
Although it's been a few months since I met Yoda, I still can't get over the fact he was holding back. I need to get stronger or else I won't be able to face Sidius. My ship exits hyperspace and a large Green and blue planet comes into view. The closer I look at it the more I feel it looks familiar. I send probes and begin scanning the planet. After about an hour of scanning I have a holographic image of the planet.

" No way!?" My eyes widen and my heart beats into a panicked state." I can't believe it... it's Earth!?" What the H*LL!!! This is impossible, isn't Earth supposed to be in a galaxy far far away!? I know this is Earth because of the continent that was my home, America. Most specifically the pan handle Florida. I'd recognize this place anywhere.

I check the rest of the planets continents." Sure enough I see Europe, Asia, Africa , they're all there." What is going on here? I decide to remain in stealth mode as I approach. When I get closer I can see what looks to be buildings in the distance. I make my towards them into what was known as New York City. When I get there I see nothing but ruins. Although I did notice that the architecture and leftover tech seems to be far more advanced than anything I've seen in the galaxy.

I scan the buildings and find an energy current that leads underground. I send more probes to investigate while I try to open my communications. I contact Arla. " Hello Kyber, What's up?" she asks almost as if she is annoyed. " Sorry to disturb but I found a planet that seems to have been abandoned. The technology here is far mor advanced than anything I've seen. I'm sending you the coordinates, get an investigation team out here ASAP.". " Roger that, a team should be ready in a week." With that I close communications.

Of course I didn't tell her I recognized it, and I doubt she would believe me anyway. I decide to start scanning more of my surroundings to gain a better idea of the situation here. Over the hours I found many of the normal local wildlife such as Deer, rabbits, crows etc. The planet is exactly like the Earth I knew except no humans. After a while, the probes sent me a report saying that they found the source of the energy in what was known as the Pacific ocean.

I set my ship to head towards the coordinates and when I get there to my surprise I see an enormous Mega Structure in a circular shape. The structure is mostly under water so it's no surprise why it wasn't considered a continent given its size. If I had windows I would have seen it from space. Although the structure is extremely old, the tech involved is amazing. I don't know how it works but I can tell it's a massive generator considering this is where all the energy originates. At this point I think it's vest to wait for the team to arrive.