Zee's promise 2

"P'Zee, why are you dragged me here?"

"What do you want me to do then? You want me to let you involve with their fight?"

"Why don't you convince them then?"

"Let them by themselves Saint.  Nothing would happen?

"How do you sure about this?"

"Hoooi Saint, can you concentrate about me for once? You always care about your friend. He is grown up. He can manage his problems." Zee said as he hold Saint's face with his both hands.

"I am sorry P'Zee." Saint pouted his face like he did something wrong.

"Hey why are you making that face? I am not scolding you?" He reassured Saint.

"But you are sad because of me." Saint pouted again.

Zee could only looked at Saint's face in silence.  He mesmerized by his beauty. His beautiful eyes, shiny pointed nose, attractive red plum lips and his milky white skin everything about him making Zee went crazy.

Every time when I looked at him I thought how a person could be this beautiful? Is he really a human being or what? Not only his appearance, his soul also as beautiful as him. How could Such a baby like him experienced such a hard times in his life. He couldn't bear it when I just acted sad. How could he bear it when his father died.  How can he handle everything on his own in his life.

I shouldn't let him experience loneliness in his life anymore. I won't let anyone hurt him . I will be his side whatever happens and I won't leave you Saint, I promise. You won't experience sadness anymore. 

"P'Zee, are you ok?" Saint waved his hand in front of Zee when he zoned out.

"Huh?" He came to his senses instantly.

"What are you thinking  P'?" Saint ask with a smile.

"Do you want to know what I am thinking now?" Zee changed his voice in to husky more like flirty.

"Hmm." Saint could only nodded his head.

"I am thinking about what your friend said the other day about your heart beat. Now the only two of us in this room. And I am this close to you, does your heart beating fast? Does your heart beat raising high?" Zee was taking his steps forward one by one and Saint taking his steps backward at the same time. But in the end the younger stopped by the wall. He stuck his back with the wall. He tried to escaped from Zee but the doctor locked him up with the wall between his both hands.

There was only an inch gap but Zee clear that gap also by glued his forehead and tip of his nose with the latter's. Now there was no gap between them.

"How is your heart beat right now Saint? Is it normal or abnormal. Can I check it.  I can find out it's normal or abnormal. " he said with a husky voice.

Saint couldn't contain himself. He felt like his heart popped out of his chest any minute. Zee's closeness made Saint shivering and he breathed heavily.

"P'..P'..Zee..." he wanted to run away, not because of he doesn't want to close with Zee. But he couldn't control his body trembling.

"Why are you calling my name Saint?" He asked with a fruity voice. When he asked the question, Saint looked in to his eyes with mixture feeling like fear with love. But Zee liked it so much. It made him more crazy about Saint. He couldn't resist himself anymore.

"Don't look at me like that Nong. You are making my situation even worse."

"P', you are the one who teasing me now. Please don't do this." Saint said with the trembling voice.

"All about you making me go crazy do you know that? Your eyes, your nose, your lips and your trembling voice makes me crazy above all else." Zee said to Saint with lust in his eyes.

P'Zee don't do this. Why are you so cruel to my heart? I can't take it anymore.  It's like I am gonna melt here right away. Why are you sweet talk with me like this? No one say anything like this to me ever. I am not get used to this. Saint cried out loud inside himself.

"Are you afraid of me Nong?" whenever Zee calls Saint nong it will make butterflies in his stomach. 

"P' Z...zee, it's a.....already l....late now. I...I should go." However Saint managed to escape from Zee but he immediately caught Saint's wrist and pull him toward himself. One of his hand was holding Saint's wrist at the same time another one wrapped around Saint's waist.  Then Zee started to kiss him passionately.  The sweetness of Saint's lips made Zee wanted to taste his tongue also.

So he give his Nong an order to open his mouth without breaking the kiss. But Saint resist to,more like teased to opened his mouth.

