A Christmas Carol


Near a planet with a thick cloudy atmosphere and a lovely view of the Horse Head Nebula.

"Would all passengers please return to their seats and fasten their safety belts? We are experiencing slight turbulence." Someone on the speaker said.

Things are going Bang! on the bridge, which is strongly modelled on the Starship Enterprise.

"Both engines failed, and the storm-gate's critical. The ship is going down. Christmas is cancelled." The captain said.

"Entering atmosphere now. Level. Keep her level." The pilot said.

"Level with what? I can't see. What is that stuff?" The co-pilot asked.

"Clouds?" The captain asked.

"What kind of clouds?" The pilot asked.

Distress signals activated.

"Are you sending distress signals?" The captain asked.

"It's not me." The pilot said.

Locations: Honeymoon suite. Tea Time suite.

"Who is in the honeymoon and tea time suites?" The captain asked.

Amy enters, wearing her stripper policewoman outfit. Sayaka entered behind Amy wearing her magical girl outfit.

"We've sent for help." Sayaka said, her sword around her waist.

"Who the hell are the both of you?" The captain asked.

"Look, there are friends of our, okay? And they can help us. They'll come." Amy said.

"And what are the both of you wearing?" The captain asked.

"It doesn't matter." Sayaka said, looking around the place. "It's what I normally wear on a daily basis.."

"Are you two from the honeymoon and tea time suites?" The captain asked.

"Oh, shut up. I'm not on a honeymoon." Amy ssid, annoyed.

"And I'm not that into tea." Sayaka said, rolling her eyes.

Enter a Roman Centurion with someone wearing a red outfit.

"Amy, Sayaka, the light's stopped flashing. Does that mean they're coming?" Rory asked.

"The hell are they?" Kyoko asked.

"Honeymoon and tea time suites?" The pilot asked, looking between the two couples.

"Oh. Oh, the clothes. Er. It is just a bit of fun." Rory said.

"We were trying to make sure you guys aren't in despair up here." Kyoko said, her hand on her hip. "Just so Witches wouldn't come. Like hell, you guys are lucky that there wasn't anyone that scared."

"Madoka and Homura are with the passengers. Mami is scanning around the ship for possible labyrinths." Sayaka said, smiling.

"Really, shut up. And Witches? Rory and I said we could handle this." Amy said, looking between Sayaka and Kyoko. "Keeping the crew at bay."

"We didn't want the people in more danger than they already are."

"Fine, fine. You both changed the plan last minute."

"Sensor loss on eighty percent of the hull." The co-pilot said.

"So, does this mean they're coming, or does it mean I need to change the bulb?" Rory asked.

"They'll come. They always come." Amy said.

"Right. Well, they are cutting it kind of fine." Rory said, annoyed.

"If we can't stabilise the orbit, we're finished." The captain said.

"There's nothing to lock onto. I am flying blind." The co-pilot said.

"Come on, Doctor, Jared, come on." Amy said.

"There's something coming alongside us. Something small, like a shuttle."

"Just this once, don't be late."

"Ma'am. Incoming message. It's from the other ship." The pilot said.

"On screen." The captain said.

Message reads - Come along Pond. Believe in the Heart of Gungnir.

"What does that mean?" The captain asked.

"It's Christmas. Jared asked for some help from Hibiki and Nanoha." Amy said, happily.

Time Space Administrative Bureau…

Jared was busy eating some cupcakes with Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate. He doesn't know what to expect yet, and it's been a long day.

"How was it?" Hayate asked. "Rebooting the universe. I mean, the Doctor's world."

"It took a lot of thinking." Jared said, smiling. "About what to do."

"Really? The Alliance?" Nanoha asked. "Do you know anything about them?"

"All I know is that this version of them had enemies I faced or will face."

"What kind of enemies?" Fate asked.

"Do you know about the Aurum?" Jared asked.

"Aurum?" Nanoha asked. "What are they?"

"Apparently they're aliens I haven't fought yet."

"Didn't you say that everyone everywhere heard the Pandorica?" Hayate asked. "We heard it."

"Really?" Jared asked.

"We have reports of a spaceship from Earth heading towards a planet." Lindy said, walking over to Jared. "Do you know about it?"

"Yes. I do. Nanoha, I need your help with this."

"Are you sure?" Nanoha asked.

"Yeah." Jared said, happily.

"There's over four thousand people on that ship." Lindy said. "I believe some of your friends are on there."

"The Puella Magi Holy Quintet. Did they send out a distress signal?"


"Tell them. Believe in the Heart of Gungnir."

"Okay." Lindy said, walking away,

"Are we calling Hibiki?" Nanoha asked.

"Tsubasa and Miku too?" Hayate asked.

"Yup." Jared said, excitedly. "It's not like we have a lot to work with."

"What are we gonna do?" Fate asked.

"Something fun. And awesome."

"Okay." Nanoha said.

"Will you tell us what to do?" Fate asked.

The TARDIS began materializing inside the base.

Main room...

The Doctor tumbles out of the fireplace in a shower of soot. Jared and Nanoha falls down after him.

"Ah. Yes. Blimey." The Doctor said.

"Sorry, it's Christmas Eve. We were on a rooftop. Nanoha and I saw a chimney with the Doctor…" Jared said, happily.

"Our brains went, what the hell. And we tumbled down. Aww, we have soot everywhere." Nanoha said, sadly.

The Doctor goes to the family, "Don't worry, fat fellow will be doing the rounds later. We're just scoping out the general chimney-ness. Yes. Nice size, good traction. Big tick."

"Fat fellow?" Benjamin asked.

"Father Christmas, Santa Claus or, as I've always known him, Jeff." The Doctor said.

"There's no such person as Father Christmas." The boy said.

"Oh, yeah?" Nanoha asked. "He's real and we met him."

The Doctor produces an old photograph, "Me, Jared, Nanoha, Hibiki, and Ruby with Father Christmas, Frank Sinatra's hunting lodge, 1952."

"Oh, do you see Santa in the back with the blonde? That's Albert Einstein!"

"The seven of us together." Jared said, happily. "Now that was a fun night."

"Brrm. Watch out. Okay?" The Doctor asked.

"Have faith and hope in Santa, okay? Stay off the naughty list."

The Doctor spots what looks like a big cinema organ, "Ooo. Now, what's this then? I love this. A big flashy lighty thing. That's what brought us here. Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually, but give me time, and a crayon."

"This device is connected to the antenna on your dome, right? Well, I think it controls the sky." Nanoha said.

"Nanoha, it controls the clouds. And they aren't clouds." Jared said, happily.

"Well, they're clouds of tiny particles of ice. Ice clouds. Love that." The Doctor said.

"Who's she?" Nanoha asked, walking towards a blonde woman.

"Nobody important." Sardick said.

"Nobody important. Blimey, that's amazing. Do you know, in nine hundred years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before." The Doctor said.

"This machine is the key to saving the ship." Jared said, grabbing Nanoha's hand.

"I'll eat my hat." The Doctor said. "If I had a hat. I'll eat someone's hat. Not someone who's using their hat. I don't want to shock a nun, or something. Sorry, rambling, because, because this isn't working!"

"The controls are isomorphic. One to one. They respond only to me." Sardick said.

"Oh, you fibber. Isomorphic. There's no such thing."

Sardick reaches over and switches it off then on again.

All the Doctor gets are annoyed beeps, even with the screwdriver, "These controls are isomorphic."

"The skies of this entire world are mine. My family tamed them, and now I own them." Sardick said.

"Tamed the sky? What does that mean?" Nanoha asked.

"It means I'm Kazran Sardick. How can you lot possibly not know who I am?" Sardick asked.

"Well, I'm easily bored. I'm a Gemini. We need your help, Kazran Sardick." Jared said, squeezing Nanoha's hand.

"Make an appointment."

"There are four thousand and eight people in a spaceship trapped in your cloud belt. Without your help, they're going to die." Nanoha said. "Some of our friends are up there. They're Magical Girls."


"You can't let that happen!" Nanoha said, angrily.

"I know, but I'm going to. Bye, bye. Bored now. Chuck. And some of my other guards." Sardick said.

The Doctor, Jared, and Nanoha wriggles out of the clutches of servants and goes to Sardick, who is settling into a tall leather armchair by the fireplace.

"Ooo, look at you three, looking all tough now." Sardick said.

