
At the college...

"Hey, what are you thinking.?" Saint patted Tommy's shoulder.

"Huh?" Tommy startled by Saint's action.

"For god shake Saint, what the hell are you doing?" Tommy asked his friend as he kept his right hand on his left side of the chest.

"Hahaha... did I scare you? You are so funny." Saint laughing at his friend.

"Yeah yeah laugh at me as much as you can." Tommy said casually.

"Hey, what happened? Are you in a bad mood or something?"

"Just now you understand that?" Tommy asked Saint with annoying sound.

"Sorry sorry. Please forgive your son dad." Saint cutely smiled at Tommy.

"Hehe... ok ok don't try to be act cute." No matter how sad or angry I am, one of his smile made me overcomes everything.

"Ok now spill, what's the problem? You can share anything to me."

"I know Saint. I am thinking about your doctor. And what he said last night."


"Yes, how many doctors do you have then? Don't interrupt me Saint." Tommy said irritably.

"Oh ok ok I won't."

"I am thinking about what he called me last night. What is he mean by FM? Also he said if I want to know I must ask his friend. I really hate that giraffe. How can I asked him? So frustrating. "

"Tommy calm down. Is this the reason you are thinking so much? If you don't want to ask him by yourself, I will be there with you. Don't worry we can ask them together next time ok?" Saint reassured his friend.

"Now let's heading to the class."

"But this is our free period. "

"So what? We can read books in the free period also."

"Hoi Saint are you sure you are 23 not 63? You always read books like my grandfather."

"You talk too much. Let's go." When Saint dragged his friend by his hand Tommy noticed something.

"I think, only I can get to the class."

"What are you talking about?"

"See who is coming?"

"P'Zee?" Saint mumbled and turned excitedly but his excitement turned in to dissapointment when he noticed the person.


"Always Zee. Was he cast a spell on you? I am so done with you." Tommy shook his head.

"Shut up Tommy. He will hear."

"Hello P'Saint, P'Tommy." Perth greeted the seniors.

"Hey bro, long time no see. You didn't even text me since the club night. OUCH..." Saint pinched Tommy's arm.

"What happened P'Tommy? Why are you screaming.?" Perth asked in confusion.

"Nothing, just an angry mosquito bit me. And... I have to read some books so I'll leave you two."

"What the hell Tommy? Where are you think you are going?" Saint angrily whispered at Tommy as he hold his arm.

"I don't want to be a third wheel." Tommy said as he winked at Perth. And Perth smiled at him as a respond.

"What third wheel huh? You are an ass you know that?" Saint said after noticed  their interactions.

"Hehe I know that." Tommy started to running from his friend after said that.

"What the.... jerk."  Saint stumbled a little by his friend's sudden action.

"Err P'Saint!!!" Perth hold Saint before he fell on to the ground.

"I am ok let go of me." Saint immediately freed himself from Perth .

"And what are you doing here? Don't you have a classes?"

"I have P'."

"Then what are you doing here? You shouldn't skip the class like this." Saint said with concern. Because he loves to study. He thought everyone should get education and it is the best thing in the world.

"Why P'? you care about me?" Perth asked as he slowly leaned on to Saint.

"I am not. And you don't have to come to this close." He made the latter stand straight by pushed him gently.

"Why ? Are you afraid of me?" Perth asked with a smirk on his face.

"Afraid? What am I afraid of? You talking too much. First tell me what are you doing here?"

"You forgot P'? I am here to follow your moves and you have to guide me."

"I didn't forget that. But what are you doing in this time. Don't you want to attend your class?"

"I want. But.... I wanted to meet you right now." Perth said as he pouted his face cutely.

"Why are you acting like this now?"

"How?" He asked as he kept his face close to Saint.

"Why do you like to be close to me like this?" Saint gently push the latter.

"Why P'? Have you feel anything?" Perth asked excitedly.

"Yes." Saint said as he annoyed by the opposite.

"Really? What do you feel."

"I feel irritated. "

"Aww, I am so sad now." He made puppy eyes and smiled at him.

"Don't act like an innocent you little... don't skip your classes anymore got it?"

"Sure." He nodded his head slowly and smiled at Saint.

"Why are you smiling? Come on let's just focus on your practice then. " Saint annoyed by the latter and insisted him to focus on his guidance.

2 hours passed...

"Awwwww..." Perth yawned and his stomach was growling.

"P'! I am so hungry and tired. Let's go eat something."

"I am not hungry. You can go if you want." Saint answerd as he immerse on the phone.

"P' it's not fun to eat alone. Come with me."