Are you teasing me darling? You won't open your mouth right? Zee thought to himself and tickled Saint. So immediately Saint opened his mouth by ticklish  to laugh and Zee used the chance to insert his tongue into Saint's mouth. He continued to kiss and tasted his Nong's sweet tongue.

Saint couldn't resist anymore. The warmth of their tongue made Saint fainted. So he started to kiss him back.

They were kissing in the middle of the bedroom, so Zee dragged Saint to bed without breaking their kiss and pushed the younger on the bed. After Saint fell on to the bed, Zee gently climbed on the latter.

Zee's eyes were overflowing by lust. But as for the other it was a lust with confused like isn't it too soon. But his heart beaten the brain. He lost himself to the doctor's love.

"Don't afraid of me Nong. Please trust me, I will never break your heart, I PROMISE." He wishpered at Saint's ear. Then started to kiss him from his forehead. He gently placed a kiss on his eyes, nose, cheeks. Then he reached his favourite place that Saint's rosy lips. When they passionately kissed each other Zee's hand was travelling under the youngster's white hoodie and his hand was exploring his body. Then he reached out the edge of Saint's pant's waist. When he tried to insert his hand into his pant, Saint immediately broke the kiss and pushed the doctor gently and sat properly. There was a little awkwardness raised.

"I....I am really sorry P'Zee." Saint apologized to Zee without looking him as he bowed his head.

"It...it's ok Nong Saint. I am the one who apologized to you. I have to learn to control myself when I am with you." Zee said as he smiled at Saint.

"P'... aren't you mad at me?" He asked awkwardly.

"No Saint, why would I be mad at you? I can't be mad at you even if  I want to." Zee said as he rubbed his Nong's head.

"I am sorry P', I am not get used to it. That's why when you....."

"It's ok it's ok, I can understand.  Take your time all you want. I will be wait until you are ready." He said as he caressed his cheek.

"Thank you for your understanding P'. In my lifetime nobody understand me like you do. Sometimes Tommy also act unreasonable."

"Hmm.. I am happy for being the first one. Just remember I won't let you down I promise.  Normally I am not the person who easily promise anything. Because I know I can't keep all the promise but for you and my brother you two are the first persons I promised something.  So I will keep my promise na?" Zee said with concern as he kissed Saint's forehead.

"Thank you P'Zee. I also very happy to know that I am the first person you promised beside your brother." He said as he smiled at him. For a minute they only looked at each other with love and suddenly Saint remembered something.

"Hoi!" Saint yelled as he thinking something. 

"Saint waht happened?" Zee got confused by Saint's sudden action.

"We totally forgot about our friends P'. Come let's go to the living room." Saint dragged Zee impatiently.

"Saint calm down please. Slowly." Zee warned Saint when he dragged by the younger. When they reached the bedroom door, Saint let go of the other's hand and opened it. He ran straight to the living room where they fought before. Zee ran after him.

"Saint why are you standing here?" Zee yelled at Saint who stood like statue while he followed Saint.

"Shhhhh P'Zee, calm down." Saint said as he covered the doctor's mouth.

"What?" He asked as his mouth had covered by Saint's hand.

"Look at them." Saint pointed at them.

When they arrived at the living room there was Tommy laying on Jimmy. He was sleeping peacefully. And Jimmy staring through the smile at Tommy as he caressed Tommy's hair gently. 

He enjoyed it very well while the other sleeping like a dead body. 

"What the hell is this?" Zee yelled at them as he laughed.

"P'Zee, what are you laughing at?" Saint hit Zee's arm gently. But he couldn't stop his laughing and Jimmy interrupted Zee.

"Shhhh, don't laugh Zee. Look at him, he is sleeping like a baby." He teased Tommy with his friend.

"P' Jimmy, you too?"

"Just look at him Saint. He looks absolutely a baby when he is sleeping.  But.... how can a person like him look like this?"

"What do you mean by a person like him?" Saint asked Jimmy with a little bit of angry.