"There are four thousand and eight people we won't allow to die tonight." Jared said, looking at Kazran. "Some of which are people I'm really close to. Madoka Kaname, Homura Akemi, Mami Tomoe, Kyoko Sakura, and Sayaka Miki. I recently saved them. We rebooted the universe together. And I won't lose them again. I'm also close to the Ponds, Amy and Rory. You would let them die. Not gonna happen. Because do you know where that puts you?"


"Four thousand and nine."

"Was that a sort of threat-y thing?" Sardick asked.

"Yes, because Jared had gotten rather good at those. Nanoha rubbed off on Jared." The Doctor said, walking up to Kazran. "Whatever happens tonight, remember you brought it on yourself."

"Yeah, yeah, right. Get them out of here. And next time, try and find me some funny poor people." Sardick said.

The boy throws a stray piece of coal at Sardick as he, his family, the Doctor, Jared, and Nanoha are hustled out. Sardick runs over to hit the child.

"No, stop, don't hurt him!" Nanoha said, running up to the child.

"Don't you dare. You leave him." Benjamin said.

"Get him out of here. Get that foul-smelling family out of here. Out!" Sardick said.

"We're going!" The boy said.

"That many people…" Nanoha said, telepathically.

The Doctor, Jared, and Nanoha remains behind.

"Yeah. We can't let that pass. Too many casualties." Jared said, telepathically.

"What? What do you three want?" Sardick asked.

"All I want is a simple, normal life. But I know that is never gonna happen. And you didn't hit the boy." Jared said, looking at Sardick.

"Well, I will next time."

"Um, I think you won't. Because you have a kind heart. If only we can figure it out." Nanoha said. "We need to know the reason. We have to know why."

"Now why? What are we missing?" The Doctor asked.

"Get out. Get out of this house." Sardick said.

"The chairs. Of course, the chairs. Stupid me, the chairs." The Doctor said.

"The chairs?"

"There's a portrait on the wall behind me. Looks like you, but it's too old, so it's your father. All the chairs are angled away from it. Daddy's been dead for twenty years, but you still can't get comfortable where he can see you. There's a Christmas tree in the painting, but none in this house, on Christmas Eve." The Doctor said.

"I think you're scared of your father." Nanoha said, sadly. "And you don't want to be like him. He must have been really strict. You're not like him, I know it."

"Yup. You're not like him at all. Because, do you want to know why?" Jared asked.

"Why?" Sardick asked.

"Because you didn't hit the boy. Merry Christmas, Mister Sardick." The Doctor said.

"I despise Christmas." Sardick said, angrily.

"You shouldn't despite Christmas. It's very you." Nanoha said. "Christmas is a wonderful holiday to spend with family and friends."

"It's what? What do you mean?" Sardick asked.

"You'll find out. When you're halfway out of the dark. And when you're in the light." Jared said, happily.

The servants return and the Doctor, Jared, and Nanoha leaves.

"Get her downstairs with the others. And clean up this mess." Sardick said.


"Everything's offline. Secondary furnace just vented." The co-pilot said.

Amy is on the phone to the Doctor, Jared, and Nanoha, "Have you lot got a plan yet?"


"Yup, we do." Jared said, grabbing Nanoha's hand.


"He's lying." Fate said, her voice over the phone.


"Yup, I am. Sorry, I was trying to comfort you, Amy." Jared said, sadly.


"You little...ugh! Don't treat me and Amy like idiots." Kyoko said, angrily.

"Was Jared lying?" Rory asked.

"No, no." Amy said.

"We have some good…" Hayate said, her voice over the phone.


"News…" Hayate said.

"Jared, Nanoha, and I tracked the machine that unlocks the cloud belt." The Doctor said.

"We could use it to clear you a flight corridor and you could land easily." Hayate said. "That's easy enough."


"Nice. That's great news." Sayaka said, standing next to Amy.


"But the Doctor can't control the machine…" Jared said, sadly.


"Less great." Amy said.


"But we've met a man who can." The Doctor said.

"Ah, well…" Amy said, her voice over the phone.


"There you go." Amy said.


"And he hates me, Jared, and Nanoha." The Doctor said.

"Were you being…" Sayaka said, her voice over the phone.


"...extra charming and clever? And was Nanoha trying to be the voice of reason? With Jared being all tsundere?" Sayaka asked.


"Yeah. How did you know, Sayaka Miki?" The Doctor asked.


"It was a lucky guess." Sayaka said, shrugging her shoulders.


"Oi. You lot." Benjamin said.

"Sayaka, wait." Hayate said. "What's wrong?"

"I've never seen anybody stand up to Mister Sardick like that. Bless you, you three, and merry Christmas." Benjamin said, looking at the Doctor, Jared, and Nanoha.

"Merry Christmas." Jared said, happily.

"Sorry, we're a bit busy." Fate said.

"You'd better get inside, you five. The fog's thick tonight, and there's a fish warning." Benjamin said.

"Okay, yeah, we'll do that. Wait, what? Fish?" Nanoha asked.

"Yeah. You know what they're like when they get a bit hungry." Benjamin said.

"Yeah, fish. The things that live in the ocean. I know them. But fish?" Fate asked.

"It's all Mister Sardick's fault, I reckon. He always lets a few fish through the cloud layer when he's in a bad mood. Thank you. Bless you once again, you three." Benjamin said.

"Fish?" Jared asked. "Right, fish."


"Doctor, Jared, the Captain says we've got less than an hour." Sayaka said.


"The hell should we be doing?��� Kyoko asked, her voice over the phone.

"Fish. Right. I love how this adventure has fish!" Jared said, excitedly. "Don't you love fish, girls?"

There is a shoal of tiddlers swimming around a street light.

"Fish." Nanoha said, her eyes widening.

"Sorry, what?" Amy asked, her voice over the phone.

"Fish that can swim in fog. I love new planets." The Doctor said.

"Doctor. Jared."


"Doctor, Jared, please don't get distracted." Amy said.


"The fish likes me." Fate said, smiling.

The little fish nibble at Fate's outstretched fingers while a big shadow passes some way behind Nanoha.

"Yeah." Nanoha said, happily. "They do."

"I don't know why people are scared of these tiny fish." Hayate said, looking around. "They are adorable."

"Look at you, sweet little fishy-wishies." Jared said, excitedly. "You are such a cute school. Yes you are!"

"Mind you, fish in the fog, so the cloud cover. Ooo. Careful up there." The Doctor said.


"Oh great, thanks, Doctor, because there was a real danger we were all going to nod off." Amy said, sarcastically.

"We've got less than an hour! So save us, you dummies!" Kyoko said, angrily.


"We know that." Jared said, while the town clock shows 11 o'clock.

"This is more of a laid back adventure." Hayate said, grabbing Jared's hand. "I like it."

"Ding dong merrily on high…" Someone on the speaker said.

"Doctor? Jared?" Sayaka asked, over the phone.


"How are you getting us off here?" Sayaka asked.


"Oh, just give me a minute. Can't use the Tardis, because it can't lock on." The Doctor said.

"And none of our spells can stop it." Hayate said. "Or slow it down."

"Capturing spells might work. But on a moving ship. It would take immense power." Jared said, sadly.

"So, that ship needs to land." Nanoha said.

"But it can't land unless a very bad man suddenly decides to turn nice just in time for Christmas Day." The Doctor said.


"Doctor, Jared, Nanoha, Fate, Hayate, we can't hear you." Amy said.

"The hell is that?" Kyoko asked.

"Wait, is that singing?" Sayaka asked. "What are they singing?"


"A Christmas carol." Nanoha said.


"A what?" Amy asked.


"A Christmas carol." The Doctor said.


"A what?" Amy asked.


"A Christmas Carol!" Jared said, happily. "God, I love that play. Nanoha, Fate, Hayate. Do you see my plan now?"

"Hosanna in excelsis." Someone on the speaker said.

"Are we gonna be the Ghosts of Christmas Past?" Hayate asked, telepathically.

"I'm in." Fate said, telepathically.

"Let's do this, team!" Nanoha said, telepathically.

"Looks like you three will be coming with the Doctor and I to Kazran's past." Jared said, telepathically. "We could be reasoning with a kid. Someone around the same age as you three."

"Merry Christmas, Kazran Sardick." The Doctor said.

"Hosanna in excelsis." Someone on the speaker said.

Kazran's bedroom…

The old Kazran Sardick is sleeping in his big leather chair, when we are shown a video recording of a young boy in his pajamas. The lad is making a video diary on his computer.

