Chapter 12: Who do you love?

2 hours earlier —

"You've changed your mind so soon?" Lijuan asked over the phone.

"It wasn't exactly made up, but now it is, I want us to carry on with our plans. Where are we meeting? Your place?"

"I dressed up earlier so we could go out, but now I'm back in my sweatshirt and shorts."

"So, should I just head to your place?"

"No. Let's meet at Bai Vine Lounge. Where this all started. Same time, six."

"Sure, I'll see you there." 


This was different to Lijuan. Before she met Wu, all she knew was Hong and his wannabes. They were very different from him. He wasn't her first, but a part of herself wanted him to be her last. 

She kept falling in love with him, and each time was harder than the last. Every time the feeling gets deeper, more complete, more bewitching. She finally admitted it to herself. He never escaped her mind whenever he wasn't there to warm her up in his embrace. She couldn't wait to see him again, and to finally take a step she never thought she would.

She positioned herself in front of the bureau mirror. Makeup was minimal, reserved to a mascara, powder, and clear gloss. She was aware her youth made her beautiful enough. With or without a palette, she was confident to step out. 

From Time to time, Wu would randomly pop up in her mind, and her cheeks will redden. It was hard to concentrate while she styled her and sometimes she laughed over her failed attempt to curl her hair. So, she ended up pulling it neatly into a ponytail, then she held it with a single brown coloured band.

She ventured to her closet that was somewhat like a maze to her because she hardly remembered the things that were inside. She'd just zigzag to each side, looking for what fit the occasion best.

She pulled out a beige lace dress that was delivered to her a few days back, then a smile appeared on her face as she wondered if Wu would like it. She wanted to know him more, his favorite color, his favorite food, his plans, his wishes and goals. She wanted him to share it all, and their date was a chance for it all to happen.

The dress leaves her shoulders mostly uncovered and flows down into a stylish halter neckline. The sleeves start out loose and tighten towards the bottom, and the dress is a tight fit which adds to its grace and elegance. 

She stood in front of the mirror and twirled, feeling excited. She stepped out of the large closet then glanced at the wall clock "it's almost time" She said then moved to a separate closet for her bags and shoes collection. Her hand knocked down a black t-strap heel, and she thought it was better to go with something black so she wouldn't waste time looking for another color that matches her dress.

And last but not the least, she picked a mini Chanel bag then examined her look in the mirror before she approved it. 

"YOUR RIDE AWAITS MA'AM" An announcement from her automated buzzer rang twice in the house before she muted it, then headed for the door where the driver was waiting to assist her to the car.

She turned on her phone and quickly texted Wu, "I'll see you there." 


Lijuan stepped into the building and met the still eyes of a man with a wide grin. He welcomed her as she dropped off Wu's details, to prevent the delay of last time. 

When the elevator opened to the first floor, she got to the real reception. What was below was just the security screening.

She slowly moved, surveying her mother's new theme. Exquisite paintings hung from the rich, red walls, and the door hinges were engraved with swirls and elegant designs. Her mother had a thing for revamping her restaurant every time she comes across a trending style. Not like any of that mattered to Lijuan. She was there because of Wu and only Wu.

She went to top, a covered balcony, and a private place to sit and watch the sunset just like she normally did, but this time, she wanted to do it with her boyfriend.

Lijuan was too busy drowning herself in the sky's sight when Chang Wu Walked in with the receptionist. 

"Evening Miss Qin" 

She turned her head to drink the sight of the man her heart raced for. His perfectly tailored jacket that was the best fit on him had effects on her as she gawked. 

It had a subtle pinstripe pattern which gave his suit an elegant look. The 5 buttons of his single-breasted jacket are all buttoned up, the best way to wear a jacket like that after all. The pants he had on copied the style of the jacket, both in color and pattern, and they make an ideal combination with his shoes. To top it all off, he wore a modest belt, accompanied by a scarf and cuff links.

"Miss Qin?" He titled his head, and the woman quickly composed herself after he called her attention.

She cleared her throat as he sat down. Then she looked through the menu, intentionally avoid the gaze that could take her breath away. 

"You look beautiful tonight Miss Qin" 

"You too, Mr Chang. You're handsome and you have a wonderful personality on the inside as well."

Chang Wu wished he could say the same for her friend, Jessica.

The waiter stopped by to take their orders. Lijuan went for something vegan, and Wu picked what he was familiar with before he poured himself and Lijuan a glass of gold-coloured Moselle.

"Thank you" She said with a smile then took a sip, leaving her gloss mark on the rim. 

"About yesterday…" Chang Wu raised the subject matter, but Lijuan wanted to take the lead.

"I should apologize for my silence. I was surprised, I wasn't expecting those words at all." 

"It's okay, but…" He wanted to ask her exactly what she felt about him, because he wanted to progress more in their relationship, and a part of him was scared she probably didn't like him the same way.

He sighed "I've known heartbreak enough to shatter my mind, to leave my soul feeling like dust in the wind and my body unwilling to move. You are worth my all and I'm not ready to lose you. Knowing you for almost two months got me this attached, and I don't regret any of it…"

He got up and moved to her side. He reached out for her hand, and she took hold of it without thinking twice. His usually playful smile had drawn into a hard line across his face. He placed his firm hands on her waist as he stared deep into her eyes. 

"I really love you. And I can say it a million times. I love you Miss Qin." His voice was deep, with a serious tone, and his lips brushed her ear as he spoke.

The corners of her lips turned up in a slight smile as her eyes dropped to the floor, a strangely demure gesture for her. As she looked back at him, tossing the bangs from his eyes, the dark brown eyes that sparkled up through long, dark lashes that she'd never noticed before momentarily swayed her. She couldn't help but blush as she parted her lips to say those words too.

