed and confused.

" Had fun, we did?" Yoda asks ignoring the padawan. " If you call trying to kill each other fun, then yeah." I turn back around and make my way back to my ship. I can feel Yodas eyes following me as I leave." Very interesting, indeed."

Yoda pov I watch as the stranger walks away. I could not sense his presence at all. It wasn't until he was gone from my view that I turned and began walking to the temple. Shili follows behind me and we discuss recent events.

We arrive at the council chambers where mace windu awaits." Master Windu, Much to discuss, we have."

Thaxon pov

"Well, my first encounter with Yoda was interesting." I didn't expect to see him so soon but at least he'll see me as a friend, I hope. I had planned on meeting him after the Naboo blockade so that I would be able to reveal Darth Sidious." Anyway, now that this is out of the way I had better get on to the next job."

I set coordinates for a planet in the middle ring and enter the gate. I'm gonna be busy for a while.