"Hello, my name is Kazran Sardick. I'm twelve and a half, and this is my bedroom." Kazran said.

Main room…

"Top secret special project." Sardick said.

Kazran's bedroom…

"This is my top secret special project. For my eyes only. Merry Christmas." Kazran said.

"Kazran!" Elliot said, nearby.

(Jared's POV)

Main room…

Old Sardick wakes at the shout from his father. The scene with his young self is being projected on the far wall where the main door is. Elliot Sardick is played as a caricature of Lord Alan Sugar.

"Kazran! Kazran, what are you doing? What are you doing? I've warned you before about this, you stupid, ignorant, ridiculous child." Elliot said, on screen.

"I was just going to make a film of the fish." Kazran said, on screen.

"Kazran is a good kid." Nanoha said, telepathically. "I want to talk to him."

"Same." Fate said, telepathically.

"We have to help him." Hayate said, telepathically.

"Everyone at school's seen the fish." Kazran said, on screen.

"That's enough. You'll be singing to them next, like gypsies." Elliot said, on screen.

"The singing works. I've seen it. The fish like the singing."

"Wait, he wants to see the fish?" Nanoha asked, telepathically.

"Yup." I said, telepathically. ���He does. This old version of him wanted to be friends with them for years."

"People say we don't have to be afraid of the fish. They're not really interested in us." Kazran said, on screen.

"You don't listen to people. You listen to me." Elliot said, on screen.

Elliot, the Sardick father, hits Kazran, the boy, who is now an old man. Sardick flinches as if he had been hit.

"Ow! I'm sorry, Father." Kazran said, on screen.

"This is my house. While you're under my roof, you'll obey my instructions. I don't care what you…" Elliot said, on screen.

Nanoha touches Sardick on the shoulder, "It's okay, it's okay. You're safe. No one can hurt you."

"What have you five done? What is this?" Sardick asked.

"We found it on an old hard drive." Fate said.

"Sorry about the picture quality." Hayate said, sadly.

"I had to recover the data using quantum enfolding and a paperclip. Oh, I wouldn't bother calling your servants. They quit. Apparently they won the lottery at exactly the same time, which is a bit lucky when you think about it." The Doctor said.

"There isn't a lottery." Sardick said.

"Yeah, as I say, lucky."

"There's a fog warning tonight. You keep these windows closed, understand? Closed." Elliot said, on screen.

"Who are you?" Sardick asked.

"Tonight, we're the Ghosts Of Christmas Past." I said, grabbing Hayate's hand. "Man, I always wanted to say that."

"Mrs Mantovani will be looking after you tonight. You stay here till she comes. Do you understand? Do you understand?" Elliot asked, on screen.

"Did you ever get to see a fish, back then, when you were a kid?" The Doctor asked.

"What does that matter to you?" Sardick asked.

"Look at how it mattered to you." Nanoha said, sadly.

"I cried all night, and I learned life's most invaluable lesson."

"What is that invaluable lesson?" Hayate asked.

"Nobody comes. Get out! Get out of my house!" Sardick said.

"Okay. Okay, but I'll be back. Way back. Way, way back." The Doctor said.

The Doctor goes through the door with Nanoha, Fate, Hayate, and I while the five of us went into the Tardis, which dematerialises in the now and rematerialises outside Kazran's window.

"See? Back." The Doctor said, on screen.

"Who are you?" Kazran asked, on screen.

"Hi. I'm the Doctor, this is Jared, Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate. We're your new babysitters." The Doctor said, on screen.

"Since when was I a babysitter?" I asked, on screen. "I am not a babysitter!"

"Since now. Don't get offended. Now is not the time to get mad." The Doctor said, on screen. "Well, Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate aren't babysitters. But they do look after kids their age who need help."

"Where's Mrs Mantovani?" Kazran asked, on screen.

"Oh, you'll never guess. Clever old Mrs Manters, she only went and won the lottery."

"There isn't any lottery." Sardick said.

"There isn't any lottery." Kazran said, on screen.

"So, we're changing Kazran's past." Nanoha said, telepathically.

"Well, yeah." I said, telepathically. "It's weird doing this again. The last time. Man, it was so weird! And dumb!"

"When was it?" Hayate asked, telepathically.


"The year of the Moon landing?" Fate asked, telepathically.

"Who are you talking to?" Kazran asked, on screen.

"You. Now, your past is going to change. That means your memories will too. Bit scary, but you'll get the hang of it." The Doctor said, on screen.

"I don't understand."

"I'll bet you don't. I wish I could see your face."

"But that never happened. But it did." Sardick said.

Kazran's bedroom…

"Right then, your bedroom. Great. Let's see. You're twelve years old, so we'll stay away from under the bed. Cupboard! Big cupboard. I love a cupboard. Do you know, there's a thing called a face spider. It's just like a tiny baby's head with spider legs, and it's specifically evolved to scuttle up the backs of bedroom cupboards which, yeah, I probably shouldn't have mentioned. Right. So. What are we going to do? Eat crisps and talk about girls? I've never actually done that, but I bet it's easy. Girls? Yeah?" The Doctor asked.

"Are you really a babysitter?" Kazran asked.

"I think you'll find I'm universally recognised as a mature and responsible adult." The Doctor said, showing Kazran the psychic paper.

"It's just a lot of wavy lines."

"Yeah, it's shorted out." The Doctor said.

"I think you came up with a big lie." Fate said, looking at the psychic paper.

"Okay, no, we're not really babysitters…"

"But it's Christmas Eve. You don't want real babysitters." I said, happily. "You want us. And Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate as really good mages."

"Why? What's so special about you five?" Kazran asked.

"Have you ever seen Mary Poppins?" The Doctor asked.


"That's not a good comparison." Hayate said, sadly. "She's British. And she's Disney."

"I loved Mary Poppins." Nanoha said, happily. "We should watch it again."

"No." Fate said. "We watched it ten times already."

"Fish in the fog. Fish in the clouds. How do people ever get bored? How did boredom even get invented?" The Doctor asked.

"My dad's invented a machine to control the cloud belt. Tame the sky, he says. The fish'll be able to come down, but only when we let them. We can charge whatever we like." Kazran said.

"Yeah. We've seen your dad's machine." The Doctor said.

A shark glides past behind the Hayate's back.

"It was pretty cool." Hayate said, looking at Kazran.

The window is still open.

"I can't operate anything besides simple tech." I said, smiling. "Or using my weapons. That machine your dad has is neat."

"What? You can't have." Kazran said.

"Tame the sky. Human beings. You always manage to find the boring alternative, don't you?" The Doctor asked.

"Come on, let's see a fish!" Nanoha said, happily. "Even if it's dangerous."

"Yeah." Kazran said.

"Just be safe when we do this, okay?" Hayate asked.

"We don't want you getting hurt." Fate said.

"Girls! Don't make it boring!" The Doctor said, annoyed.

Later, the sonic screwdriver is dangling from a string passed through a lamp fitting in the ceiling and leading into…


"I love A Christmas Carol." I said, as the other end of the string is tied to the Doctor's finger. "This is so cool."

"Are there any face spiders in here?" Kazran asked.

"Nah, not at this time of night. They'll all be sleeping in your mattress." The Doctor said.

"So, why are you interested in fish?" Nanoha asked. "Is it better than fish fingers and custard? Jared said that the Doctor eats it and I find it weird."

"The fish? Well, it's because they're scary." Kazran said.

"They are. Especially if they're sharks." I said, smirking.

"What kind of tie is that?" Kazran asked, looking at the Doctor.

"A cool one." The Doctor said.

"Why is it cool?"

"Well, why are you really interested in fish?" I asked, looking at Kazran.

"My school. During the last fog belt, the nets broke and there was an attack. Loads of them. A whole shoal. No one was hurt, but it was the most fish ever seen below the mountains." Kazran said.

"Were you scared?" The Doctor asked.

"I wasn't there. I was off sick." Kazran said.

"Ooo, lucky you. Not lucky."

"It's all anyone ever talks about now. The day the fish came. Everyone's got a story."

"But you don't."

Main room…

"I see." The Doctor said, on screen.

"Why are you recording this?" Kazran asked, on screen.

"Do you pay attention at school, Kazran?"


"Sorry, what?" Kazran asked.

"Because you're not paying attention now." The Doctor said.

"You got something." Hayate said, while something is tugging at the string.

"Shush." Nanoha said, smiling.

Main room…

"Now I remember. No, Doctor, you mustn't!" Sardick said, angrily.