"You're bold when it comes to business affairs, but you're so shy in your love life" Wu said, a smile etched its way back into his face as Lijuan pouted. 

"That's not true." 

"Is that so? Then prove me wrong. Tell me you love me already."

Her gaze slid to the side, then he pulled her against his chest, closing the distance between them. She bit her lip, fighting the urge to burst out her feelings the way she wanted to. 

He turned her around, and before she knew it, he clasped an anchor chain necklace to her nape.

"I bought it for you on my way here. I'm certain you love me, but it hits different only if you say it. Lijuan, what do you feel about me?"

"I...I'm not the best at saying sweet things, but I do love you as well. I wish I could compose my feelings the way other people do, but…" 

He placed a finger over her mouth to silence her "all I wanted were those magic words. Don't worry about anything else" His body was warm and toned as he hugged her, then he leaned in, parted his lips but looked back once the waiter cleared his throat to announce their food was served. He'd been there the whole time, but Wu only noticed him ten minutes later.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I just don't want the dish to be cold. You can carry on" He bowed before he turned away, then Wu looked back at Lijuan who quickly wiggled out of his embrace. Wu bit his lip in disappointment. A chance to finally kiss her...gone.

She sat down to eat, and so did he. Soon, fireworks cut through the dark night, fiery blooms amongst the stars. Each one draws a pattern into the sky, something unique and breathtaking, never to be repeated as they soared until they extinguished to blackness.

Wu was less interested in the display but he savored watching Lijuan's expressions, how they light up her face just as she smiles. She enjoyed the thrill of shuddering at the sudden bangs, and she reminisced nights she spent alone while growing up. It was odd, she never had a boyfriend by her side to watch seasonal fireworks, but now, she had Wu, and it felt so right.

When the show was over, the sudden silence was brief until applause ripples around and the spectators turned to leave.

"I didn't think there'd be actual fireworks tonight. It was beautiful" 

"Yeah, you must have heard this a million times, but what makes this time special is that it's coming from me. You're beautiful too, and I really am lucky to have met you, and I'm grateful for the opportunity you gave me to make this work. I love you Lijuan." He held her hand and they fit perfectly together for a few seconds before she pulled her hand away.

Wu pressed his lips into a thin line as he slowly balled his fist, searching for Lijuan's gaze "Why won't you look at me Lijuan?" He asked with a mixture of sadness and worry on his face.

Silently, the pearl-shaped tears rolled down her cheeks from partly closed eyes.

"Miss Qin?" He wondered what went wrong.

When she at last turned her face to Wu, he could see a genuine smile of happiness growing. "Don't worry, Wu, they're just tears of joy. I'm just so happy that...I'm happy that I could spend this evening with someone I love." She sat back and let the joy soak right into her bones.

The first time he went out with her, he mistook her for being cold like a machine who runs on logic alone, who wants only what it is sensible for themselves, but getting to know her, she had emotions so divine he wanted to scoop her up in his arms and keep her safe for all time.

"Let's go" she said, wiping her tears away. 


They both got up, and Wu held her hand as they stepped into the elevator. Once they got to the ground floor, Wu and Lijuan ran into a hassle on who should pay, but the former got his way in the end, and it forced his lady to accept defeat.

"So we're going to your place right?"

"You want me to come to yours?" She asked, then Wu smiled "I don't mind." 

"Well, I want to go to my place" The date almost made Wu forget about Jessica and her threats. Just when she popped up in his mind, the she-devil called. Wu's heart raced as his gaze shifted from her phone to the road.

"D-don't answer it!" 

The raise of voice shocked Lijuan. It was just her friend. What was the reason for Wu's odd reaction?

"I mean… I was enjoying our conversation."

"I understand, but...this could be important." She was about to answer it when Wu spoke again.

"Send her a text first. Maybe it's just a minor issue. I don't want us to stop talking...please" His voice fell into a whisper, and it warmed clueless Lijuan. She declined the call with a message and waited for Jessica to reply.

"She said she wants to talk to me about something important," Lijuan said, and Wu gulped. "She is heading to my house." 

"Fuck" Wu silently cussed "I'm so fucking screwed" His grip tightened on the steering wheel, and Lijuan heard his faint mumble. 

"What did you say?" She asked, and Wu shook his head, "Nothing"

She knew something was wrong. She placed her hand to his neck, and could feel a slight change in his temperature "Was it the cold?" 

"Don't worry about me, love" He tried to fake a smile to mask his fear, but his lips barely twitched. He was worried. He couldn't take her to his place, Lijuan wouldn't like that especially after she made it clear she wanted to go home. It seemed like it was game over. It was nice while it lasted. 

He pulled up in front of her house when he got there, and Lijuan turned to look at him.

"You look tired. Can you drive home?" 

While she continued with her questions, he grew more and more terrified of it all ending. His muscles tensed as he pondered for a way to solve it, but he ran into a dead end every time. 

Cold sweat formed on his forehead, and Lijuan's concern multiplied. Was he sick? Food poisoning maybe?

"Stay the night with me" She whispered, placing her hand on his.

"I want to spend every second with you by my side, Lijuan. I never want to lose you. I can't imagine it. Sadly, I have to go home as well." 

She wondered what it was all about, but she waved off questioning him. He already looked stressed. She decided to bring it up some other time, or probably forget it all.

"I love you," Lijuan said, then kissed his cheek before stepping out of his car. She watched him drive away, and a few minutes later, Jessica parked her car in front of her friend's place, distress plastered all over her face. 

The woman moved in the moment the doors automatically opened for her and she met Lijuan in the living room, waiting for her.

"Lijuan...We need to talk! We need to talk about Chang Wu!!"