Es dreams of a happy halloween


In the spooky streets of Faraway, Halloween was currently in session as a different variety of people alike were dressed up as spooky or cute costumes, trick or treating different houses with bags filled with candy.

Standing under the pale light of the moon were two figures talking and walking alongside each other.

One a masked jester with his color scheme being that of a lavender and inky like color, while his mask had unique designs on them reminiscent to that of a court jester.

The other a young european woman wearing an outfit only seen in old vampire movies, It consisted of clothing that looked to be that of royalty followed by a cherry red and black cape, embellishing her vampiric image even more were cute little fangs protruding out of her lips making her look like a true vampire.

"Come on! We have to hurry!" Excitedly spoke the vampire as she dragged the Jester along with her to celebrate Halloween by trick or treating.

"Es Halloween's not going anywhere, we can take our time." The jester spoke as he lazily waved his hands in front of his face and yawned.

"Didn't you say that it would only last a few hours?"

"Yeah three to be exact… I think." The Jester spoke unsure of his words.

"That's isn't enough to experience everything! We have to hurry."

"Alright alright, As you wish my count." The jester spoke, conceding to the vampire as they began to trick or treat through houses faster as per the counts wishes.

"Trick or Treat!" The door opened revealing an old wizard holding a bag of candies in his hand.

"Happy halloween." Responded the old wizard as he began to put candy in their bags.

"Thank you very much." Ecstatically thanked the vampire as she beamed with joy from the candy the old wizard gave.

"My, you seem enthusiastic." And with how the vampire beamed at the candy the old wizard wasn't wrong, she was very enthusiastic over the treats.

"Well you see, this is her first halloween and i'm taking her around to experience it with her." The jester said, answering the old wizard's question in his mind.

"I see, then I recommend you take her somewhere nice." The wizard advised sounding sagely with his voice as he continued.

"Well that's all I have to say just make sure to keep her company, goodbye and happy halloween!" The old wizard bid his goodbyes as he closed the door, and the two soon walked away to go through more houses in search of candy.

As they finally filled their bags full of treats, they decided that this was good enough and decided to take a rest somewhere.

"Hey, Es I know a place that's amazing, follow me." The jester spoke as he began to lead the vampire through the forest and foliage.

As they walked they soon began to reach the jester's destination, a dazzling lake that was reflecting the silver shine of the moon and stars with foliage and forestry surrounding them making the scene look otherworldly.

"So what do you think?" The jester spoke as he walked over and placed down the bags of candy he was holding next to a bench that was conveniently placed in front of the lake.

"It's beautiful." The vampire spoke enraptured by the otherworldly sight in front of her.

"Not as beautiful as you."

Seeing the vampire ignore his words in favor of being astounded by the sight in front of her, the jester smirked and died a little inwardly.

"Well don't just stand there, place the candy down next to the bench and let's sit down and rest." He spoke sitting down while crossing his legs in front of him and patting the space beside him.

Heeding the Jester's words the vampire placed her bag of candy down and sat next to the jester.

They sat there just admiring the moon and lake for some time before the jester eventually spoke.

"Hey Es, can I hold your hand?" The jester questioned as he held his hand out to her waiting for her answer.

"I don't see why not?" Responded the vampire as she reached out for his hand.

But the feeling of touching his hand never came as she was met with the sight of her in a monochromatic room that was filled with books.

"What?" The girl questioned as she began to try and recall what had happened.

Finally recalling that she had fallen asleep, she began to realize that what she had experienced was but a mere dream.

"Just a dream." Although she finally regained some composure her thoughts she was undoubtedly irritated at the abrupt end of her dream.

"Right, I was watching over Jack." As she recalled what she was doing before she fell asleep she began to turn her head towards the sofa jack was sleeping in.

Only to find nothing but an empty space with no one resting.

Seeing that there was no one there she turned back to her desk to find a piece of paper neatly folded demanding her attention.

Opening it up the contents read as such.

'Went out to go buy you more chocolate or anything you like be back in a jiffy..

Love jack.'

(I hope he's okay.)

Reading through the letter she realized something shortly as she quickly wiped away the chocolate stains on her mouth using a piece of napkin she had.

Knowing that he most likely saw that, she grew a crimson hue in her cheeks as she bit her lip and contemplated on if he saw her like that while she was sleeping.

(I prefer the facade's annoying words right now than this.)

(I wonder what Jack is doing right now? When will he be back?)

As she worried about Jack's whereabouts she eventually decided that worrying will do no good for her.

(Damnit, I need to recompose myself, perhaps a book will help.)

Deciding to distract herself from the anxiety and embarrassment that she brought upon herself with, she began to decide on a book to read.

(A picture book should be nice, Maybe Alice in wonderland?)

She asked herself as she picked out the picture book she wanted to read.

(Yes, Alice in Wonderland should be good.)

She thought as she sat down and began to read through Alice in wonderland.

'It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.'

(That sound's reassuring to my situation.)





End chap--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: Foolishness.. Absolutely foolish, I was busy making my costume for halloween so i took a long time to write okay, also next chap should come out in two or three days or so, perhaps ill write faster if you give more power stones? Maybe? Anyways this is Es_simp signing off.

Editor: No one but me.