"Doctor, are you sure?" Kazran asked, on screen.


"Trust me." The Doctor said.

"Okay." Kazran said.

"Oi. Eyes on the tie. Look at me. I wear it and I don't care. Trust me."

Main room….

"Yes." Sardick said.


"Yes." Kazran said.

"That's why it's cool." The Doctor said.

Kazran's bedroom…

"Aww." Nanoha said, as a fish is investigating the flashing sonic screwdriver. "Hello, fishy."

"That's a cute fish." I said, smiling. "Nanoha, you know any barrier spells?"

"Let's see. Interesting. Crystalline fog, eh? Maybe carrying a tiny electrical charge. Is that how you fly, little fishy?" The Doctor asked.

"What is it?" Fate asked, nearby.


"What kind? Can I see?" Kazran asked.

"Just stay there for a moment." Nanoha said, nearby.

Kazran's bedroom…

"Is it big?" Kazran asked, nearby.

"Nah, it's just a little fish." I said, smiling. "Not that big of a threat."

"So, little fellow, what do you eat?" The Doctor asked.

"What?!" Nanoha exclaimed, when a a shark swoops in and devours the little fish and the sonic screwdriver in one big toothy bite.


"How little?" Kazran asked.

Kazran's bedroom…

"Er…" Nanoha said, grabbing my hand.

"Can I come out with Fate and Hayate?" Kazran asked, nearby.

"Not yet. Um, just wait there with them." I said, sadly.

"What colour is it?" Kazran asked, nearby.

"Big. Big colour." The Doctor said.


"What's happening?" Hayate asked.

"Well, concentrating on the plusses, you've definitely got a story of your own now." The Doctor said.

"We got a good look at the fish." I said, smiling.

"Master, I got some good news." Raising Heart said, coming out of Nanoha's necklace.

"What is it?" Nanoha asked.

"It's about the fog. The Doctor figured it out too."

"I did." The Doctor said. "It will help us land a spaceship in the future and save a lot of lives. And I bet I get some very interesting readings off my sonic screwdriver when I get it back from the shark in your bedroom."

"There's a shark in his bedroom?" Fate asked. "How did that happen?"

"Oh fine, focus on that part." The Doctor said, annoyed.

Bang! against the door, then quiet.

"Has it gone? What's it doing?" Kazran asked.

"What do you call it if you don't have any feet, and you're taking a run-up?" The Doctor asked.

Main room…

The screen image dissolves into static.

"No! It's going to eat us." Sardick said.


"It's going to eat us. It's going to eat us. It's going to eat us. Is it going to eat us?" Kazran asked.

The shark is stuck in the cupboard door.

"Well, maybe we're going to eat it, but I don't like the odds. It's stuck, though. Let's see. Tiny shark brain. If I had my screwdriver, I could probably send a pulse and stun it." The Doctor said.

"So, where's your sonic screwdriver?" Fate asked.

"Well, concentrating on the plusses, within reach. You know, there's a real chance the way it's wedged in the doorway is keeping its mouth open."

"There is?" Kazran asked.

"Just agree with me, because I've only got two goes, and then it's your turn, Kazran." The Doctor said, happily. "Then Jared's, then Nanoha's, then Fate's, and finally Hayate's."

"Two goes?" Kazran asked.

"Two arms. Right, then. Okay. Geronimo. Open wide."


"Sharks." I said, crossing my arms. "Never liked them. This one is the sole exception though."

Outside Kazran's bedroom window, the shark is lying stunned at the Doctor's feet.

"What about the ones from Finding Nemo?" Nanoha asked.

The dome is still under construction behind us.

"Bruce and his entourage? They're okay. But I prefer one that doesn't have guards backing him up. This one is sweet. Not deadly." I said, frowning.

"What's the big fishy done to you? Swallowed half of you, that's what. Half a screwdriver, what use is that? Bad, big fishy." The Doctor said, annoyed.

"Doctor? I think she's dying." Hayate said, walking up to the shark.

"Half my screwdriver's still inside, but yeah, I think so. I doubt they can survive long outside the cloud belt. Just quick raiding trips on a foggy night." The Doctor said.

"Can't we get it back up there? We were just going to stun it. I didn't want to kill it." Kazran said.

"She was trying to eat all of you."

"She was hungry."

Main room…

"I'm sorry, Kazran. We can't save her." The Doctor said, nearby.


"I could take her back up there, but she'd never survive the trip. We need a fully functioning life-support." The Doctor said.

Main room…

"You mean like an icebox?" Kazran asked, nearby.


"Okay." Kazran said.

Main room…

"Can we save that thing?" Fate asked.

Kazran, the Doctor, Nanoha, Fate, Hayate, and I run down the stairs.

"I think we can." Nanoha said, and there is a decorated Christmas tree in the room. "Ooo, a Christmas tree."

Kazran gets a lamp and we go downstairs.

"Nanoha. We should celebrate Christmas with Hibiki and the others!" I said, excitedly. "I'm all for it!"

Outside the Cryovault…

"What's that?" Fate asked.

"The surplus population. That's what my Dad calls it." Kazran said, while we try to open the door.. "Oh, it's not turning. Oh, why won't it turn?"

There is a keypad nearby.

"What's the password?" Hayate asked.

Main room…

"Seven two five eight." Sardick said.

Outside the Cryovault…

"I don't know." Kazran said.

"One wrong number. It could set off goddamn alarms. And it won't be the door that would set it off. It'll be us! What's the password, Kazran?" I asked, looking at the young boy. "Ugh! Why didn't I pay attention to the minor details?"

Main room…

"Seven two five eight." Sardick said.

Outside the Cryovault…

"I need the number. Or we can't save her." The Doctor said.

"I'm not allowed to know until I'm older." Kazran said.

Main room…

"Seven two five eight." Sardick said.

"Just what we needed! Thank you!" Nanoha said, excitedly.

Outside the Cryovault…

"Seven two five eight. Seven two five eight." Nanoha said. "Type it in, Hayate."


"Oh, there's fish down here, too." Hayate said.

"Yeah, but only tiny ones. The house is built on a fog lake, that's how Dad freezes the people. They're all full, but we could borrow one. Yeah, this one." Kazran said.

"Fate, Hayate, you two need a break in the TARDIS." I said, grabbing Nanoha's hand.

Nanoha and the Doctor are looking at the young woman in the ice chamber, Isabella's sister.

"We'll get one later." Fate said. "You, Nanoha, and Hibiki want to be here with the Doctor. I can tell."

"Hello again." The Doctor said.

"You know her?" Kazran asked.

"Why her? Important, is she?" The Doctor asked.

"She won't mind. She loves the fish." Kazran said, and he starts a recording.

"My name is Abigail Pettigrew, and I'm very grateful for Mister Sardick's kindness. My father…" Abigail said.

"She starts to talk about the fish in a minute."

"But I would not allow it. I could not have chosen this path were it not for the compassion and generosity of the great philanthropist and patron of the poor, Mister Elliot Sardick. But I'm also surrounded by the fish, the beautiful, iridescent, magical fish."

"Why are these people here?" Nanoha asked.

"...they dash beneath the light as they dart through the fog."

��What's this all for?" Hayate asked.

"My dad lends money. He always takes a family member as, he calls it security." Kazran said.

"There's hundreds of people here." Fate said, looking at all the people.

"Talk about New Earth all over again." I said, annoyed. "With less of a living farm."

"Hard man to love, your dad. But I suppose you know that." The Doctor said.

"Nature. I am not alone, and I am at peace." Abigail said.

The recording ends.

"What's wrong?" Hayate asked.

"Just my half a screwdriver trying to repair itself. It's signalling the other half." The Doctor said.

"The other half is still inside the shark." Fate said.

"Yeah? Sounds like she's woken up. Okay, so it's homing on the screwdriver." The Doctor said.

And there is the shark again.

"Fucking hell!" I said, grabbing Nanoha's hand. "I hate this!"

Main room…

"Run! Run!" Sardick said.

Kazran finds a place to hide, and Jaws cruises behind him. Then the guest opera singer does her thing with Christina Rosetti's poem.

"In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan. Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone. Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow. In the bleak midwinter long ago." Abigail said, singing.

"The power of song…" Nanoha said, while Abigail is out of her cryochamber and the shark is calm beneath her hand.

"It's not really the singing, of course." The Doctor said.

