"Bring that kid over!"

Tatiana comes back some forty minutes later. She addresses the man she came back with while pointing at me. There were two of them but the other is nowhere to be seen.

When she speaks, the guard who was talking just now freezes and stands still like a log ready to be split. I knew that Tatiana was a higher existence, but why only me? What about the others? Miss Tatiana, what about them?

"Tatiana, you are not going to save the others too?"

I ask her as soon as I am near, but she does not reply. We go to the mansion. Tatiana doesn't say one word all along.


Inside the mansion, there are guys like the weirdos everywhere. Most of them have quite the savage look on their faces. But there are three or four elegant and good-looking men. Even three women also quite elegant and beautiful.

Tatiana pushes me in front of a massive guy with a hammer in his right hand resting on his shoulder. That hammer alone is higher and heavier than me, I am sure. But the guy is even bigger. His rough voice echoes in our mansion when he speaks.

"So he is the one you want to spare. Well, you are our superior, so I can't say no to your orders. But can I ask why, THUNDEROUS VIPER?"

"I will send him as a slave in floras to our ore mine. Or maybe keep him as a pet at home and starve from time to time until I am bored. I wasted six years with him, so at least I should enjoy myself a little now."

What is Tatiana talking about with the mountain guy? Is she not going to save the villagers and me? Why did he call her thunderous viper?!! That is quite the name… I mean, why is he calling her that?

"Ah, you are still quite playful with your prey eh. Six years and I almost forgot your character. Anyway, I already told my guys what to do with the rest; we are just awaiting your orders now." The mountain guy speaks with respect to Tatiana, like she is some kind of chief.

"Burn everything and make sure to leave the armors here and there, as well as the corpse of Nivaneilm's soldiers we killed. Don't burn them entirely. We have to be sure that Syldavie thinks it is their war declaration. All of you dismissed, we have two hours, be quick!"

"Yes! ma'am. Glory to the Floras kingdom!" Everybody in our mansion goes out in a flash. Only Tatiana stays as well two other guys wearing a black coat on top of the armor.

"Now, brat. I wonder how I will cook you, I can't wait." Tatiana is now looking at me with the eyes of a predator ready to kill at a moment's notice. I start trembling as she holds me with brute strength,

"Oh don't worry. I have all the time to make you feel it properly. Sadly, your parents won't be here to hear you sing." She smiles like a demon. I don't recognize who she is.

"Who are you?! Where is TATIANA?!!" I am so terrified my voice comes out like a little baby.

"Oh, the bird brain does not understand the situation. Were we raising a chicken or a human, I wonder."

"What are you-" When I open my mouth again.


She slaps me. Or actually, she must have punched me for I went flying to the wall. That or I am extremely light. Maybe she is just that strong. I try to stand up, but I feel weak, and blood is pouring out of my mouth. I try to speak but I just feel pain in my lower jaw, I can only make some groans of pain leave my mouth. She grabs me by my head and lifts me.

"Well, I will explain it to you then, blockhead. Or maybe you are just stupid. You were never bright, to begin with. I am a spy, my dear little dragon. Sent here to gather pieces of information and cause a war. Capiche now?"

When she finishes talking, she stares at me for some time with a joyful look.

"Ahn, oh no... He is crying, well you shouldn't cry because of that. Did we not had quite the fun together, young master?"

As if mocking me, she makes a reverence while still holding my head like a ball.

"You really are such a sweet little dragon, you know. I am going to enjoy myself torturing you when we go back. I am sure we will both like it." The two men with us tremble when she says torture. I hear them whispering with a low and eerie voice.

"Don't…" The rage and pain I feel are too great to let this slide.

"Hm, what was that?"


"Hm, can you speak louder young master? This maid can't hear you, you know!!!!"

As she says that, she slams my head on the wall face first. Another mouthful of blood pours out, and my vision becomes even more blurry.

"Okay, I am listening now."


"Don't what? Can you speak clearly? Or maybe you need a few more wall slappings?"

I gather all my remaining force and try to speak as loudly as I can.

"Don't use that name! Bitch!" The weird guy also called her bitch. she must really one female dog to bite us, her masters, like that.

I hear the two men laughing for a second and then...

"Yes! Ahahaha! That's it, that's what I like. Now, let me give you a taste of what will be your daily life from now on."

My vision comes back all of a sudden, my mouth and my head don't hurt anymore. What happened? I also feel the ground under my feet.She has put me down. A weird green light is shining from behind me.

Was I supposed to call her that then? When I look at her, she is smiling, a smile that could have torn her face apart. Again, she slaps me, but this time, it is so strong my neck broke. I also don't move to the wall like last time. I stand still, as if I am cemented to the ground. When I am about to faint from the shock, all the pain is gone again.