The healing process

Nogu, the Orc woman I had spent the night with didn't notice that my pelvis was broken until he was satisfied, at which point I had passed out cold. The orcs of her clan carefully put my pants back on and were kind enough to take me to the medics. I don't remember how much time I had spent there all I know was that I didn't feel any more pain and didn't waddle when I walked. However, I needed to stay for another week or so as a cleric was going to come in from outside of Ulvenguard to mend the fractures from when it broke so it couldn't break so easily, didn't know why they needed another cleric when the others local clerics can do the same thing, but half were busy joining irresponsible adventuring parties and many others were commissioned to go overseas to help aid large bands of Ulfguardian mercenaries who had been hired to take out some of the bandits claimed lands overseas blocking trade ships and other such things. Meaning the number of Ulfguardian clerics back home were far too few to help those even in critical condition.

So I stayed as the medics ordered. The next morning they introduced me to Gorga Tallstag. She was the half-orc cleric they had invited to assist with my situation. When we first met she was clad in heavy armor, the only thing I could see that wasn't covered was her face. She had tied her black hair into a loose bun, and after she took off the top half of her armor she looked me over with her sky blue eyes. "So, I assume you are a local here in Ulvenguard?" she asked, "I am, I've lived here a majority of my life, had to leave because of the war at our doorstep so long ago, but I do hope I get to stay here for a lot longer, perhaps have a family." She smiled as she finished looking me over, "That's always good to hear. I'll be right with you, I just need to take off the rest of this armor. It has its uses, it just gets in the way more often than not when I'm not out in the field." I nodded and sat on the table patiently. When she came back she was wearing basic clothing and a face cover just in case of anything.

"Alright Mr.Crowfeather, as stated by your previous care instructor they mentioned that your pelvis was, to say the least, broken? Would you care to elaborate?" "Well...I believe it started when I met with the chief of the local goliath clan a few miles southeast of here, she and I had a… "discussion" in private, and well my lower half was simply hurt, but after a short, while it started to go away until I had another "discussion" with the leader of the local orc clan northwest of here. I didn't feel anything at first but then again I did eventually pass out." "Oh my, well lie down and we'll see what I can do." "Well, they said it would be best just to mend the smaller fractures and I'll be back to one-hundred percent." "Alright, let's what we're...working with." I watched her eyes widen, "is something wrong?" "No! No. it's fine, there's nothing to worry about, she looked around nervously then closed the curtains behind her. "Listen, to tell you the truth, you're pretty much the only people who have hired me recently, it's not that I'm not a good cleric it's just...I probably wasn't the best to hire…" "What does that mean?" She sighed as she pulled down the face cover, "You see...those of my priesthood, like many others, worship a deity to give us the power to heal and other such things right? However, my priesthood specifically….we worship a goddess that's mainly popular can I put this nicely?...streetwalkers." I do not know what face I made but it clearly must have shown my confusion.

She took a deep breath and sat down, "we worship Moona the goddess of love, fertility, romance, and most of all, or most would say worst of all, lust." I remember hearing about the goddess Moona. My father once met with a priestess who followed her, and she told him about her. She is said to be unimaginably beautiful, though this is a strange point for those in her following, some say she is as beautiful as you want her to be, others say she takes the form of the one you love the most, and others even say that she takes the form of the person you most desire only far more beautiful others say she gives you the person you want when you finally die. Say for example you are someone who loves orc or half-orc women, if you are a devout follower, it is said that when you die she will look into your mind and when you finally reawaken there before you will be the woman you desire.

However, the majority of her depictions in writing and through art are mostly that of a woman with a kind and loving face, lips as soft as clouds, long hair the color of lavender and so silky smooth that to run your fingers through it would feel like running your fingers through the air itself. Her eyes are said to be as pink as cherry blossoms, her skin is said to be softer than velvet and they say her figure was beyond perfect, and it is said that she wears a loose-fitting sheer robe, three golden bangle bracelets on each of her wrists, and a thin golden crown on her head. Her symbol is often a heart-shaped pomegranate and where the stem is a purple fire is coming out of it. To think clerics come from the worship of this goddess is strange, especially since much of the art and statues are...very explicit. Yet I still didn't understand the problem.

