Beach day

As we entered the carriage on our way back to Lady Valii's home I couldn't help but think of that moment we had. That small moment where the world was quiet and all I could see were her perfect eyes, but that thought immediately left my head as we finally arrived back at her home and I noticed all the decorations and lights ready for a party. When we entered there were all sorts of food and drinks ready, "well, we should head upstairs and get ready, the guests are likely to arrive within an hour, perhaps an hour and a half." she said heading upstairs ahead of me, and though it was rather vulgar, I couldn't help but stare as she walked up those steps and watch as those hips of hers swayed from side to side. I shook my head to get myself out of the trance I was in and followed after her to get to the guest room where I proceeded to change into my new clothes.

As I waited along with some of the servants I looked up at the top of the stairs to see Lady Valii in a gorgeous blue dress accented with a gold and silver trim. It sparkled delicately in the light as it displayed her assets near-perfectly, "So my dear, what do you think? It's not too much is it?" snapping myself out of the trance once more I responded as best I could, "I-I, Lady Valii. You look magnificent." She smiled and I could almost see a blush form on her face. Before she could say anything else a knock sounded at the door. It seems the guests have arrived.

The party was going very well, people around were dancing, laughing, eating, drinking, overall having a swell time. Funnily enough, many of the guests weren't human as I had originally might have thought. When it comes to nobles and royals and all that my first thoughts usually go to humans and high elves. As I watched over the sea of guests, I could see humans, elves, tieflings, and even half-orcs a mix of many races all of which wealthy and enjoying themselves. I couldn't see Lady Valii anywhere and I asked one of the servants where she went and she said that she likely went upstairs to her room to speak with someone privately.

I thanked her and went upstairs, however, due to the muscle memory I slowly started to develop having gone up the same steps into the guest room one too many times I turned to enter the guest room instead and walked in on a couple kissing and groping one another with furious passion. The female was a tiefling with blueish-purple skin, smokey black hair and she was in a bright red dress and the male was a human with dark brown, almost black hair shaved at the sides, and a curled tip mustache. The female saw me enter and gasped loudly, "What is it darling- Oh by the gods! Forgive us lad we uh...heh, we thought no one was using this room for some time." "Well...if you want to escape prying eyes, there's another guestroom two doors past the master bedroom." I said awkwardly pointing in the direction, "Ah, thank you my good lad." the man said as they both quickly made their way to the unattended room to continue their business. I however made my way over to the master bedroom door and knocked this time.

From inside I heard Lady Valii say, "I'll be out in a moment." So I waited and out came two humans, male and female, a male goblin with a patch over his eye, and a half-orc female. From behind them, I heard, "Thank you all for coming and putting this matter to rest, please join the others downstairs, or perhaps remain here upstairs and mingle with the few walking around." they bowed and some walked around upstairs and others went back downstairs to continue with the festivities. "Darling, what brings you up here?" she asked, "well, I wanted to ask you to dance but I couldn't find you and-" she put a finger on my lips, hush darling. I would love to dance with you." I shut my mouth as she held onto my arm on our way to the dancefloor.

From there we enjoyed ourselves at this party, we ate we drank and we danced the night away for who knows how long. After it was over we went into our separate rooms and slept whatever was left of the night away. After a nice long rest, I put on some comfortable clothing and made my way down the stairs for breakfast. Lady Valii was already there, "Ah, good morning darling, did you sleep well?" I chuckled, "Like a baby." She smiled as we silently ate our breakfast, "Well as you know, I planned for us to go to the Newharbor beach today, hopefully, there won't be any severe weather when we arrive." "Very well, I'll find something to wear to the beach then." I said standing up and, "Good then, I shall change ahead of time if you don't mind, I shall meet you in the carriage darling." I nodded and continued on my way.

After about a half-hour I made my way to the carriage outside where I found Lady Valii sitting and waiting patiently. She was wearing a large-brimmed hat, glasses but the glass itself was dark, perhaps to protect her eyes from the sun, a light blue swimsuit top and a see-through skirt decorated with leaf and flower-like designs and a long slit that revealed her thighs, from what I could see, she was also wearing similar color swimsuit bottoms. Next to her were two towels and a parasol. "Are we ready to depart Mr.Crowfeather?" she asked, "I believe so ma'am." She smiled and we were finally on our way to the beach.

When we arrived I looked over the edge of a cliff and watched as the ocean crashed against distant rocks and glided along the shore. The sea was a beautiful dark blue and though the sky was a very light grey it provided a cool breeze on this warm day, which is strange due to it being the winter season. It didn't matter as I looked upon this beach in awe as the crashing waves provided a soothing familiar sound I have heard so much in the past while on my ship, the scent of the salty sea air filled my lungs and soothed my soul, I could have stood there staring into the horizon for hours but like a sailor tempted to a siren I ran and dove headfirst into the deep end of the water, the water wasn't cold nor warm but rather a very cool temperature.

As I popped my head out from under the water I swam to a more shallow area so Lady could hear me, "Would you care to join me?" I asked, "In a minute darling, I need to set all this up, make sure it doesn't all blow away." I watched her set up a couple of beach chairs with the help of some of the servants that came with her. I watched as she placed the two folded towels on each chair and take one look at me as she began to take off the skirt revealing the bottom swimwear she had on. She walked into the water with swagger and poise and she eventually swam to me, "the water feels magnificent doesn't it darling?" "That it does Lady Valii." She smiled and we continued to swim along and under the waves, we splashed each other and after about an hour maybe even an hour and a half, we got out dried ourselves offend sat in the chairs under a large umbrella.

As Lady Valii dried her hair she asked me if I enjoyed myself these past few days. I told her I did, I hardly ever have enough time to do the usual activities I would have often loved to do back home in Ulvenguard. Back then after a long day's work, I'd sit by the fire and take in the moment I have trying so hard to recreate those peaceful moments I've had in the past with my family when we were once whole, but here and now, I feel happy. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, darling. I pride myself on such things you know. Should I invite others into my home so they may rest and recover from their mundane lives and see what it's like to live as a noble. Many unfortunately do not have this luxury and I do what I can to bring their spirits up whenever possible." I smiled as she leaned back in her chair and looked right at me, I couldn't stop myself from staring into her eyes, unlike most goblins whose eyes are usually red or a golden yellow, hers were ocean blue, I wanted to say something but I finally noticed something I wasn't aware I was doing.

I was moving closer and closer to her every second, she didn't try to stop me at all and before our lips could even meet a deafening crack of thunder sounded overhead and heavy rain began to come down, Lady Valii chuckled, "Perhaps later darling." she said softly tapping my face. She took her towel and the rest of her belongings and ran back up the steps and I ran back with her. The one time I didn't need or want rain and it comes down anyway.