"Ofcourse a bad mouth person. That's why I gave him a nickname."

"Yeah, just now I remember, what do you mean by FM? P'Zee didn't tell me." He said like a child as he pouted his lips.

"You don't understand yet?" He asked with a smirk. And he turned to Zee, he also laughed with Jimmy.

"He is literally a child like you said ai Zee. Such a cute child." He complemented Saint.

"Watch your mouth Jimmy. He is mine." Zee said as he gently pulled Saint by his side and wrapped his arm around his waist.

"Hoi hoi, I was just saying. Don't be a jealous bitch oi." He let out a sigh.

"Don't fight over me P'Zee. First tell me what is FM?"  Saint asked impatiently.

"Your friend is foul mouth Nong saint. That's why I gave him the name."

"So FM means Foul Mouthed?" Saint asked surprisingly.

"Hmm." Zee and Jimmy nodded simultaneously.

"May be my friend is a bit foul mouth person. But if you get to know him well you will not assign this name once again. He is really a good person."

"Hm let's see." Jimmy said as he shrugged his shoulder. 

"P'Zee it's already past 9. We have to leave now. P'Jimmy can you please wake him up?" Saint asked him politely.

"Yeah yeah sure.  I also wanted to wake him up." Jimmy said casually.

"But... it doesn't seem that you wanted to wake him up  when you hold him like that." Zee said with a smirk at Jimmy as if he teasing. 

"Zee you...."

"Please stop your fight. You don't need to wake him up. I'll do it myself." Saint said as he walked toward his friend.

"Tommy wake up." He shook his friend to wake him up from sleep.

"Hmm...." he let out a moan by sleepiness and opened his eyes slowly.  He felt like that the sofa seem weird. So he tilted his head a bit and he saw Jimmy smiling at him. An instant his eyes wide opened and pulled himself from him.

"What the f*ck did you do to me?" He yelled at the other.

"Hoi, I should be the one who get angry with you. Because you are the one who was leaning on me for almost one hour." He yelled back at him. And Saint understood it won't end if they kept doing this. So he wanted to interrupt them.

"Tommy come on. It's already late, we have to go come on." Saint dragged Tommy with him.

"But he didn't let me know the meaning of FM." He protested.

"He already told me. I'll tell you on the way, come on let's go." He dragged Tommy and wished the doctors good night.

"After you reach your room just let me know ok. Be careful on your way." Zee said as he patted Saint's head gently.

"Sure P'." he walked away as he nodded.

Zee was looking at them until they reach the lift. Saint turned and smiled at Zee and Zee did the same . After they entered the lift the doctor closed the door behind him.

"Spill the tea."

"What tea?"

"Don't pretend like you know nothing. What did you two doing for almost one hour? I want to know." Jimmy suddenly bossy around him.

"Busybody." Zee said casually.

"Yeah. I am a Busybody when it comes to you. You are my bestie. "

"But... I won't share it with you." Zee ran into his bedroom right away.

Actually the apartment belongs to Zee and Jimmy. They are sharing the apartment. It is luxury apartment. There are three bedrooms available.  Every room has in it's own bathroom. Zee liked the atmosphere very much there. But sometimes he spend the night with his brother. It's close to his work also.

"Hey, bastard Zee. I won't leave you until you tell me everything." He yelled at his friend.

Saint's POV...

"Why are you smiling?"  Tommy asked annoyingly.

"Why are you suddenly acting cold with me?"

"Since we leaving there, I am telling you about how much he annoyed me but you only smiling throughout the ride. What happened to you?" Tommy asked him irritably. 

"Ooh. I am really sorry. I shouldn't left you there with him." He apologized to him.

"It's alright leave it. But.... where did you went with him? I slept after waiting for you. The movie was so irritated. That's why I slept immediately. "

"Yeah yeah I saw that too. You were slept peacefully on his chest hehehe." Saint teased his friend. 

Like this, their whole ride went with teasing and laughing.