"K'nor, are you alright?" I see K'nor lying near me, heavily breathing, he is a bit hurt. When I try to move, nothing. My hands, my body, nothing answers. My eyes are heavy, so heavy…


"Are you going to stay like that for long?"

When I open my eyes, I am in the white space; Two is sitting near me, legs crossed.

"Wait, why am I here?"

"You fainted, man. And our body is completely and utterly destroyed."

"That doesn't explain why I am here."

"You are here because our soul is in danger."

I hear a strange voice. That voice… I know it; it is the same voice that said I could do it earlier.

"Who is that?" Two didn't react at all hearing this voice. He must know who it is.

"I think you know who it is."

"The WORLD'S ROAR..." I see, so I can finally speak with that mysterious power. But I don't see it anywhere. "Where are you? Who are you? Show yourself!!"

"You are not ready for that yet. You are still incomplete."

"Ready for what? Who are you? What am I lacking? Stop creating more questions and show yourself!"

"Screaming will not help in any way. I told you. You are not ready for us to speak while seeing each other. Your mind wouldn't support it. Nevertheless, you have become strong enough to be able to hear my voice. So, you are not far. For now, our recovery comes first."

"Indeed, at this rate, we are going to die."

"And what should I do?"

"You saw the old man using healing scripts. Let's do the same."

"How can that help now? I would need to be awake to use it even if I knew how to."

"After all this time, you still doubt your own power. When you are using aura here, does it not manifest in reality? So why would this not be the same?"


"Quit whining already! We don't have time."

"Okay, okay."

Healing means closing a wound right, so if I imagine my wound closing, then…

"Not working. There is no difference."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I can, not that I can explain how or why. I keep telling you every time; it's like reflexes or your heart beating, you think you can explain that?"

"You and your always so rational examples…" So, imagining my wounds closing doesn't work. Meaning that healing is not about closing wounds th-

"You better hurry up!"

"Why do you say… why am I fading? What is happening? Why are you also-"

"Can't you guess? we are dying. The WORLD'S ROAR is trying to maintain your body alive, but since you don't seem to meet the requirements yet, it cannot do it for long."

"You could have said so earlier!! Two, you big idiot!!"

Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Okay, healing… Healing. To heal means to treat somebody, right? The purpose of healing is to treat something, so it means that before that something, there was nothing wrong. And healing will remove or change that went wrong and bring back the body to his previous state.

So, to heal myself, I must imagine how I was before, and try to bring my body back to that state using light Angas. Okay, imagine, imagine. Wait, why am I imagining my armor, it is not a part of me.

Okay, I can see my body, my arms, my legs, my head, the stomach, the eyes… Every part of my body is me, and they must stay in that state.

"Good." Two signals me that I have stop fading, so I am not dying anymore. Even so, it is really difficult to do that, and I need to concentrate a lot. It is also eating a lot of my Angas. But I must focus.

"Two, tell me when it will be enough."

"In two hours, normally."

"What?! I must stay like that for two hours."

"If you want to survive, that is."



Two hours later, Two finally frees me. I am exhausted. My body must be sweating a lot in reality. My breath is heavy, and I am really tired.

"Good work. You are out of danger now. From there, you will heal naturally and survive. You should rest, your body and your mind need it now. A lot of it."

"No, I must wake up, what if there is another monster like that outside?"

"Don't you have a trusted friend watching out for you? Rest, that the only thing you can right now, anyway."

"Who are you? You keep talking, but you didn't answer any of my questions."

The WORLD'S ROAR didn't answer. I look at Two, but he looks back with an 'I didn't do anything' expression. Ah… Let's just leave it at that. I am too tired, anyway.

"I will sleep a bit."

"Yeah, you do that."


"Woof! Woof!" I hear barking. K'nor!!

When I open my eyes, it is the middle of the night. K'nor is standing up and barking at something. Those eyes shining in the dark: gragoras. They must have smelled the blood of that dead monster. Speaking of monster, I turn and look at what I have killed. That monster was really massive. What in hell was it? Anyway, I can think about it later, for now, we must go back.

I touch the half-part of the monster that has its head and transfer it inside my bracelet. I will show it to Excafol later. I also take the leg I cut off during the fight and leave the other part. Taking everything will cause those gragoras to follow us.

"Let's go K'nor. They will eat the rest."

"Woof!" K'nor seems a bit hesitant about going. Does he also want to eat it?

"Don't worry; I have taken some for you."

"Woof! Woof!"

Back home, I take out the leg of the monster and give it to K'nor; he jumps at it.

"Were you that hungry?"


I am not hungry myself. I remove my armor while inspecting the damage on it: the chest plate is destroyed: the rear side is utterly ripped apart; the front is no better. The armguards are not too damaged, though they are bloody as hell; the boots also are destroyed, my feet are touching the ground; the helmet is gone, I didn't even notice.

After removing my armor, I inspect my body, there are scars on my legs and my arms, small ones here and there, but the biggest one is on my right knee. Also, on my stomach, where I saw a branch piercing it, there is now a big round scar. Did my body expulse the branch by itself? That's some crazy healing system! Good job, me! I am still a bit sleepy.

"let's just sleep and see the rest tomorrow."