"Yeah, it is. The power of song. The power of magic. They work wonders together." I said, squeezing Nanoha's hand.


"The fish love the singing. It's true." Kazran said.

"Nah. The notes resonate in the ice crystals, causing a delta wave pattern in the fog. Ow. A fish bit me." The Doctor said.

"Shut up, then." Fate said. "If you don't want to get hurt even more."

"Heaven and earth shall flee away…" Abigail said.

"Of course. That's how the machine controls the cloud belt. The clouds are ice crystals. If you vibrate the crystals at exactly the right frequency, you could align them into ow! Why do they keep biting me?" The Doctor asked.

"Doctor, shut up. The fish love the singing." I said, squeezing Nanoha's hand.


"In the bleak midwinter, falling down before, the ox and ass and camel which adore." Abigail said.

(Open POV)

Main room…

The portrait behind Sardick's chair is now of Abigail, not his father.

"It's bigger on…" Sardick said.


Abigail and Kazran are looking inside the Tardis. Hibiki, Miku, and Tsubasa are waiting inside. Nanoha, Fate, Hayate, and Jared entered the blue box.

"...the inside." Kazran said.

"Yeah, it's the colour. Really knocks the walls back." The Doctor said.

The shark is in Abigail's cryochamber.

"Shark in a box, to go. Miku, can we have shark later?" Hibiki asked.

Main room…

"Abigail." Sardick said.


"This is amazing." Abigail said.

"Nah, this is transport. I keep amazing out here." The Doctor said.

Nanoha and Hibiki opens the doors.

"No, we're not having shark or fish." Miku said, while we are in the clouds, amongst the fish.

"Come on you guys! Let's get this shark out of here!" Jared said, excitedly.

Young Kazran takes a photograph which old Sardick digs out of his memory box. The shark is released.

"Hey, look at her go." Kazran said.

The Doctor closes Abigail's cryochamber and sees a set of dials on the front - 000 008.

"That looks like a countdown." Tsubasa said, looking at the numbers. "Countdown to what?"

"Spoilers." Jared said, sadly.

"Is this something about Abigail?" Hibiki asked.


"Can't you tell us?" Nanoha asked.

The microwave goes ding!

"Ah. Sorry. Time's up, kids." The Doctor said.

"Why?" Kazran asked.

"It's nearly Christmas Day."


We put Abigail back in her cryochamber.

"If you should ever wish to visit again." Abigail said.

"Well, you know, if we're ever in the neighbourhood." Jared said, smiling. "I'll be sure to spoil you like I do with Hibiki and Nanoha."

"The Doctor, Jared, Hibiki, and Nanoha come every Christmas Eve." Kazran said. "Sometimes with their friends. They do swapping."

"What?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah, they do. Every time. They promise." Kazran said.

"No, I don't." The Doctor said.

"Did we just…" Hibiki said, sadly.

"Yup…" Nanoha said, frowning.

Kazran shuts Abigail's cryochamber. Then it opens again, with the Doctor, Kazran, Hibiki, Nanoha, and Jared wearing red fur-trimmed hats.

"Merry Christmas!" The Doctor, Kazran, Hibiki, Nanoha, and Jared said at the same time.

"Doctor! Jared! What are we going to do?" Abigail asked.

"The Doctor and Jared's got a great plan. Wait till you hear." Kazran said.

They run out of the vault. The dials on Abigail's chamber click down to 000 007.


"You are out of your mind. This will never work." Abigail said.

They have a carriage with nothing to pull it. The Doctor points his half a sonic screwdriver into the sky. And Nanoha is floating in front of the carriage with one of her spells going.

"Oh, don't think shark, think dolphin." Jared said, happily. "And we're using a bit of magic for this."

"A shark isn't a dolphin." Abigail said.

"It's nearly a dolphin." The Doctor said.

"No, it isn't."

"That's where you're wrong, because. Shut up." The Doctor said.

"Flier Fin?" Hibiki asked. "You sure?"

"It was Jared's idea." Nanoha said, floating in front of the carriage. "In case the shark doesn't come."

"It could be anywhere. Will it really come?" Kazran asked.

"Nah, not really. It's usually impossible." Jared said, holding Hibiki's hand. "Unless it's Christmas!"

So the Doctor, Kazran, and Abigail go on a shark powered sleigh ride while Jared and Nanoha are holding Hibiki's hands as they fly through the skies.

"How are we going to get back?" Kazran asked.

"I don't know." The Doctor said.

"Do you have a plan?" Abigail asked.

"I don't know."

They buzz the roof tops, causing delight to the viewers.

"Hang on tight, Hibiki!" Jared said, excitedly. "Nanoha is right! You are a natural at flying!"


"Best Christmas Eve ever." Abigail said.

"Till the next one." Kazran said.

Main room…

Sardick has an array of photographs spread before him, "New memories. How can I have new memories?"


"Merry Christmas!" The Doctor, Kazran, Jared, Nanoha, and Hibiki said, at the same time.

"Doctor. Jared. Where to this time?" Abigail asked.

"Did I mention that the Doctor and I travel across all of time and space?" Jared asked. "I want to take you both to Uminari City, Kamihama City, Mitakihara City, to S.O.N.G headquarters, and to ALFheim Online."

And the next time.

"Merry Christmas!" The Doctor, Kazran, Jared, Tsubasa, and Fate said at the same time.

"Doctor. Jared." Abigail said.

According to the photographs, Egypt. Uminari City. Kamihama City.

"Merry Christmas!" The Doctor said.

"Merry Christmas, Abigail." Jared said, smiling.

Kazran is a shy teenager. The five are wearing very long, striped scarves.

"Doctor. Jared." Abigail said.

Her counter clicks down to 4. They visit somewhere mountainous. And then they visit Mitakihara City and S.O.N.G headquarters.

"Merry Christmas!" The Doctor, Kazran, Jared, Miku, and Hayate said, at the same time.

Kazran is now a strapping young man.

"All of these back to back Christmases…" Miku said, sadly.

"Kazran." Abigail said.


(Jared's POV)


"How long are we gonna do this for?" Miku asked.

"I don't know." I said, frowning. "I lost count."

"How did you lose count?" Reinforce Zwei asked.

"I just did."

"That's not good." Hayate said, sadly.

"So, Doctor, Jared, where this time?" Kazran asked.

"Just pick what you want to do this Christmas Eve! I don't care where. It's all yours." I said, leaning against the TARDIS console.

"Might I make a request?" Abigail asked.


"This one."

Outside Eric's home…

Inside, the family are preparing for Christmas. Abigail stands outside the door, whilst the Doctor, Kazran, Miku, Hayate, and I are a little way off.

"Thank you, darling." Eric said, nearby.

"What is this? The Ghost of Christmas Past or Present?" Hayate asked.

"It's still the Ghost of Christmas Past." I said, grabbing Miku's hand.

"But the poor family!" Miku said, looking at Jared.

"This is still Kazran and Abigail's past. We may still be doing A Christmas Carol. But things won't be completely like the play."

"What can we do?" Rein asked.

"We watch what will happen." I said, smiling. "That's all we can do."

Kazran goes over to Abigail.

"My sister's family. They're so happy." Abigail said.

"They look very poor." Kazran said.

"They are very poor. Doesn't mean you can't be happy."

"Close the curtains." Eric said, nearby.

Our view is shut off.

"And then why aren't you?" Kazran asked.

"Because this is the life I can never have." Abigail said.

"Why not?"

Abigail squeezes his hand, "I think you're blushing again."

The Doctor opens the curtains from the inside, he is standing with Miku, Hayate, and I,

"Come inside. You'll freeze in there!" Miku said.

Eric's home…

The Doctor tries a card trick on the youngest boy.

"Who is that?" Hayate asked.

"I think that's someone I met in the future." I said, eating some chocolate chip cookies. "Okay. You two are amazing cooks and bakers."

"Thank you." Miku said, smiling. "How many Christmases do we have left?"

"Two. Roughly."

"She is gonna die, is she?"


"We can rewrite time, right?" Hayate asked. "Not with the Book of Darkness. But with the TARDIS."

"I don't think so." I said, eating the chocolate chip cookies. "I feel really bad for Kazran and Abigail. They're gonna be heartbroken."

"He's not like his father." Abigail said.

"His father treats everyone like cattle. One day that boy will do the same." Isabella said.

"No. He's different."

"The three of clubs." The Doctor said, happily.

"No." Ben said.

"You sure? Because I'm very good at card tricks."

