Luxury vacation

When I first woke up in one of the softest and most comfortable beds I have ever slept in, I nearly forgot where I was and thought I had died. I haven't felt such peace in quite a while. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever truly had a moment to sit and relax on my own. I was always doing jobs for people to pay me, and whenever I tried to sit down and take it all in and read a book or just rest, there was always someone there to knock on my door and offer me work. Whether it was some noble who wanted his or her rival dead, or someone offering me a position in an adventuring party for an important quest. I guess I never took the time to look at how much time I spent trying to make money and everything. Lady Valii was right I need this. I earned this, besides it was two days, two days isn't that bad. I put some clothes on and made my way downstairs to the dining hall where breakfast was almost ready to be served.

I sat down in the seat from last night and simply waited for breakfast to arrive, however, as I waited I heard a distant yawn, "Ah, good morning Mr.Crowfeather, did you sleep well?" I smiled, "I did, thank you for asking." I didn't notice until now, but Lady Valii was wearing a sky blue silk robe that seemed to hug her body naturally, yet it would occasionally slip off the shoulder and she would have to readjust it. "Forgive me for arriving so late my dear," She yawned again, "I needed to double-check my plans for our day today." A small bowl of yogurt granola and fruit were set in front of us, "Thank you, now as I was saying, I decided to move the beach visit for tomorrow, that way we have the whole beach to ourselves. For today, however, we shall visit the clothing shops, get you something more...formal to wear, you see I have completely forgotten to tell you I am planning to have a party tonight with some of the other noble folk here in Newharbor." as they took our bowls and presented us with a very well made plate of eggs and sausage with a side of toast.

"However after the shops, I planned some fun activities we can participate in before the party starts, firstly we shall take a horseback ridden trip to the Newharbor exotic flower garden, which I co-own, from there we will take an exclusive tour of the garden where they will show us the brand new flowers that have recently bloomed." I nodded my head as I continued to eat, following along with what she had to say, "Next, we shall take a carriage to watch a brand new play at the Newharbor theatre. From there we shall change into our new formal wear and await the guests for the party. Oh, and don't worry about time darling, everyone always arrives fashionably late." she finishes her breakfast, wipes her mouth, and makes her way back up the stairs to change, "I'll see you in an hour darling." she said.

As I made my way into my room, I found a relatively well-made outfit on a display stand, obviously nothing too fancy for a party but well enough so nobody would kick me out of a formal wear clothing shop. Before I put it on one of the many butlers came in, "Mr.Crowfeather, before you change into your outerwear would you kindly follow me to the washroom so that you may bathe yourself." "Oh. Alright." I followed him a short while to a large room where, in the middle, was a large round pool of steaming warm water. "I shall await you outside sir," he said as he left me alone in this large room. After about 15 minutes I wrapped myself in a towel and followed the same man back into the guest room where the bed was made once again and I could finally change.

Once dressed I walked down the stairs and saw Lady Valii in her outerwear which was a well-made dark blue swallow-tailed coat, under which she was wearing an elegant turquoise vest, and underneath was a light blue shirt. She was also wearing off white pants and high-heeled thigh-high boots. "My darling, you clean up very nicely, how does it fit? Not too tight around the waist?" I felt around my body, "Nope, it feels rather fine." I said. Lady Valii smiled as she took an umbrella from one of the maid's hands and walked out the door, "one can never be too careful with the weather Mr.Crowfeather." I simply nodded and followed her out the door, "The clothes shop isn't too far, and luckily for us, they do rush orders, we'll be needing that outfit for tonight as quickly as possible." "Very well." "Before we arrive I must ask, have you ever been to a professional tailor darling?" I took a moment to think about it.

Then it came to me, "Twice actually." "Oh do tell." She said. "It was when I was very young but I still remember those moments. The first was when my father was assigned to assassinate a wealthy noble who had plans to poison his town's water supply, we were well of for a bit so he bought several outfits that day." She giggled, "The second time was for the anniversary of my parent's marriage, having spent four years together as husband and wife." I laughed a little at the thought of that day, "My mother was never one for fancy dresses and all that, but she swallowed that pride and she came out very happy having spent that time with him." I smiled at the thoughts of my parents holding hands on that moonlit night, for a moment my chest felt warmer at the thought of seeing them.