I sat back up from the table, "Why is this a bad thing, just mend my fractures and be done with it. Am I suddenly going to fall in love with you? Am I forever going to be some lustful maniac?" I asked her, "No! No, no, no. You see our magic, like many others, can of course heal wounds and other such things like normal clerics, however, there's just a minor side effect, especially for those who have injuries below the belt." "And what is this side effect?" "Well we're still trying to figure out how to get some control over it and maybe find some way to get rid of it entirely but, whenever a cleric of Moona heals someone, their drive is amplified and want to you know…" "Oh boy…" "Yeah...above the belt problems are easy its below the belt where its the problem." "I get it….well look, it's best to get it over with so I can go back home and hopefully get some proper sleep in my bed." She sighed and rubbed her hands together, and as the magic gathered in her hands she quietly said, "At least he's cute." Before I could ask what she meant by that a warm feeling in my chest began to overtake me, I felt as if my heart was beating faster and faster each time I tried to calm down it didn't, that familiar feeling I have felt whenever I was with someone, even if it was for a night came at full force.

I couldn't control myself I needed to do something about this feeling quick, I wasn't sure if I was panicking or so aroused I just wanted to take anything and everything with me to bed and not sleep until the sun rose. Gorga held me by the hands and looked me in the eyes as she took off her face cover, "listen to me, look at me, it'll be ok, it only lasts an hour or at least until you are satisfied, and since you probably don't want to whip out that thing between your legs in public, I'm here to help you with that." her eyes began to glow a violet color and I suddenly felt my heart begin to beat slower and I was no longer breathing heavily, I felt I was on the beach on a warm day and the sound of the waves crashing filled my ears. Gorga held my face and pressed her lips to mine as she undid the buckle on my belt.

She began to kiss at my neck softly, "be a gentleman and help me out of these clothes would you?" she said before returning to placing those velvet lips upon my neck. I undid the buckle on her belt as she did to me. With both our trousers down we stared at one another taking in the moment, her arms resting on my shoulders as I held her by her bare hips. Her eyes still a glowing violet, she told me in a very seductive voice I hardly hear, "let's try and keep things quiet shall we?" she said as we finally started. Though I have done this in the past I never thought I'd be making love to a woman standing straight up, "Grab my leg." she said, I did as she instructed and held her by her thigh, "Makes it a little easier doesn't it?" she said as we continued to have one another in our lustful embrace. She lifted her top to reveal her breasts. "Have you ever taken a woman from behind Crowfeather?" mesmerized by her spell and her breasts I simply shook my head, "Let's change that shall we?" She switched places with me and bent over the table I once lied on, she told me to grab her hips and do what came naturally.

We went on for about an hour and a half until we finally reached a silent but satisfying climax of heated and heavy breathing and sweaty half-naked bodies. I felt my heartbeat return to normal that burning feeling in my chest was no longer there, I felt woozy, like I had just mistakenly eaten rotten fruit at sea. "Here, let me help you," Gorga said keeping me steady as I pulled my pants back up. As she put her clothes back on she said that the after-effects of the spell, the dizziness, the sick stomach feeling will go away within a short amount of time, relatively five to ten minutes I nodded and thanked her, "No, thank you." She said before giving me a soft kiss on the cheek. I said my goodbyes to the other doctors and nurses and did my best to walk back home.

When I finally arrived the first thing I did was go upstairs and sleep for gods know how long, when I finally woke up it was because there was a knock at my door, it was still light outside so I walked down the stairs and when I opened the door, I was met with a dark tan-skinned half-elf, "Ah, good afternoon my friend he said." He had a large beard with a curly mustache and wore very intricate clothing, " may I help you?" "Yes, my name is Faaris, I come on behalf of the mistress Nulara Sepret, she has heard much about you, she wishes to hire you and a few others to aid her." "How so?" "Since the master of the estate is no longer with us, mistress Nulra has received many death threats, a few she has waved off, others...they seem far too serious. She plans to have a gathering at the estate hopefully draw out the assassins for you and others to deal with them as you must.

I took a moment to think about it, "How much is she willing to pay?" "Ah, a man of business. Well, you should know that she is willing to pay a large sum for your work, 3000 gold to be precise." my eyes widened. "I...uh...fuck it, deal." I reached out my hand, "Wonderful! We will meet you in the city of Semurna, it is a coastal city in the desert of the black dunes." "Wonderful I….Wait what?" "Goodbye Mr.Crowfeather, have a pleasant afternoon," he said as he was now too far away to even reach. "Oh boy…"