"It wasn't the three of clubs."

"Well, of course it wasn't, because it was the seven of diamonds."


"Oi, stop it, you're doing it wrong."

"I see him around the town sometimes. Never any friends." Isabella said.

"He's got me." Abigail said.

"All those Christmas Eves, you never once came to see us."

"I'm here now."

"Then stay. Stay for tomorrow. Have Christmas dinner with us."

"Kazran reminds me of me and Hibiki." I said, looking over at Kazran. "You know what I mean? Me and her, we were alone for the longest time."

"But you're not alone, Jared. You have us. Teams RWBY and JNPR." Miku said. "Why do you think that?"

"Because I don't know what will happen. Haven was saved. And the Silence is looming. I don't want to lose any of them. When Team RWBY was separated, I felt so alone. Hell, I was alone."

"Can't you save any of them?" Rein asked.

Around the dinner table, crackers are pulled.

"Three, two, one, pull!" The Doctor said, excitedly.

Ben's has a playing card in it, "How did you do that?"

"Your card, I believe." The Doctor said.

The eight of hearts.

"No." Ben said.

"Oh, shut up." The Doctor said.

Kazran proposes a toast, "Er, Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." Everyone said around the table, at the same time.

Under the table, Abigail and Kazran are holding hands.


"Best Christmas Eve ever." Abigail said.

"Ah. Till the next one." The Doctor said.

"Don't wait up, Abigail Pettigrew." I said, smiling.

"I look forward to it. Now I'd like to say good night to Kazran." Abigail said.

"Doctor, Miku, Hayate, we should get going." I said, walking away. "This is gonna get awkward."

Miku and Hayate are following me from behind.

"Good luck. Night. Good night." The Doctor said, looking at Kazran.

Miku, Hayate, and I backed into another cryochamber with the Doctor.

"Sorry." Hayate said.

Kazran goes after us, "Doctor. Jared. Girls. I, er, I think she's going to kiss me."

"Yeah, I think you're right." Miku said.

"I've never kissed anyone before. What do I do?" Kazran asked.

"Well, be nervous, awful in terms of execution, and feel uncomfortable about it." I said, shrugging my shoulders.


"So, you're gonna be like that anyway. I did kisses on the cheek with my female cousins. And boy was it awkward."

"He's right. Might as well make it part of the plan, then it'll feel on purpose. Off you go, then." The Doctor said.

"What, now? I kiss her now?" Kazran asked.

"I think they're saying that." Hayate said. "Because they're not wrong."

"Go do it." Miku said. "It'll be fine."

"Kazran, trust us, okay?" I asked.

"It's this or go to your room and design a new kind of screwdriver." The Doctor said. "Don't make my mistakes."

"Or mine. Which was hiding how I felt about Team RWBY. And for what Hibiki and Miku felt about each other. They hid their romantic feelings about each other for years. Now, go and kiss Abigail!"

Kazran returns to Abigail, who pulls him to her and kisses him.

In the future, Sardick looks at pictures of them both in front of the Statue of Liberty, Uluru - or Eyres Rock if you prefer - Sydney Opera House, Empire State Building, Eiffel Tower. One says California 1952 on the back. The Doctor, Kazan, Abigail, Hibiki, Miku, and I are in front of the Hollywood sign.

Hollywood 1952…

A party is going on out of sight. Kazran comes to find his love, who is alone by the swimming pool.

"Abigail, are you coming back? The Doctor and Hibiki are going to do a duet with Frank. Abigail? What's wrong?" Kazran asked.

"I have something to tell you." Abigail said.

I am walking around with Miku and she is telling me secrets about Hibiki.

"Really? She was like that even as a kid?" I asked.

"Yes!" Miku said, sadly. "You and her are so alike. The only thing that can shut you and Hibiki up is food."

"Food is good. Especially by good cooks."

"Thanks. So, you saying you loved my cooking in the middle of the London Blitz…"

The Doctor and Hibiki appear from behind a tree as Abigail and Kazran are kissing. Me and Miku are talking while sitting near the pool. The Doctor has lipstick on his face and Hibiki is uncomfortable.

"Guys, we've really got to go quite quickly. I just accidentally got engaged to Marilyn Monroe. And Hibiki just accidentally got engaged to Frank Sinatra." The Doctor said.

���It was an accident, Miku! I swear!" Hibiki said, raising up her hands in innocence. "I just said yes to something!"

"Hibiki…" Miku said, frowning.

"How do you keep going like that? Do you breathe out your ears? Hello? Sorry. Hello? Guys, she's phoned a chapel. There's a car outside. This is happening now." The Doctor said, looking between Kazran and Abigail to see them still kissing.

"Yoo-hoo!" Marilyn said, excitedly.

"Yoo-hoo. Right. Fine. Thank you. I'll just go and get married then, shall I? See how you like that." The Doctor said.

"I think I should help you break up with Frank Sinatra." Miku said.

"Yes. Please! Help me!" Hibiki said, grabbing Miku's hand.

"Marilyn? Get your coat!" The Doctor said, annoyed.

The Doctor leaves with Hibiki and Miku.

"I, I'll go with them." I said, walking away. "I hate it when my friends mess with history."

Kazran and Abigail end their kiss.

"What are we going to do?" Kazran asked.

"There is nothing to be done." Abigail said.


"Good night, Abigail." Kazran said.

"Good night, Kazran." Abigail said.

Kazran seals Abigail in her cryochamber.

"There we go. Another day, another Christmas Eve." The Doctor said.

"We'll see you in a minute. I mean, in a year." I said, grabbing Miku's hand. "It won't take long, Kazran. I promise."

Hayate is standing behind Miku and I.

"Doctor? Jared? Listen, why don't we leave it?" Kazran asked.

"Leave what?" Miku asked. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you know, this. Every Christmas Eve. It's getting a bit old."

"How is Christmas getting old?" Hayate asked.

"Well, Christmas is for kids, isn't it? And Hayate, you, Fate, and Nanoha are kids." Kazran said. "I've got some work with my dad now. I'm going to focus on that. Get that cloud belt under control."

"Sorry, I didn't know I was boring you, Kazran. I thought you loved the adventures as much as I was." I said, squeezing Miku's hand.

"Not your fault. Times change."

"Not as much as I wanted. Or hoped for, to be honest."

"I'll be needing a new one, anyway. What the hell." The Doctor said, giving Kazran his half a screwdriver. "Merry Christmas. And if you ever need us, just activate it. We'll hear you."

"Doctor, Jared, I won't need either of you, Symphogear, or the Time Space Administrative Bureau." Kazran said.

"What's happened? What are you not telling me? Jared, what do you know? What about Abigail?" The Doctor asked.

"I know where to find her." Kazran said.

"Yeah." The Doctor said.

The counter on the cryochamber is down to 000 001.

(Open POV)

Main room...

Sardick looks around. His father's portrait is back. Meanwhile, in the past, the Wurlitzer is ready.

"Another Christmas Eve, Kazran. But a very special one. It's complete. Look at it. Sound waves. As simple as that. We can control the clouds, the fog, the fish." Elliot said.

"Why do we want to control the fish?" Kazran asked.

"People are cattle. If you want to control cattle, you need to control their predators. What's the face for? Look what I'm giving you. The sky, and everything beneath it. Only you and I can control this. This planet is ours."

"Excuse me, Father." Kazran said, returning to his room and takes the screwdriver from his desk drawer.

The Doctor, Jared, Hibiki, and Nanoha are standing outside the window.

"Kazan!" Hibiki said, holding out her hand.

"We need to talk!" Nanoha said.

"Please…" Jared said, sadly.

Kazran draws the curtains on them and puts the screwdriver back. Time passes and old Sardick takes it out again. Shortly after, the telephone rings.

Sardick answers it, "Yes, what? Oh, Mister President, we've been through this. It's not going to crash on my house, so what's it got to do with me? Yes, I know. four thousand and eight. As very old friends of mine once took a very long time to explain, life isn't fair."

Holograms of Amy and Sayaka appear.

"Hello." Amy said.

"Hello, Kazran." Sayaka said, happily. "What's up?"

"Who are the both of you? What are you doing here?" Sardick asked.

"You didn't think this was over, did you?" Amy asked.

"We're the Ghosts of Christmas Present." Sayaka said, smiling. "He was right, this is fun. Doing A Christmas Carol."

"Ghosts? Dressed like that?" Sardick asked.

Amy is replaced by Rory and Sayaka is replaced by Kyoko.

