

After a long and strenuous fight between the Aubreys, only two Aubreys stood in front of each other huffing in exhaustion, as they were surrounded by flying toasts.

These toasts were what was left of the defeated Aubreys.

"Why toasts?" asked Hero, confused as to why they turned into toast after being beaten.

"Since they got toasted and this is a dream." Answered Jack not realizing the pun he had just made. "Now shut up, I want to see the end of this."

At his words they continued to watch the embarrassing dream unfolding in front of them.

These two Aubreys we're the victors that triumphed against the others.

Now they were facing each other with exhaustion in their breathing.

"Huff… Huff… huff…"

"Huff… Huff… huff…"

They were both eyeing each down acknowledging the other's strength.

"You… you're pretty strong."

"You're not so bad yourself…"

"But it's time for us to finish this!" both of them simultaneously shouted as they jumped a few feet away from each other and stared each other down.

Aubrey 1 made the first move by dashing towards Aubrey 2 with the intention of turning her into toast.

Aubrey 2 seeing this gripped her pink bat tighter as Aubrey 1 finally reached her and swung her pink bat at her.

Not letting her get a hit on her, she blocked the attack by intercepting it with her pink bat before.


Aubrey 2 took a few steps back from the force behind the bat before she retaliated by swinging her own pink bat at Aubrey 1.

Not being able to block the attack in time, Aubrey 1 got hit by the bat and got staggered towards the lockers.

Taking this as an opportunity Aubrey 2 followed up by swinging her bat once again at Aubrey 1.

Aubrey 2 seeing this, dodged by ducking down, making the attack miss and hit the lockers behind her.


Not wasting this opportunity Aubrey 2 shoved 1 back, making her take a few steps back to regain her balance.

After a brief moment of regaining her balance, Aubrey 1 jumped up and landed on the top of the lockers, and was shortly followed by Aubrey 2.

"What? I didn't know Aubrey could jump that high?" A bewildered voice questioned out loud, that voice belonged to Kel who was astonished to see a Aubrey jump 5 or more feet in the air.

Both Aubreys were now atop the lockers getting ready to fight each other, and as if from a certain anime Both of them disappeared and reappeared with both their bats clashed together in the blink of an eye.

The both of them kept fighting with neither of them giving a inch of advancement for the other.

Eventually, they got exhausted from the lengthy fight atop the lockers and jumped down back to the ground in front of Omori.

"Huff… huff… huff…"

"Huff… huff… huff…"

Both of them huffed now truly tired and exhausted from their battles.

"This isn't going anywhere.." Aubrey 1 spoke.

"I can't fight anymore… I'm so tired." Aubrey 2 said.

"Then there's only one way we can end this…" Aubrey 1 uttered as Aubrey 2 nodded at her.

"Omori!" Both of them shouted at the same time attracting the attention of Not sunny or Omori.

"Which one of us are you gonna go out with?!" Both of them questioned as Omori seemed to be contemplating on his answer.

"Wow, I wonder which one his gonna choose?" Kel commented curiously as to who Not sunny or Omori will choose.

"Does it matter? They're both Aubreys anyways so… so he's still gonna pick, Aubrey." Basil responded making a good point on his words.

"Well whatever my little brother chooses in his dreams I support him, I just hope he'll do the same in real life, isn't that right Aubrey?" Mari stated while making sure to tease their Aubrey on what was happening.

"..." Aubrey stayed silent looking on at what was happening with a rosy cheek.

"Aubreyy?" Mari teasingly asked seeing that Aubrey was blushing while staying silent.

"Oh, he's made his choice." Hero spoke, drawing everyone's attention back to the spectacle.

"I-" But just as Omori opened his mouth to make his decision, both he and the two Aubreys faded away abruptly, leaving a confused group on what had just happened.

All except for one.

"Oh, the memory ended," Jack spoke answering everyone's question on what had just happened.

"Alright everyone, that was certainly... an entertaining love skirmish to watch… but we have to keep going now to save your friend." He reminded, prompting them to recall what they were here for.

"Unless… you all forgot about that in favor of that lovey-dovey dream?" With his words all of them were quickly agitated.

"Of course not! You think we would forget about something as important as my brother?" Mari rebutted first, sounding a bit agitated.

"Please don't assume we would forget about Sunny."

"Yeah! We would never forget about Sunny!"

"That's right!"


All of them soon followed suit with Basil simply giving Jack a glare for his words.

"Ok geez.. Tough crowd…"

"Anyways… let's hurry now I want to get this over with to go back to E- home.. to go back home."

With that said he began to walk towards the door at the end of the hall with the others following suit.

Going through the door at the end of the hall, the scenery had deviated from the once school-like hallway to the sterilizing white of a hospital.

