That stupid bastard threw me like a vulgar ball. Dammit!! I left my guard down because I got overconfident. When I open my eyes, my vision is blurry, and my left eye is seeing red, when I touch it, I see red fluids on my hand: it's blood.

I must have hit my head pretty hard. I try to move from the crushed table, but I can't easily coordinate my movements, maybe because of the shock I received to the head.

When I somehow stand up, I look at the table behind me first, see my weapon and grab it. At the same time, among the screams of the guests and all the noise from them running around, I hear Kalok's voice.

"So you still want to fight little punk?!! I am going to kill you now!" He came to the first floor while I was busy regaining my senses. My breath is rough, and I have a hard time gathering air, maybe I have some damage inside my body as well. Kalok is in front of me.

There are about 10 meters between us. I start running to him. When I reach him, he slashes, but I lean forward to evade it. Then I suddenly feel something coming from below. When I look, his foot is already hitting my stomach. So his slash was just a feint? I am too light headed to evade it. His kick is really powerful, and I am sent right above his head. Just where he wants it. He then holds his raizen with both hands and smashes me to the air.

Thankfully, I manage to put my raizen in front of me to soften the blow. Even so, I hear a 'crack' sound while I go towards the ceiling. He broke it. He broke my raizen with just one swing. Even though the ceiling of the hall is really high, I almost touched it as I saw the chandeliers that light the hall. When I am about to land on one of the tables, I use silent steps to soften my fall and land on my feet. Still, I hit the table pretty hard as it cracks. Nevertheless, I am still standing.

This is not going to work. I am too impatient. He is an experienced warrior, rushing to him like that will only kill me. I collect my breath and start breathing as I should. Kalok is not approaching; he just places his raizen on his shoulder and looks at me while smiling like the fucking murderer he is. My raizen's handle is broken in half, so it will be difficult to use it like that.

And I don't have my dagger with me. Come on! Think, you stupid weakling!! What can I do? What should I do? I see a pitch of wine near me, and there are knives and forks everywhere. I think I have an idea. But I will have to take a gamble if I want to win. I look at Kalok and smile.

"You keep bragging about your strength even though you can't even kill a child. You might as well just try to fight new-born babies. Maybe you will have a chance there!!"

It's difficult to stand up, I feel like my legs don't have much strength, so this will be my last chance. If I miss this, I am dead. Kalok smiles like a madman.

"Hahaha! Those will be your last words kid!" Just when Kalok is about to start running to me. Somebody intervenes, it's Rose. She lands right between us, on a table.

"STOP THIS!! Kalok, if you even just try to move an inch. This fight will also be mine." She says so after landing between both of us. She is holding a sword and a shield. Did she go to find them while we were fighting? But not much time has passed. When did she?

Kalok stops but says nothing. Then we hear a voice coming from the second-floor balcony.

"Rose. Unless both of them want to stop, you must not intervene." It's the fucking prince: Demether Floras. You are enjoying this right!! Fucking royalty!

Mark is also looking at Rose with darkened eyes. A sign for her to retreat before she offends the prince. Rose stays there for about a minute. Her hands are trembling while holding her weapons. Then she simply stands out of the way.

Kalok launches himself at me as soon as she does. I evade him by the left while going towards the pitch; he slashes to the side, but I back away quickly enough to evade it. The pitch is now directly behind me. I launch my raizen towards Kalok, who just knocks it away.

Right when the raizen was obstructing his vision, I had launched the pitch. So when he knocks it away, the wine completely pours on his face. His next slash is sloppy because of it, and I easily evade it while going forward towards him. Before he could bring his hand to his face to clean the wine off, I stab his left eye with the knife I took on the table.

"Arghh!!" Kalok screams while retreating and throws his raizen away to remove the knife I left in his eye. When he does, he looks towards where I was while screaming.

"You bastard, I will... where is he?" I am already behind you, you big pile of meat, I stab the rear of his knee now, and blood pours, spurting out on my hands and a bit on my face. He screams now even louder while falling.

"Argh!! Shit!! You little punk, I will kill y-" I launch a fork in his mouth.

"I am tired of hearing you so shut up." I drag myself towards him. I am quite beaten up myself. When I reach him, he looks at me and smiles. Then, I see a knife right in front of my face.

Since he is really tall, he can even stab me while lying down. Is it by chance? Is it a coincidence? Even I don't know what happened at that moment, but my head just forcibly shifted to the side, allowing me to avoid the fatal blow. Then I fell on him with a knife and stab his other eye. I put all my weight on it, and the knife entered deep into his head. Kalok convulsed for a while but finally stopped moving. Then I simply rolled over to the side.

"Who is looking good now, you shit…" I try to curse him but I had no more strength.