Outside the once pastel-coloured house was a twelve-year-old boy standing amidst his friend's unconscious bodies.
This boy's name was Sunny, he was currently staring at the house that was blocked off with a giant wall inside, this house was where he had thrown Jack through.
He had heard a phone ringing inside the house earlier, but he didn't act in any way due to it being a possible trap.
And as to why he hasn't tried searching and exterminating him using his Red hands, well he's cautious that Jack might have another trick up his sleeve.
Everything was calm and quiet, the dark, gloomy and shadowy surroundings were still, the reddened sky was stretching across the horizons and the ground was starting to shake.
Sunny, noticing the oddity, looked down on the ground before looking back to where he knew Jack was previously.
Inside from the House, a giant pillar of stone rose to the sky at rapid speeds before stopping abruptly at a certain height, and standing at the top of the stone pillar was a masked figure that looked like 'Jack'.
Not wasting a moment of time, Sunny sent a number of Red hands barreling at fast speeds towards 'Jack'.
As the Red hands got increasingly close to him, 'Jack' made no movement to dodge or use transmutation.
Whether he was Idiotic or had some sort of plan wouldn't be known until the attacks hit him.
The Red hands were now so close to him that dodging was pointless, Even when they were about to hit him 'Jack' still made no signs of movement.
Before finally.
'Jack' was destroyed and was revealed to be a Stone statue that had lifelike colours on it.
Sunny, seeing that it was a mere stone statue, showed no signs of surprise as he merely looked back at the house where the pillar came from.
"Surprise!" A shout was heard from behind Sunny, followed by the sounds of a clap and an explosion that roused up the dirt on the ground and made a cloud of dust that obstructed the vision of whoever was inside.
*Cough* *Cough*
Coughing and Blocking his eyes from the dust using his arms, Sunny started to mentally order his Red hands to form a dome around him for protection.
Sunny tried squinting his eyes to try and see through the cloud of dust that was blocking his vision.
As he was trying to see through the cloud of dust he felt something get heading towards him.
A small rock was blocked by the Red hands that protected Sunny.
Facing his head to the direction the rock came from, he took a wild guess and sent an attack in the form of multiple Red hands towards the direction of the throw.Red hands.
The attack hit nothing but air.
Seeing that the attack hit nothing, Sunny began to wait for the cloud of dust to settle and clear for him.
While waiting for the dust to clear, multiple attacks in the form of rocks were being constantly thrown towards him.
Sunny, using his Red hands, blocked all of them easily and attacked every time a rock was thrown at him.
As the dust cloud finally cleared around him, he finally saw the one throwing all of those rocks at him.
"Those rocks worked as a distraction didn't they?" He arrogantly talked while stroking the bottom of his mask.
Sunny, not knowing what Jack was talking about, quickly looked around him to find that all of his friend's sleeping bodies were gone, and were now instead at a distance lying peacefully.
Seeing this though he didn't show it, he felt relieved that they wouldn't be hurt, outside though he merely gave Jack an empty look, before attacking him soon after.
Reacting to Sunny's attack Jack responded by dodging to the right.
The attack missed and Jack retaliated by creating a Pillar of stone zooming towards Sunny.
Sunny, seeing the pillar of stone zoom towards him, responded by making the Red hands protect him from the attack.
Jack's attack was stopped abruptly by the Red hands that protected Sunny.
Jack, seeing his attack be halted, merely ran towards Sunny and threw a bunch of shining objects around Sunny.
Sunny, seeing the shining objects, recognized them as lightbulbs.
That was what Sunny thought as he was immediately blinded from the light bulbs detonating with the energy stored in them.
Holding his eyes in pain Sunny abruptly screamed out from the pain of being temporarily blinded.
"I told you kid… Not even close." Those were the last words he heard before two hands grabbed his head and his world went still.
Two people could be seen in front of a House both seemingly frozen in place.
One was a masked man using both of his hands to hold the other's head.
While the other, a 12 year old boy who was being grabbed in the head by the masked man.
They were both frozen in their spots as the red sky sat menacingly above them.
|Jack pov|
"Di-Did it work?" I spoke hesitantly as I stared at the sky above me and was met with the very gloomy and unusual color of black.
The last thing I remember was successfully grabbing Sunny and activating the other function of the gloves, before everything went black for me.
Standing up from my spot I began to look around to find out where I was now.
Looking around me I could see that there was a door, it was colored pastel-like, just like the house Mari and the others were at before Sunny used his edgy powers.
But that wasn't all that was here, there were also unconscious people on the floor being held down by Red hands so that they wouldn't be able to move.
(Not like they'll be able to, seeing as how even here they're also passed out.) I thought a bit morbidly.
