"You captured them with such a level?" I answer with TREMOR, and it kills them both, splattering their body like minced meat. Two others come, one tries to strike my knee while the other targets my head, I use my Titanic slash, and they are down as well. They seem surprise with the unusual patterns of my attack. Well, that's good, I should end all this before they get used to it.

"What kind of attacks are those?"

"Arrows are not hitting him!!! Why?!!"

"Calm down, all of y-" Finally, a moment of distraction, while they are all panicking, I pounce savagely on their captain, but he blocks my attack.

"You are as good as they said, but you will still die, little shit!" He pushes me back and starts attacking.

He said 'they', so he knows where are Selene and Excafol, after all. The captain is fighting with some bizarre patterns, it's like he is dancing, he weirdly distorts his body, and it causes his long and slim sword to do weird undulations, like it is alive. The worst part is that others are attacking me with more energy than before. And always in pairs. I create a bullet, but they all use Disperse and run away. They are already used to it after just one or two times?! They are more organized than I thought.

"Do not let those hit you; they are too dangerous. Always strike from his blind spot while I keep him busy." Arrows are not really coming anymore, only one or two from time to time. Their support must be busy with K'nor. I hope he is okay. The number has also grown back to ten. Judging from the heartbeats as well, it seems there is no more than seventeen still alive.

The captain comes again, restarting with his weird dance, he evades my attacks like nothing and strikes again, cutting my cheek, my arm, my stomach. I manage to avoid any severe wounds, but I won't be able to continue like this.

I use Titanic slash, but he answers. his Titanic slash unleash four strikes, so I manage to stab his stomach a little bit, making him stagger and fall back a bit He evaded somehow. Nevertheless, this is a chance I cannot let slip. Instead of jumping on him like he is surely waiting for me to do, I jump on two guys to the left and use Great impact. They don't even get the time or chance to do something, that's two more down.

"Bastard!!! Fire, dammit!!!" The captain screams while two other guys jump, and an arrow comes.

Right, when they are about to hit me, a wind ball hits them, sending them ten meters away. my Sphere deflects the arrow. Looking at my right, K'nor is there; he has a bolt in the leg. There is a lot of blood on his mouth. So, they manage to hit him after all. Not a lot, though. I try to kill the two that were pushed down by K'nor attack, but the captain intervenes, blocking my attack.

"What is the support squad doing, dammit!!"

"They are dead. That thing is killing them, Sir!!"

"What!! Impossib-"

"Hey, no chitchat here." I push his sword away while he was looking elsewhere and use TREMOR, one of the guys from earlier tries to evade but it hits them both, exploding the head of the one who tried to flee. The other got his stomach opened like a watermelon.

"I will kill you, little shit!!"

The captain tries to cut me, but I use Disperse and lands at his right. An opening!! I punch his stomach using Lightning Fist, it completely destroys his clothes, exposing his stomach now red with bruises due to my attack.

"Hmm, you are stronger than I thought." It didn't pierce and explode his stomach? "You must have an abdomen made of steel."

He falls, with blood in his mouth and start convulsing. I hope he is alive.


"The captain is down! We must flee and re-"

"Nobody is going anywhere. K'nor!"


I jump on the guy who was about to suggest fleeing, he tries to do something, but I don't really know what it was, I cut his head before. Even though my raizen is not sharp, it still cut pretty well. Or is it because I infuse a lot of Angas into it? It is worth investigating later.


We take care of the rest of them quickly after that. K'nor did most of the job this time, but that won't always be the case, I must learn and adapt faster, just like they did after I used Crescent apocalypse.

When we finish the assassins off, I focus again, and I can hear four or five heartbeats, one from inside the house, that must be the woman who entered, she didn't come out all this time?!! Another one is the captain. Thankfully I didn't kill him. I finish off all the guys who are still breathing.

K'nor comes whining to me.

"What is it? The arrow?" he whines again. I hope that arrow was not poisoned, if it was, that captain better have an antidote. I remove the arrow slowly from K'nor's leg and heal him. When the wound disappears, he starts licking me, his mouth covered in blood.

"Okay, okay, I know. But I have some things to do, wait here, alright?"


I drag the captain to the house. I can hear the woman's heartbeat right beside the door. Does she think she can surprise me? I stab right where I hear the heartbeat, feeling a little resistance, I remove my blade, the tip is bloody and the heartbeat is slowing down. She is dead.

"Okay, let's start questioning this guy."