Two hours later, or two millenniums... I don't know how much time passed. I am still standing there. The echoes of Tatiana's slaps resound throughout the whole mansion like somebody is beating a drum continuously. The two guys are now talking to each other like nothing, or so I think. I can hear voices from time to time.

"Ma'am, it is time to move." One of the two suddenly says.

"Oh already? Time sure flies when you have something fun to do. Don't you think, Kevin?"

My eyes are dead. I cannot feel anything. Or actually, I can feel things, but my brain doesn't know it can any longer.


When we go outside, the night sky is slightly brighter. The sun is about to rise—all the men who went outside two hours prior and even more are here. Most of them covered in blood, no villagers could be seen anywhere. Did they let them go? I want to ask, but I don't know how to open my mouth.

"Okay guys, that was a well-done mission. The war is sure to start now, and the king will certainly award us greatly for such a feat."


"Yeah! We are going to be filthy rich!"

"I will open my tavern as soon as we get back!!" The men are all shouting.

"Alright, calm down now. To go back is still part of the mission, and we must not be spotted by Nivaneilm scouts or troops that will be on the frontier. So we will…."

While Tatiana is talking, I look at the sky. Oh yeah, two years ago, we were also here, looking at the star fall: the birth of the hero. Do those heroes not know what is going on here? Why do we have to suffer so much if they exist? Are they not saviors? Dad said that they are sent by the goddess to be educated and help us fight some things that devour. Are those guys not those things that devoured our village and destroyed everything? I feel like my mouth could somehow move again, and I said the first thing that came to my mind then.

"Dad and mom will come here with the heroes, and you will be sorry Tatiana."

The men are shouting joyfully, so almost nobody heard my warning; except of course for my executioner, Miss Tatiana viper thunder or whatever.

"I really like my new toy. It does not break easily. Titanies tend to be resilient after all."

After lifting me by my hair that she is holding firmly, she speaks to me with a low voice in front of my mouth, like she is begging me to do something. Again with the titanium thing. Am I from there then? If so, why were we here? Why did we have to be here if we are from somewhere else? Whose fault is it?

"Alright lads, quiet now. We are moving out." The voice of the mountain guy echoes again. This guy really has everything big going for him.

Just when they start walking towards the village. A weird 'krkrkrkr' sound comes from a distance. It is first very faint at first. But then it becomes louder and louder. Tatiana is the first to stop when she hears it. Then all the others also do the same.

Everybody is looking up except me; since she is carrying me around while holding me by my hair. A big shockwave suddenly hits us. Then a second and a third one. Three shockwaves strong enough to collapse the rest of the burned buildings sweeps us. Throwing down some of the soldiers. Tatiana releases my hair, and I fall helplessly to the ground. When I raise my head and look up, I see a black hole the size of our mansion in the sky.

"What kind of bad luck do you need to have for that to happen now?" Tatiana suddenly speaks.

"What is this? Is Syldavie already counterattacking? Were we discovered?" The mountain guy speaks, all agitated. From his voice, he sounds really surprised.

"We are going to die. I knew this was stupid! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Without even understanding what is happening, all those men are already scared. So that thing in the sky must be quite the good thing if it makes them go crazy with fear like that.

"Change of plans! We are going back to the mansion. Hurry and be prepared for a tough and bloody battle!!!"

Tatiana talks to the group while grabbing me by the stomach and starts running. While she is running, I get a glimpse of the church where I was kept with everyone. There was blood everywhere outside, and the church has collapsed. Smoke is coming out of it... I understand what they did there instantly. You murderers!


When we reach the mansion, Tatiana throws me in my parent's bedroom.

"Trust me, you will prefer me to what is coming. So don't you dare try to run away."

She slams the door and goes away.

What is she talking about? If something is making them tremble like that, is it not good for me? Is it not dad who came back with reinforcements through that black hole thing? As I am asking myself, I suddenly feel restless. Remembering that black thing, cold sweat runs down my back. I feel cold all over actually, like I saw something that must not be looked at no matter what. And, is it not cold in here? Like more than usual? I try to breathe with my mouth, and when I blow, cold vapor appears. It is definitively colder.

"Kriekkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!" I hear the most bizarre sound for the first time of my life.

From the bedroom window, you could not see the village, only the mountain on the other side. Where is that sound coming from? From the hole? But it is in the village, and it is a little far away, how is it so loud then? Then I hear something like a rumbling, louder and louder. Disordered steps are approaching. Then, explosions. Soldiers start screaming.

"It is just low vanguard types! Do not fear, and we might survive this! Make every strike and shots count" Tatiana is giving instructions.

"Hiyaaaa!!" Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom!

"Why did Longinus spawned here anyways?!!! This is utter nonsense!! " The mountain guy's voice is still a bit louder than all this chaos outside.


"They can open dimensional portals, and that is irrelevant right now. Concentrate. FROM THE ORIGIN OF LIGHTNING, LIGHTNING BALL!!!"

"Krieekk!!" Tatiana is saying some weird incantations, and the monsters they are fighting start screaming again but less loud this time.