The reason why I didn't react that much was because I'd already seen a familiar scene when I came to Faraway, though they were just passed out and didn't have some creepy Red hands holding them to the floor.
Looking closer at the bodies I could spot a few familiar faces between each of them.
One I recognized to be the guy who gave me that pizza job, while the others were people who were really familiar.
(Sunny's friends…. Still can't believe he actually did that.)
Reminiscing on what Sunny did, I walked over to where they lied down and began to think.
(As much as I hate bringing Innocent people into this, They should be able to convince Sunny.
Even though they were knocked out by him, I can hope that they're words can get through to him.)
Steeling myself, I began to try and wake them up, starting with Mari.
"Hey...Wake up." I started to shake her in an effort to try and wake her up, though it didn't work seeing as how she's still asleep.
Seeing as how that didn't work, I began to redouble my efforts.
"Wake upppp!!!" Yelling loudly I began to shake her shoulders faster in an effort to wake her.
(This isn't working.
Maybe I can use that?)
Deciding that just yelling and shaking her won't have any effect, I suddenly thought of using the gloves to wake her up.
"Let us pray to the almighty Board that this works." I spoke in mock belief as I began to clap my hands and grab her head.
"Wooorrrkkkk!" In an effort to wake her up I began to mimic a trick shonen protagonist used to be able to perform feats of miracles.
That's right I was screaming louder.
After thirty seconds of screaming, there was finally an effect.
"Ugghhh, shut up." Mari groaned, still a bit tired from whatever she was going through.
(It worked! My screaming worked! Hahahahah, those shonen protagonists were right!!!!) Seeing that Mari successfully woke up, I began to celebrate internally on the fact that shonen pow- I mean, that she woke up.
Sitting up straight Mari began to massage her head and fully became awake as I started to move to the next person I should wake up.
"Yuusha-sama!!!" I began to scream Hero in Japanese in an effort on making my shonen powers more effective.
A few seconds and a scrutinizing gaze on my back later Hero finally woke up.
"ughhh, What?" Hero slowly opened his eyes and spoke groggily.
(It's confirmedddd!!! Shonen workkssss!!!!) I mentally screamed into the pits of my mind.
Having enough joking around, I began to go through the others.
|A few Moments and an explanation later.||
Dusting my hands, I began to address the elephant in the room.
"So you guys are awake, that's good. Now follow me we need to go and save a weird child." I spoke as I motioned for them to follow.
"Wait! You haven't explained anything at all!" Mari shouted aggravated from my actions.
"Yeah! Where are we and why am I blindfolded?" Spoke kel, of course I blindfolded the kids. I don't want them to be traumatized from what's around us.
It was hard to convince the kids to keep the blindfolds from the start but thankfully Mari and Hero helped in convincing them once they saw what was around us.
"You're in Sunny's mind and the blindfold was Mari's idea." I spoke the truth, except the blindfold part, that was my idea, but I said that since I'm pretty sure they would only listen to Mari or Hero.
"My brother's mind wouldn't be like this." Mari spoke calmly. she even sounded confident in her words.
"I'm sorry but how did we get here?" Spoke Hero, confused on the situation.
"You don't remember? You guys fell unconscious when the outside leaked inside." I spoke calmly as if It was the most simplest thing in the world.
"Uuhhh, what?" Still confused huh, as expected of a yuusha.
"Moving on, any other questions you want to ask me before we get out of here?" I spoke moving the conversation along.
"I have one." Aubrey and Basil both spoke and raised their arms.
"Uhhh, Aubrey go."
"If this is Sunny's mind can we look around?"
"That was my question too."
It seems both have their agendas already determined, Interesting.
Not really knowing how to respond to this, I look towards they're big sister for help.
"Sure, just not here ok?" Mari gently spoke to the two of them, radiating a big sister's aura.
"Ok, any other questions? Actually you know what." Thinking for a moment, I continued."Save those questions for later, for now let's get out of here, Kel keep that blindfold on please." I spoke as I saw that Kel was about to take his blindfold off and see the unconscious bodies being held down by Red hands around us.
Hero, seeing what Kel was doing, quickly stopped his brother before being traumatized like him.
"Let's get out of here now please." Said Hero, a statement I agreed with, this place is creepy.
"Follow me, don't stray off." I spoke, as I began to lead the way towards the pastel-like door that I saw.
Glancing back behind me, I could see that all of them were holding hands so the younglings wouldn't stumble that much.
"Alright, now what's behind Mister door." I spoke as I slowly opened the door and went inside.
"Hey, look, we're in a school corridor."
