After Frankher's arrival, everything changed. The very same day, not only did the captain's attitude changed, the city's problem was also handled swiftly and efficiently. Posting guards inside, inquiring about the diverse problems encountered by the people, capturing the spies and Longinus men that were infiltrated, that was my part... Frankher did so many things in a single day that I am surprised it was possible. 

Now, the day after, we are already leaving for another place. Half of the eternal army's soldiers that were at the camp have been affected to the city, the rest is moving with us to another city, smaller than Rockwell but with a huge disadvantage for us: it is located at the top of a hill. 

The city is at four days of walk from us so Frankher decided that some people should act as scouts and move ahead to inquire about the situation there.

"I will repeat again. It is a SCOUT mission."