"Eyes off the skirt." Rory said.

"The hell? Don't break Sayaka's heart." Kyoko said, angrily.

Amy pushes Rory and Sayaka pushes Kyoko out of the way.

"One of you turned into a Roman and the other turned into someone with red hair." Sardick said.

"Yeah, we do that." Sayaka said, happily.

"And we also do this." Amy said.

"Do what? What are you talking about?" Sardick asked.

"Silent night, holy night." Some voices said, nearby.


"All is calm, all is bright, round yon virgin mother and child, Holy infant so tender and mild. Christ the Saviour is born. Christ the Saviour is born." People said, nearby.

Holograms of Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi are in that crowd too.

"They're holograms. Projections, like me and Sayaka Miki." Amy said.

"Who are they?" Sardick asked.

"The people on the ship up there. The ones that you're going to let die tonight. Which is wrong by the way." Sayaka said, crossing her arms. "Letting then all die."

"Why are they singing?" Sardick asked.

"They're signing for their lives. It's like Symphogear does whenever they sing their Superb Song."

"Which one's Abigail? The Doctor and Jared told us.�� Amy said.

"Did they now?" Sardick asked.

"Ah, they don't hold back. You know the Doctor and Jared."

"How do I? I never met them before tonight. Now I seem to have known them, Symphogear, and the Time Space Administrative Bureau all my life. How? Why?"

"You're the only person who can let that ship land. The power of song or the power of magic can't make the ship land." Amy said.

"They were trying to turn you into a nicer person. And they were trying to do it nicely. Hibiki and Nanoha rubbed off on Jared. He was trying to connect and reason with you." Sayaka said, letting out a sigh "It was Jared's way of doing justice. And I like him for that, in a friendly way."

"They changed my past, my whole life." Sardick said.

"Time can be rewritten." Amy said.

"You tell the Doctor and Jared. Tell them from me, people can't." Sardick said, walking through the holograms, which vanish, to a particular cryochamber.

"Is that Abigail?" Sayaka asked.

"I would never have known her if the Doctor and Jared hadn't changed the course of my whole life to suit themselves."

"Well, that's good, isn't it?" Amy asked.


"Why is she still in there? You could let her out any time." Sayaka said, walking towards Abigail.

"Oh, yes. Any time at all. Any time I choose." Sardick said.

"Then why don't you?" Amy asked.

"This is what the Doctor and Jared did to me. Abigail was ill when she went into the ice. On the point of death. I suppose the rest in the ice helped her. But she's used up her time. All those Christmas Eves with me. I could release her any time I want, and she would live a single day. So tell me, Ghosts of Christmas Present, how do I choose which day?"

"Amy, we have to show him." Sayaka said, sadly. "We're sorry. We do mean it. Like, we didn't have to do it."

"Sayaka's right, we are sorry. But you know what? She's got more time left than we have. More than anyone on this ship." Amy said.

"Good." Sardick said.

"Rory, Kyoko, widen the beam." Amy said.


"Status update on engine one." The captain said.

"How did I get here?" Sardick asked.

"You didn't. It's time for you to be the hologram." Sayaka said.

"Since you're going to let a lot of people die, we thought you might like to see where it's all going to happen." Kyoko said, her hand on her hip. "Mami told us that a Witch is slowly forming somewhere in the ship. Or it might have formed by now. And she's taking it down."

"The singing. What is it? I don't understand." Sardick said, his eyes widening.

"It's the Doctor and Jared's idea. The harmonies resonate in the ice crystals, Jared also brought all the Symphogear wielders to sing all of their songs together, that's why the fish like it." Rory said.

"They thought maybe it would stabilise the ship. Jared thought the power of song through Symphogear would work like before. Like how it saved the Earth time and time again. But it isn't working. It's not powerful enough." Sayaka said, frowning.

"Why are they still singing, then, the passengers?" Sardick asked. "And why bring all of Symphogear here? Don't they have Noise to defeat?"

"Because we haven't told them. And Symphogear volunteered to help sing their hearts out. Due to you rejecting Hibiki's helping hand. Sir, I understand you have a machine that controls this cloud layer. If you can release us from it, we still have time to make a landing. Nobody has to die." The captain said.

"Everybody has to die."

"Not tonight." Amy said.

"Tonight's as good as any other. How do you choose?" Sardick asked.

"Doctor? Jared?" Amy asked.

"Yeah? How's it going?" Jared asked, his voice over the speaker.

"Are you hearing this?"

"We can hear him." Nanoha said, over the speaker.

"They're here? Where are they? Doctor? Jared?" Sardick asked.


"Doctor! Jared!" Sardick said, angrily.

"I'm sorry. I forgot what would happen. I didn't realize the consequences of me reaching out like this." Jared said, grabbing Nanoha's hand. "And with the Doctor giving a helping hand."

"All my life, I've been called heartless. My other life, my real life, the one the both of you rewrote. Now look at me." Sardick said.

"It's better to be a broken heart than no heart at all."

"Oh, try it. You try it. Why are the three of you here?"

"Because we don't have to fight like this. We can make up. Come on, Kazran. You saw the past. The present. Time for you to see the future." Nanoha said, as Jared squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry for what we're about to show you."

"Fine. Do it. Show me. I'll die cold, alone and afraid. Of course I will. We all do. What difference does showing me make?" Sardick asked.

"The difference in showing you is that you're not like Ebenezer Scrooge. He ended up like that, dying cold and alone, and afraid in one future. A possible future, but he got better. A Christmas Carol is one of my favorite stories." Jared said, smiling. "Come on, Kazran. Listen to us! You don't have to do this! Letting all those people die."

"Do you know why I'm going to let those people die? It's not a plan. I don't get anything from it. It's just that I don't care. Doctor, Jared, I'm not like the both of you. I'm not like Hibiki Tachibana or Nanoha Takamachi. I don't even want to be like any of you. I don't and never, ever will care."

"I don't believe that." Nanoha said, sadly. "We can help you and Abigail. And we can save everyone. Not everyone has to die."

"Then show me the future. Prove me wrong." Sardick said.

"We're showing it to you. We're showing it to you right now. So what do you think? Is this who you want to become, Kazran?" The Doctor asked.

Sardick turns around to see little boy Kazran standing there in his dressing gown.

"Dad?" Kazran asked.

Sardick is about to hit his younger self when he remembers the past.

"Like I said, this is my favorite version of A Christmas Carol." Jared said, laughing a little. "Since I got to spend it with you girls."

And the time Sardick nearly hit Benjamin's son, and kissed Abigail and put her back to live for ever. He cries. Kazran cries. They hug each other.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. It's okay, don't be frightened. I'm, I'm so, so, so…" Sardick said.

"Kazran. We don't have much time. We have to save them." Nanoha said.


"Structural integrity at thirty percent." The co-pilot said.

"We have five minutes max. We need to land." The captain said.

"Hello? Hey, you guys. Get ready to lock onto our signal!" Jared said, on the view screen.

"Jared, what the hell is going on?" Kyoko asked.

"The Doctor and I. We saved Christmas. Don't leave. Symphogear, are you ready, ready, ready?"

"Doctor? Jared? Doctor! Jared!" Amy said, annoyed.

Main room…

Sardick is at the controls of his father's mighty Wurlitzer.

"Are we ready?" Nanoha asked.

"The controls, they won't respond." Sardick said.

"Of course they will. They're isomorphic. They're tuned to your brainwaves. They'll only respond to you." The Doctor said.

"They won't respond."

"That doesn't make sense. That's ridiculous. Why wouldn't? Oh. Oh, of course. Stupid, stupid Doctor."

"Son of a bitch!" Jared said, stomping his foot. "How could I forget that? I'm such an idiot!"

"What's wrong? Tell me, what is it?" Sardick asked.

"Kazran, it's you. The Doctor, Hibiki, Nanoha, and me. We changed you so much that the machine no longer recognizes you."

"But my father programmed it."

"No, your father would never have programmed it for the man you are now.��� The Doctor said.

"So, what do we do?" Nanoha asked.

"I don't know. I can't think of anything!" Jared said, annoyed.

"There must be something." Kazran said.

"This. You can use this. I kept it, see?" Sardick asked, taking out half of the sonic screwdriver.