The area in front of me looked like a school corridor with lockers lined to the side, and a singular door at the end of the corridor.
But there were also people standing at the end of the corridor, they all looked the same and wore a light-blue dress and a pink bow in their long hair. They were also carrying a plushie of some sorts, If I had to say they all looked the same.
There was also another person that was different from the rest of them, a boy with a black tank top, long black socks, and black and white striped shorts, he seemed to be colored in black and white contrast to the others who were colorful.
I recognized both of them, the others looked like Aubrey over here while the other I recognized to be the alter ego of Sunny.
(This is good, Mari and the others should be able to convince him to-)
I was abruptly cut off as I heard the yell of Mari behind me, followed by her running towards Omori.
(Should've expected that, honestly should've expected that.)
But as she touched what she thought was Sunny, she merely passed through him and fell down on the floor.
Surprised by the fact that she passed through Omori, she looked on in a stupor at the black and white colored Omori.
Seeing her fall down to the floor, I quickly told Kel and the others that they can take off their blind folds now before me and Hero jogged over towards Mari and pass Omori.
"Are you okay Mari?" Worried about her, Hero asked while placing a comforting hand on her back.
"Wh-what just happened?" She raised a question aiming towards me.
Meanwhile I was currently busy in my thoughts.
(Ahh we're in his memories, of course, it would never be that easy to get to the final boss that quickly,
still this could prove to be beneficial to find out what's giving him that kind of power.)
I was excited at the prospect of solving the mystery of Sunny's powers, which I could then disable if I find it of course.
Breaking out of my thoughts, I realized that I haven't answered Mari's question on what's happening here.
"Didn't you listen to what I said a few minutes ago?" I spoke, trying to remind her of what I said before we passed through the door.
Mari thought about it for a bit, but soon came to a realization on where we were.
"We're in his dreams."
"I guess we could be."
"But why are there so many Aubreys here?" As I said that, Mari and Hero looked at each other coming to a silent confirmation that I didn't know the meaning of.
As I was thinking on why there were so many Aubrey's present I was broken out of my thoughts when a voice called out.
"Mari! Hero, are you guys okay?" Hearing a voice behind me, I took a quick glance and recognized it to be Kel with the others trailing behind him.
"Sunny!" Kel cried out loud before running towards Omori and making the same mistake as Mari.
"Oof." he grunted as he fell down on the floor, Basil seeing this quickly helped Kel get up on the floor.
"Hey why are there multiple Aubreys here with Sunny?" I heard Kel ask the same question I was asking before.
"I think I may know the answer to that." I spoke, drawing the attention of everyone in the group present.
"Really?" Instead of Kel asking it was our Aubrey, which almost made me not want to say what was happening… Almost.
"This is a memory of Sunny… Having a wet dream!!" I confidently shouted out, earning a glare from Mari and Hero and suspiciously a blush from Basil.
"What's a wet dream?" Both Kel and Aubrey asked, they're innocence radiating to their surroundings.
"Well a we-"
Mari and Hero looked like they were about to stop me, but I was suddenly interrupted as one of the pastel-colored Aubreys suddenly started speaking.
"Wait a sec… who are all these girls behind you?" One of the Aubreys asked.
"I'm on a date with Omori!" Aubrey 2 said joyfully.
"Well we can't all date Omori." Said Aubrey 3 as she started to walk over to the closest clone of her.
"Huh? What is it?" The Aubrey she walked up to questioningly asked.
Aubrey 3 then proceeded to take out a pink bat and hit Aubrey in front of her, turning her into toast.
And just like that every Aubrey suddenly started beating each other with a Bat as Omori backed up from the ensuing chaos.
Following Omori's footsteps was us, as everyone started to back up from the fight between Aubreys.
Taking a glance to my right, I saw Mari smugly smiling at what her little brother dreams of, while Hero was just looking on embarrassingly scratching the back of his head.
While on the left Kel was just smiling at what was in front of him. "Ha! Never thought I'd see multiple Aubrey's fight for Sunny's love."
Aubrey decided to stay silent at Kel's words or more accurately didn't know how to respond, she merely looked at what was happening with reddened cheeks rivaling that of a tomato.
Meanwhile, Basil was sheepishly smiling at everything, what was going on in his head I wouldn't know.
"Ar-are we sure we're supposed to see this?" Hero hesitantly asked, sounding almost like he was respecting Sunny's privacy… How foolish.
No one answered him though, since everyone knew the answer to his question… We are all watching this to the very End.
End chap---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A/N: writing is a pain.... but I refuse to drop! my Will, will not be broken! you hear meee!!! also Alter ego content will be back when this arc finishes, This is Es_simp signing out.
Edited by: Myself