The next day, the sun rises and the birds are singing as I wake up dead tired. I wonder why, even though I was feeling just fine yesterday night. My body is heavy and sluggish, and all movements I attempt are slow. What is happening? Outside, K'nor is still sleeping, right next to the leftovers of what he ate yesterday, he couldn't finish it all. He also has a bone in his mouth. Just how much did you like that to sleep with a bone in your mouth?

Anyway, I sit back and goes to the white space to talk with Two about yesterday's event:

"Two, did the WORLD'S ROAR said something else yesterday?"

"Hm…No, nothing. Why?"

"I see. I thought it would. Also, I am really tired. I wonder why?"

"Excafol talked about it before, right? Angas depletion. You used too much Angas yesterday both to fight and heal yourself. But, it should be fine soon. Also…"

"What? There's something else?"

"Yes. We are changing. Since you used the World's Roar again. We are adapting."

"No, I didn't… Wait…" Yesterday? I think I remembered when I was pushed back by the monster, the red lightning bolt that appeared out of nowhere and increased my strength. "The red lightning bolt from yesterday…"

"That's the other thing, because it knew you would ask; it has already explained it to me."

"Why does it not talk to me instead? And also, the WORLD'S ROAR is not a roar? Or a scream at least? I am really confused." My stomach got pierced after all. I don't think I could have screamed.

"Apparently, the strain was still too much. Bu it can hear you."

"Is that so. Then, you, whatever is your name," I look above us, or is it really above? The white space is white everywhere, so I don't know. "Thank you for your help. I am sure I didn't use you of my own volition, you must have forced it to save me."

"It's nothing. Just become stronger. Our duty requires it."

So, you are listening indeed.

"Anyway, Two, what is it that it explained to you?"

"It just explained why we would be a bit tired. AH, also. It also said that once it will be completely awake, I will disappear since we are all pretty much the same."

"What?!! What does that mean?"

"Hell if I know. You will ask it when you can."

"Right..." You and your way of answering. "So, what? I just sleep today?"

"Don't know, you do as you want, me, I am tired, so no training."

It is too weird to see your subconscious saying that it is tired. But he is right, the fight from yesterday was tough. We should rest.


Back to reality, I go out and greet K'nor. He jumps on me and starts licking my face with his big tongue. I immediately notice that he is dirty: there is blood on his mouth, on his fur, a small wound still present on his leg, undoubtedly from the fight. It is not bleeding, but it must still hurt. When he gets off me, I touch it, and he whines quite a bit. Poor K'nor. I try to remember what I did yesterday, thinking about how his leg was before, I use some light Angas to heal him, but my script barely has any effect. The light which appears is weak as well. Ah, yes, Two said it is depleted, that's why I am like this right now. Oh well, no can do, I will heal him later.

"K'nor, let's go, you need a bath." I bring K'nor to the nearby river and clean him, even his wound. After that, we go back to the house, and while he is playing around with his leftover meal, I clean the field the monster destroyed yesterday. I am replacing the post on each side of the field, plowing the soil again. I don't have any seed so I will have to wait for Excafol and Selene to come back, I wonder what they will say.

The next day, my body is finally okay, I can move without trouble, and my speed has come back. First thing first, I heal K'nor's leg. I manage to do it just fine, and he immediately goes running somewhere after that. Where is he going? Oh well, he will come back, I am sure. I go for a run. I use physical, wind, and lighting Angas to increase my speed further. I was able to increase my flying speed yesterday because of lightning; it should be the same here. And it is, It's like I am swimming on the ground, I am so fast I cover the usual distance in mere seconds. Wow! Cutting through the wind like that, I think I experienced it before, but when was it?


I run like this for one hour, going between the house and the field where we usually train, which is located about forty kilometers from the house. We went far enough so that there wouldn't be any chance to damage the house again. After that, I stop at the field and start flying again. It feels good, flying feels really good! I fly for one hour, using lightning Angas as well, of course. I am faster than Excafol, that's for sure, but I don't know by how much.

In the afternoon, I train on my different scripts, and then I try to reproduce a script Selene showed me, though she couldn't use it properly herself: OVERWHELMING. It is a script that every Angas user can use, both elemental and physical. It is supposed to reinforce your aura and make anybody whose aura is weaker than yours submit to you. That was Excafol's explanation at least. He tried to use it on me apparently, but it didn't work. Neither did it for Selene, so I can't find a way to reproduce it since I don't know how it works. I don't understand the principle behind that.

I have asked Two about it, but he said he wouldn't know if I don't, as usual. Let's think about it differently. If it makes anybody who has a weaker aura than I submit, it is more like a predator look. When K'nor looks at its prey, sometimes, they freeze up, especially small games like rabbits. If Overwhelming is the same, then I should just focus Angas into my eyes while displaying some kind of murdering aura. It is complicated to do because there is nobody to test it on, and I am not even sure if I am doing it the right way.

"Let's just go back. It's pointless."


Back home, there is still no sign of Excafol or Selene. Where they not going for a few days? How much is that? K'nor comes back trotting while I was lighting a fire for cooking. In his mouth, a gragora. Wait… This guy went hunting gragoras?

I look at him, puzzled, and he just places the corpse near me and starts shaking his tail.

"You want me to cook this?"

"Woof!" Of course. Well, that gragora is big enough for both of us.

I remove the gragora's skin quickly. Their skin is hard, but since they don't have fur but skin-plates, it is easy to remove it once you have opened the stomach. Then I cut it in half with my raizen. It stayed sharp enough even after the fight I had yesterday. I am impressed. But there are small chips on the blade here and there. I should ask Selene to help me maintain it. She is the one who keeps the grindstone after all.

I just put K'nor portion on the broach and let it roast. Meantime, I cut my part in small pieces, put seasoning on them, and shake the pieces a lot. I can't live without seasoning anymore. After twenty minutes, K'nor is drooling so much the ground is wet like it has rained. He keeps whining while looking at the meat. I remove it and give it to him.

While he is eating, I put a wok on the Fire and fry the meat. There are no more potatoes, so I will just put some vegetables inside. I cut some of the carrots that survived and throw them in the wok as well. After ten minutes, the smell indicates me that it is good now. When I taste the meat, it is good. No, it is delicious. How does gragora's meat taste so good? And how did K'nor knows about it? He must have tasted it at some point, I suppose.

We finish eating, and I go inside. I sit down in the living room and go to the white space to train like usual. I hope Excafol and Selene will come back soon.

"It is lonely here." Excafol, Selene… Please come back.