Chapter 10: Winds of Change

Today was Monday, and I went to school as usual. If it had been last week, I wouldn't have had the slightest inclination to attend school. However, things were different now.

I was no longer a cripple. Though my training path deviated from the orthodox mage's path, it had nonetheless allowed me to grow stronger. The excitement within me was palpable—I couldn't wait to go to school and share my newfound strength with my friends.

Upon entering the classroom, I sensed a peculiar atmosphere. The gazes directed at me felt different—intense and probing. Yet, it wasn't significant enough for me to concern myself with, so I brushed it aside.

As I approached my seat, someone intercepted me. It was Phillip. There was an unfamiliar air about him today, but I dismissed it as my imagination and greeted him as I usually did. "Hey, Phillip."

"William, as your friend, I've come here to give you a warning. Stay away from Sarah. She's not someone you can approach easily. Also, I've received an offer to attend the Central Magic University, so from now on, I won't have time to hang out with you anymore."

With those words, Phillip abruptly walked away, leaving me behind, trying to process the weight of his message.

Phillip's sudden change in attitude bewildered me. Though we weren't close enough to be called best friends, we were still friends. Due to my parents' influence, many people kept their distance from me, fearing they might incur my parents' wrath. Moreover, my independent nature and preference for solitude meant I didn't have many friends, aside from Phillip and Mark.

The fact that Phillip and Mark had become my friends despite knowing who my parents were had brought me immense happiness. For three years, I had believed that our friendship could withstand any challenges, even after the incident during the awakening ceremony.

Yet, it seemed I was mistaken. It was their choice, after all, and they had at least been honest with me about it. In hindsight, it was better than them pretending to be my friends and eventually betraying me.

The rest of the class proceeded as usual. However, the teachers and students no longer bestowed any special attention upon me because of my parents. Moreover, following the incident during the awakening ceremony, the teachers no longer held any expectations for me, which, in a way, brought a sense of relief.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make," our classroom teacher declared, capturing the attention of the boisterous students. "The location for your graduation test has been decided. It will be held at the Thousand Tree Forest."

As soon as the words left the teacher's mouth, the classroom erupted into excited chatter. The anticipation and energy filled the air.

"Silence! I will not repeat myself on how important this test is. Ensure that each and every one of you is adequately prepared. The test will take place in three months, giving those who awakened last week a chance to properly cultivate their cores. And for those who have already reached 1-star mage status, I encourage you to assist your friends who are still progressing. That is all for today. Class dismissed."

The noise gradually subsided, and a mix of determination and anticipation lingered within the classroom. The graduation test marked a significant milestone in our magical journey, and the prospect of testing our newfound abilities in the Thousand Tree Forest heightened the excitement within each of us.

With the winds of change blowing through my life, I embraced the upcoming challenges and the opportunity to prove myself. The journey to becoming a great warrior had just begun, and I was determined to make the most of it.