People are still chit-chatting downstairs even though we are about to fight here. It's like there are two different worlds inside this mansion right now. A butler brings us two different size raizens, one for me and the other for Kalok. Kalok grabs the two and takes a glance at them. Then he looks at me with disdain.

"For a kid to use a spear would already be surprising but a raizen, I am about to burst laughing you know!" Saying so, he throws the shorter raizen at me. I don't care what you think anyway, so let's finish this. Maybe I should take this opportunity to kill you.

As soon as I grab the raizen that is thrown at me, I hear a slashing sound and evade to the side. Almost at the same time, I see a brown flash passing right in front of my eyes. Kalok's raizen hits the ground with a loud crack sound. He broke the tiles paving the floor.

"Oh, you have good reflexes kid. Great." I look at him expressionlessly, to provoke him. And sure enough, it has the hoped effect. Kalok turns towards the prince and places a knee on the ground. "Your majesty, I-"

"No, you can't!" Rose interjects as soon as Kalok starts talking. What can't he do?

"Rose, calm down. His majesty is here, show more respect." Borgas now enters the fray and prevents her from continuing.


"Enough, you two!! " Rose is trying to defend me, it seems. But in the end, Mark intervenes and makes them both calm down.

"You may speak, Kalok." Demether is really interested, that's for sure.

"Your majesty, to demonstrate fully our potential, I think it would be good to have a penalty match. The loser will lose something. And seeing as he is commoner with nothing to offer, if he loses, we should cut one of his limbs."

"Oh, an interesting proposition. That might indeed make this much more interesting. Granted then, I agree, and I will be the official witness of this match."

Like I said, royalties just do things at their own pace without consulting others, and it is getting on my nerves.

"And what if you lose?" I ask Kalok while he is standing up.

"Oh don't worry. That can't happen." Is he provoking me? I will show you then.

But, I must keep focus. The assassin said that emotions must not exist in the mind of an assassin when he has to fight or kill. Or else he would be no different from beasts. And beasts always get killed. I simply take my stance and directly analyze his body with weakness eyes.

His left thigh is slightly bigger than the right, so it must be his preferred one for moving. His left arm has a weird position when he is holding the raizen. Is he hurt somewhere? The shoulder maybe? I will try there if I have the chance and see. Kalok just stays there, holding the raizen with his right hand.

"You won't attack?"

"Honor to the senior."

"You will regret it, but oh well..." He shrugs and then launches a great thrust at me.

Rose told me that the best way to avoid a great thrust not by moving to the side like most people would do because then the attacker could simply shift to a normal slashing attack and hits you. You should instead crouch while moving forward.

But I have a better idea: I shift to the side first, and of course, Kalok stops his great thrust and follows with a slash. But then I use Disperse and jump. in the brief instant I am in midair, I can see that Kalok, as well as everybody, is searching for me. Well everybody except one person, one of the butler seems to have seen me as he is still looking at me. I wonder who he is. Kalok is looking to the left when I land on the blade of his raizen.

He is very strong, so he can surely support my weight, but I still use SILENT STEPS. Silent steps is a technique that allows me to transfer my weight. So, I could even stand on an egg and still not break it.

Actually, that's what the assassin made me do. It was really hard to understand. Especially because she said it is a technique that will further master when I will be able to use angas. When Kalok turns his head towards me, the tip of my raizen is right in front of his eyes.

"It's my win right?" I look at him with a big and mean smile. Everybody is dead silent. From the corner of my vision, I can see Lanuvel's mouth dropping.

"WOW!!! Incredible. What have we just witness?" Demether is the first one to speak but when he was about to continue... 

"Ahhh!!!" As I was still standing on Kalok's weapon, he throws me away with it like I am some kind of ball. I pass over the iron railing of the balcony and lands on one of the buffet tables. A big BOOM echoes in my ears as I crash on a table.