After a short while, we arrived at the clothing shop where I was now being measured for a suit, The tailor was an elven male with long brown hair tied up into a tight bun, but a few strands of hair came down to meet his face, he had bright grey eyes behind a pair of rounded glasses, he was also wearing a bright green vest with a white shirt underneath and a violet bowtie he also had his sleeves rolled up. After about an hour of trying on coats and shirts, the tailor asked, "And this will be an evening event correct?" "yes, indeed good sir. Might I also ask about your selection of vests?" Lady Valii said, "Nothing too tight, but rather have it accentuate his form." "I do believe we have what you're looking for madam. Wait here." he said as he went further into the store, "Here we are." he said as he came back with a display stand and on it was an elegantly made black vest. "This vest has a stand-up collar and wide sweeping lapels, five engraved metal buttons on the outside, the back and inside lining is made from rich black satin, and as you can see it has beautifully made stitched designs of a beautiful silver grey color." I looked at the vest in awe, if my father were here, even he'd be impressed and he just bought what would look good or convincing to blend in.

Lady Valii smiled, "We'll take this one. Along with the coat you had mentioned previously." "Very good choice madam. I shall have it all delivered to your estate within a manner of hours." She nodded and paid the man. As we left two of her servants walked up to us and handed us the reins to two horses. One was pure white while its legs and mouth were a dark grey, and the other was pure black with a long white stripe along its face. The servants helped Lady Valii onto her horse and once she was on she turned to look at me, "shall we go on our way darling?" I nodded and followed her to our next destination. It was a fascinating trip on horseback simply trotting along to the flower garden.

It wasn't my sort of fun but, it was nice to see all kinds of rare and beautiful flowers hardly anyone has ever seen. Before we left the garden Lady Valii handed me a couple small bags of seeds to plant back home. When we finally did leave carriage came by to pick us up, "Ah, it must be time to attend the play. Come along, there's plenty of room." she said stepping inside, "What about the horses?" I asked, "Oh don't worry darling, I'll have someone come to take them back home while we're away, now come in, we don't to be late." I shrugged and took the seat across from her as we made our way to the Newharbor theatre.

When we arrived it was just starting to fill up, it seems people must enjoy the plays here. Lady Valii and I had a private booth to watch the play from. Before it even started we were offered hor d'oeuvres, drinks, etc. Lady Valii asked for a bottle of champagne and a small bowl of cubed cheese and cookies, one bowl each that is. "Lady Valii?" "Yes?" "I don't believe you've told me the name of this play." "Oh you're right my dear, I do apologize. The name of this play is called "The dwarf of my dreams" from what I have heard, it is a romantic comedy about a very attractive and curvaceous dwarf woman becoming the apprentice of a human wizard and they slowly yet hilariously start to fall in love. I also heard it was based on a true story, but who knows." I was going to say something else when the play finally started and center stage was a beautiful dwarven woman with short curly blonde hair and dark green eyes. She was, as Lady Valii said, a very curvaceous, woman. This was going to be interesting.

After the play, I had to take a moment to collect myself, "My goodness, I haven't laughed so hard in my life. Did you enjoy it, my dear?" Lady Valii asked recovering from her fit of laughter. "I did, and how couldn't I? When the wizard drank the wrong potion, or when the dwarf woman tried to surprise him with revealing clothing and he came in with his family who was visiting, that was, I haven't seen anything like that in quite a while." I said. "I'm glad you liked it darling." she placed her hand on mine and for a moment we locked eyes, the light flickering and reflecting off of her ocean blue eyes begged me to come closer and closer until she said, "Oh my! We have to get going, else we'll be late for our own party." She hopped off the chair and made her way out the door where the carriage was waiting for us, "Right… late." Those eyes are truly something.