When I go back to the others, K'nor hasn't moved from his position. He is still sleeping like nothing important happened. Willhem and the others have already assembled the bodies in one single place and are burning them. 

The smell of burnt corpses is filling the air slowly while the light of the fire enlightens this particularly dark night. I walk to Willhem and Hendrick and sit between them. 

"They didn't have tongues so we couldn't obtain any information." Willhem is the one who starts the conversation.

"The last time I saw this kind of assassins was during Nivalnheilm's revolution." Then Hendrick comments as well. "People so adamant to a cause that they gave up on everything useless. Going as far as putting poison in their mouths to drink it in the eventp they are captured." 

"You were a mercenary at that time?" I am curious about this story.