"Why are you suddenly so demanding? I said you can go." He said with the same position as before.

"P' you hate me that much?" Perth acted like he got sad.

"Why do you think like this?" The senior asked as he put his phone on sleep mode.

"Then why don't you pay attention to me?"

"Ok spill. What should I do now?"

"Really? Will you do if I ask anything?"

"Are you using my sympathy to lock me?"

"Hahaha..." Perth laughed like he succeeded because of his acting skills.

"You little...." Saint slapped the latter's head gently. When Saint took away his hand from Perth's head after slapped, the latter hold his hand instantly.

"Perth, what are you doing?" Saint stumbled a bit.

"..." Perth was looking into Saint's eyes in silence. He didn't speak a word and he was reducing their gap by pulled the latter slowly to him and Saint also hypnotized by Perth's eyes. He looked in to Perth's eyes anxiously. When there was only an inch gap between their faces Perth said "I really like you P' Saint. Can't you see it into my eyes?" In a soft tone more like whishper.

With his words suddenly Saint got goosebumps on his skin and came to his senses. After he realized what was going on there he immediately freed up his hand from Perth's hand.

"I.. I have to go." Saint grab his stuffs  and left the place immediately. And Perth couldn't stopped him. He only looked at Saint.

"Why don't you see my love P'? How could I prove myself to you, even when you aren't ready to see the love in front of you?" Perth talked to himself as he looking the hallway Saint left.

Saint's POV...

What happened to you Saint? Why didn't you stopped him in the first place? Why did you looking in his eyes like that? It's not right at all. He always gave me goosebumps through his words. I only have feelings for P'Zee. No one can make me feel like P'Zee do. I shouldn't let this happen.  I have to stop him before his feelings become stronger. 

When Saint was nagging himself about what happened earlier as he stuck on the classroom wall, he startled by his phone ranged. When he looked at the phone it showed a certain person's name and he smiled unknowingly and He turned on the video mode excitedly.

"Hello P'Zee." Saint greeted the certain person happily. But the opposite noticed something was fishy.

"Saint are you ok?" He asked straightforwardly.

"Why are you asking like that P'? I greeted you excitedly.  Didn't you see that?" He asked as he pouted his face cutely.

"Don't make that face Saint."

"Why P'?" Saint asked in confusion.

"Because.. I can't control myself."

"P' don't flirt with me right now. I am at the college remember?" Saint turned red by Zee's words and felt embarrassed.

"Ok ok jokes apart. Seriously you looked little weird today. Am I correct?"

Nobody understands me like you do P'. How can you do this? That's why I can't think of anyone beside you nor Perth. No matter how hard he tries he can't win me over you. Saint thought to himself when Zee calling his name.

"Saint are you ok? You are looking zoned out."

"No P'. I am ok."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes P' 100%." He showed an ok symbol to the latter.

"As long as you are ok I will be fine na."

"Er P', I also planned to call you."

"What is it Saint?"

"About that, I want to meet your friend P'Jimmy."

"Jimmy? Why do you want to meet him?"

"P' don't be jealous na. He is your friend after all." Saint teased Zee.

"I know. But when my boyfriend talk about another guy I would feel jealous. Even if he's my friend."

"Who is your boyfriend? I am not." Saint asked as he blushed by the embarrassment.

"If not, then why are you blushing?" Zee teased back Saint.

"Stop it P' don't tease nong na? I want to meet with you two anyway."

"Ok then, after my shift end I will be crash at Jimmy's apartment and it's mine too. He had no appointment today. Then I will pick you up on the way."

"It's ok P'. I will be there myself and send me his address and time too."

"Are you sure Saint?"

"Of course P'. Then I'll hang up now ok? I have to attend my last class."

"Hmm. I'll just hang up now jubbb.... and as for the rest I will do it later." Zee kissed through the phone and said with an evil smirk.

"You are an evil. I'll hang up now." Saint said with an embarrassing tone and immediately hung up the phone.

You always make my heart flutter . Were you cast a spell on me? Why my heart beat raising everytime I interact with you. When Saint thinking about Zee ,he got a message from his doctor. After he got the address he went straight to the class.

6.30 p.m at Jimmy's apartment...

"Are you sure? Is this the apartment?"

"You asked this question 48 times already. Just calm down Tommy. "

I never see him like this rushed before.  I don't know why is he so excited to over just a nick name. Or is he excited to meet the owner of this nick name?

"Saint what are you thinking.  Are we get in or not?"

"Yeah yeah let's heading in." After they entered in to the apartment they reached the lift.