"What, half a screwdriver? With the other half up in the sky in a big old shark, right in the heart of the cloud layer. If we use your aerial to boost the signal, use the power of song from the Symphogear wielders connecting their harmonies, and set up a resonation pattern between the two halves. Ooo, come on, that would work. My screwdriver, coolest bit of kit on this planet. Coolest three bits. It could do it." The Doctor said, happily.

"Do what?" Nanoha asked.

"Well, my screwdriver is still trying to repair. It's signalling itself. We use the signal, and we use Symphogear's music to amplify the signal, but we send something else."

"Send what?" Kazran asked.

"Well, what? What?" Sardick asked.

"I'm sorry, Kazran." Jared said, sadly. "I really am."

"I don't understand."

"We need to transmit something into the cloud belt. Something we know works. And something that will be able to be amplified by Symphogear's songs. We need her to sing." The Doctor said.


"Her voice resonates perfectly with the ice crystals. And all seven Symphogear wielders can amplify that power." The Doctor said.

"It calmed the shark. It will calm the sky, too." Nanoha said. "I know it can. The power of magic and the power of song was a cool combination before."

"Could you do it? Could you do this? Think about it, Doctor, Jared. One last day with your beloved. Which day would you choose?" Sardick asked.

"Christmas. Christmas Day. Look at you. You're so old now. I think you waited a bit too long, didn't you?" Abigail asked.

"So, will this work?" Nanoha asked.

"It has to, Nanoha!" Jared said, looking at Nanoha. "If it doesn't…"

"Then you don't know what to do."

"We've had so many Christmas Eves, Kazran. I think it's time for Christmas Day." Abigail said.

"Yes." Sardick said.


"Doctor!" Amy said, terrified. "Jared!"

"We can't hold this. Time's up. We're going down." The captain said.

"Doctor! Jared!"

"Captain, I've got. I don't know what I've got." The co-pilot said.

"Is that a song?" Kyoko asked.

"It is." Sayaka said, waving her fingers around like a conductor's baton. "It's a peaceful melody too. Not like the songs Symphogear sings."

Singing coming over the speakers.

"What is that? What are you listening to?" The captain asked.

"This is coming from outside. This is coming from the actual clouds." The co-pilot said.

The turbulence stops as the new Murray Gold song starts.


The Doctor has hooked up the screwdriver to the beam transmitter in the dome, all Symphogear wielders sent the power of song to the screwdriver due to them singing ahead of time, and Abigail is using it as a microphone.

"When you're alone, silence is all you know." Abigail said, singing.

"Well? Well?" Sardick asked.

"Well, the singing resonates in the crystals. It's feeding back and forth between the two halves of the screwdriver. And it's being amplified by the power of song from all seven Symphogear wielders. Now, one song, filling the sky. The crystals will align and I'll feed in a controlled phase loop, and the clouds will unlock." The Doctor said.

"What does that mean, unlock? What happens when a cloud unlocks?" Kazran asked.

"Something that hasn't happened in this town for a really long time." Jared said, smiling.

"When you're alone, silence is all you see. When you're alone, silence is all you'll be." Abigail said, singing.


"Give me your hand and come to me." Abigail said, over the speaker.

"We're flying normally." The pilot said.

"Can you land?" The captain asked.

"I can even land well." The pilot said.

"Oh, they did it. The Doctor and Jared did it." Amy said, happily.

"Yeah, they get all the credit. Which is actually fair enough, if you think about it." Rory said.


It is snowing. Jared is making a snowball.

"When you are here, music is all around. When you are near, music is all around. Open your eyes, don't make a sound." Abigail said, singing.

"Can't believe that worked." Nanoha said, happily.

"What now?" Fate asked, looking around.

"Any ideas?" Hayate asked.

"You three can go home now. I call this mission a success." Jared said, tossing a snowball at Nanoha. "There you go."

The shark glides overhead.

"Hello, my old friend." Sardick said.

"Let in the shadow." Abigail said, singing.

"Let's go." The Doctor said.

"We did it. We did it!" Hibiki said, hugging Jared. "We saved the day!"

"I know, you and Nanoha take all the credit though." Jared said, smirking.

"More like Elfnein takes the credit. Along with Lindy." Tsubasa said.

"They did think of the combination." Fate said.

"Still. Magic and songs." Jared said, smiling. "My favorite things."

"Can we go for some ice cream?" Kirika asked.

"Ice cream?" Miku asked. "Where are we gonna get it?"

"We could find one back on Earth." Maria said.

"God. Ice cream!" Chris said, annoyed. "Why is it always food with Hibiki and Jared?"

"They are gluttons after all." Shirabe said.

"Ice cream. Not a bad idea." Hayate said, smiling.

Young Kazran, Symphogear, Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate go into the Tardis.

"Let in the shadow, let in the light of your bright shadow. Let in the shadow, let in the shadow." Abigail said, singing.

The Doctor and Jared go into the Tardis and it dematerialises, leaving a clear square in inch or so of fresh snow.

"Let in the light of your bright shadow." Abigail said, singing.

Later, the Doctor is rubbing noses with a snowman. Jared is drinking some coconut taro bubble tea.

"Hi." Madoka said, happily.

"Um, are you okay?" Homura asked.

"I'm fine." Jared said, sipping on his bubble tea.

"You know, that could almost be mistaken for a real person. The snowman isn't bad, either." Amy said.

"The snowmen." Sayaka said, her hand on her hip. "Not bad. If you know what I mean."

"Were you that bored?" Mami asked.

"The hell were you doing while we were gone?" Kyoko asked.

"Building snowmen. I guess." Jared said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Ah, yes, the Ponds and the Puella Magi Holy Quintet. About time. Ponds, why are you dressed like that? And the Puella Magi Holy Quintet, why are you in your Magical Girl outfits?" The Doctor asked, looking between the Ponds and the Puella Magi Holy Quintet.

"Er, kind of lost our luggage. Kind of crash landed?" Rory asked.

"Yeah, but why are you dressed like that at all?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah, they really love their snowmen around here, don't they? I've counted about twenty." Amy said.

"Yeah, Jared and I have been busy."

"Yeah. Yeah, the two of you have. Thank you." Amy said, happily.

"Pleasure. Right, come on then, let's go." The Doctor said.

"Got any more honeymoon ideas?" Rory asked.

"Well, there's a moon that's made of actual honey. Well, not actual honey, and it's not actually a moon, and technically it's alive, and a bit carnivorous, but there are some lovely views."

"I was thinking of the beach." Jared said, happily. "Or a boardwalk. Or possibly casinos. Atlantic City has the best of both worlds for me. It's not just deserts like Las Vegas. That one is for both you, Ponds and Magical Girls."

"We get the beach and a boardwalk!" Sayaka said, smiling.

"That could work." Kyoko said, her hand on her hip. "I could do it with a nice tan."

"Um, Atlantic City has long beaches, I think." Homura said.

"I could do it with a break." Mami said.

"So, when are we going?" Madoka asked.

"Now!" Jared said, excitedly. "I got today done pretty well. A Christmas Carol."

"Yeah. Great. Thanks." Rory said.

Rory, Madoka, Homura, and Mami goes inside the Tardis.

"Are you, are you two okay?" Amy asked.

"Of course I'm okay." The Doctor said.

"I'm fine, I'm just fine." Jared said, happily. "How about you, Sayaka?"

"I'm okay." Sayaka said.

"I'm fine too. What about you, Amy?" Kyoko asked.

"Of course. It'll be their last day together, won't it?" Amy asked.

"Yup, it is." Jared said, sadly. "I knew the entire time. This was one of my favorite adventures back home."

"Everything has got to end some time, otherwise nothing would ever get started." The Doctor said.

"Your phone was ringing. Someone called Marilyn. Actually sounds like the Marilyn." Rory said, popping his head out of the TARDIS.

"Doctor?" Amy asked.

"Tell her I'll phone her back. And that was never a real chapel. And also, Hibiki Tachibana and Frank Sinatra can never be together. Miku Kohinata would kill me if I let him take Hibiki." The Doctor said.

"The hell are they? Kazran and Abigail." Kyoko said, looking around the place.

"They're on a little trip. Those two." Jared said, still sipping on his bubble tea.

"Where?" Sayaka asked.

"Christmas." The Doctor said.

"Christmas?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, Christmas."

Amy, Sayaka, and Kyoko join Rory, Madoka, Homura, and Mami in the Tardis.

"Halfway out of the dark." The Doctor said.

"And into the light." Jared said, looking at the Doctor. "This adventure is a wrap."

Sardick and Abigail fly past in their carriage pulled by the shark.