"Which floor?"

"I think 4th floor." Tommy pressed the button of the floor they arrive.

Ding dong(doorbell)

Doctors pov...

Why isn't there any news channel? Is he watching entertainment channel only so boring.

While Jimmy prepared some snacks for them in the kitchen Zee turned on the tv to watch some news. But he couldn't found any beside entertainment channels. 

When he was changing the channel Zee heard the doorbell rang. So he left the remote at the table in front of him with random channel on the tv to open the door. There was a fashion show holding by one of the biggest Thailand companies. Men and women cat walked on the stage with their swimming suit theme costumes. 

When he opened the door, there were two persons standing in front of the door. He greeted them as he smiled at Saint.

"Come in please." Zee only looked at Saint as he invite them in and Saint also do the same while Tommy annoyed by the love birds.

"Ahem." Tommy cleared his throat by their annoyance. And they came to their senses immediately.

"Doc, are you trying to make my friend pregnant with your eyes?" He asked annoyingly as he pulled Saint to his side.

"You said come in then why are you blocking our way?"

Zee felt awkward by Tommy's words. And he moved from their way. Then they walked straight to the living room.

"Shia...." when they enter the living room Tommy caught up by something and yelled.

"What happened?" Saint and Zee asked simultaneously.

Then Tommy pointed at the TV to them. There were lots of men walking with only wearing tight underwears.  Saint closed his eyes with his hands like a child at the moment he saw that. And Zee widened his eyes and turned to see Saint.  But he already stood as he covered his eyes. Zee felt extremely embarrassing.  He couldn't even protest. He immediately turned off the TV instead of protest. Because he understood that Saint was not comfortable with it.

"Is This what every doctors watching or only you?" Tommy laughed at Zee.

"Err...."  Zee couldn't speak a word.

"Are you that kind of doctor?" Tommy slightly pushed the doctor by using his shoulder and he couldn't control his laughter.

"Tommy stop teasing him." Saint said as he giggled and bowed his head. And Zee noticed saint giggling, instantly  Zee's face turned red like a tomato. 

Zee you idiot, why are you left the TV on? Jimmy asshole you don't have any decent channels? Zee scolded jimmy and him in his thought while the juniors laughed at him. Zee looked at Saint like, you too. And Saint replied with his facial expression sorry P', but it's too hilarious. He couldn't hold his laugh anymore, so he burst out in laughter. While the juniors floated in laughter Zee could only felt the embarrassment.

"What is happening here?" While Zee looking for a help inside him, his friend entered the living room with snack bowls.

"Aww, ai shorty what are you doing here?" Jimmy surprised by his presence because they only know that Saint will come alone. And Zee felt little bit relief like his life saver arrived on time to rescue him from this awkward situation. 

"You asshole, my name is Tommy not shorty." The laughter Fade away. And the other two understood what would gonna happen. So Zee dragged Saint with him and left the place.

"But I can only call what is visible to my eyes." Jimmy said as he raised his brows.

"So I'll call you Eiffel Tower then." Tommy said as he measured their height differences with his hand.

"No no, I'll call you giraffe. Because I hate that herbivore.  It would suitable for you. Because it has long neck like you." Tommy tried to insult the owner of the apartment.

"I already told you, your insult won't affect me. Then why are you wasting your time..." Jimmy said as he brought his face too close to Tommy's. 

"Err...." Tommy stumbled by the latter's closeness and he couldn't looking away from his eyes.

"...FM?" Tommy came to his senses by the word FM.

"This, this word. What do you mean by that. This is the reason I came here."

"Don't tell me that....."

"Er yes. I came all the way here to find out the meaning, is it right Saint?" He turned to looking for his friend but there were no traces for their presence .

"Aww, where are they?"

"Do you just notice that hahah?" Jimmy burst in to laughter.

"Don't laugh at me. I didn't notice when they left. Where are they went?" His fiery face turned to sad face.

"Hey don't worry about your friend.  My friend won't eat your friend.  May be..... a little bit hehehe. " Jimmy giggled.

Tommy looked a bit sad and felt lonely without his friend. He lost his temper also. Then he stood still until Jimmy started the normal conversation.

"Hey shorty, come let's sit." Tommy frawn at Jimmy.

"Ah ah, I won't call you shorty. Come let's eat this snacks until they return. And... you want to watch any movies?"

"No. I am not in the mood and we have to leave now."

"But... we can watch 2 movies in the mean time. Because they won't return now." Jimmy said through the smile.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You will see." He giggled at him. And Jimmy turned on the TV.