Jack, seeing this, stopped dead in his tracks as he recalled the only time he saw a hospital in the game.

And judging by the fact that he heard Sunny say Black space before… he was sure this was not a good memory or dream.

"I think we should get out of here quick." He hastily spoke as his eyes started darting around to search for the exit.

The Teens immediately looked at him questioningly.

"Why? It's just a hospital?" Hero naively spoke, if Jack hadn't had an idea to where they were, he would've been irked at Hero for saying such a cliche horror movie line.

"Yes, it is a hospital, a very bad hospital where all of you could get potentially traumatized…. Badly." Spoke Jack, worried about the mental health of these young children… even though he was gonna use them as leverage against their friend.

"Is this place HAUNTED!?"

As soon as those words were said everyone's eyes focused towards the one who said those words… Kel.

"N- Yea-Yeah actually."

Jack slowly spoke as he suddenly had an idea on what to do.

"Listen carefully, this place is a haunted hospital, so if you see anything worrying or scary… Do Not Follow hi- it."

He took a moment to pause, before adding.

"No matter how familiar they may look… Got it?"

"Got it."

"I've seen scary movies before."


"We got it."


Seeing everyone agree to his words Jack began to walk through the empty hallways of this place of healing.

(Room 117, 118, 119..Dr.Platypus?…. Christ who came up with that name? Dr.Doofenshmirtz? Heh.)

Internally laughing at his own joke, Jack soon noticed an intersection splitting from a sharp right to left with stairs in the middle leading upwards at the end of the hallway.


It was a typical-looking squared spiral staircase that went up and down multiple floors, and Jack had the feeling that Up is where they're supposed to go.

(We should check the other hallways first, just in case.)

Deciding to be cautious, Jack decided to check the right and left hallways first before ascending up the stairs.

(Well… would you look at that, I don't even need to look far to see that they're both dead ends.)

The hallways did not stretch very far, as they ended only with a few rooms along their paths and a glass window at the end of each one.

(Stairs It is.)

(Let's see if there's anything downstairs.)

Walking several steps down the staircase, Jack leaned over to see that the path down the next floor was blocked with a road sign saying construction was underway.

A very comical road sign if I may add.

Walking back upstairs he made the decision of going upstairs, knowing full well that something was awaiting them upstairs.

But hey where else were they supposed to go? There was no other path to take.

"Prepare yourselves…. You may see something you don't want to see at the end of where we're going." Jack spoke, giving them an early warning of something he knows they might see at the end.

Although he was reluctant to let them see a suicide, he speculated that they needed to go through where sunny had done it to continue forwards.

Each of them seemed to be a bit fearful of what Jack was implying as they tensed in their positions.

"Why? Is there something at the end?" Hero asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"Yes." Jack blankly answered back, his expression unknown from behind his mask.

"Should we be worried?"

"Oh certainly, but don't worry it won't hurt any of you physically."

"I see that's good then."

And so with that said, He proceeded upwards the stairs with the others following suit.

As they reached the next floor, Jack tried going up another floor only to be blocked by a road sign saying construction was underway.

Deciding that this floor might be where they needed to go, Jack proceeded to lead the way through the hallway.

"I don't think this place is haunted," Kel spoke out, voicing his thoughts.

"Kel! You dummy that's what they all say in scary movies!" Aubrey rebuked seeing the cliche that Kel was provoking… Which Jack agreed with if he didn't know what to really worry about.

"Shit, you're right Aubrey!"

"Language!" Multiple voices simultaneously shouted out, coming from everyone except Kel and Jack.

"Kelsey Rivers, what did I say about using curse words!?"

"Sorry...Mari." Kelp apologized looking downcast from getting chastised by Mari.

"Apology accepted… just don't use curse words like that again."

"Yes, Mari," Kel spoke feeling a bit better that Mari wasn't that Mad at him.

"Fuck, well this is it."

"Language!" This time it was everyone except Jack who shouted out loud.

"Huh? Oh sorry."

"Anyways, we've reached our destination."

In front of them was a door leading to the building's balcony, it was faintly glowing a white tint to signify its importance.

"That's great, we can go on and find Sunny then."

"Oh no, this isn't the exit… probably, the exit is probably behind this door." Jack clarified.

"Then what are we waiting for, we should go and find Sunny faster." Spoke Basil in a blitz, which was supported by the others who shared the same rush.

"Alright, be prepared for what you might see."

With Jack's warning, he opened the door revealing a balcony with railings to prevent people from falling on all sides, but there was a broken railing that lead to the demise of everyone who jumped off.

There was also a boy in a patient's garment with bandages covering his head's right eye, leaving his empty right eye in clear view of what was in front of him.

Everyone except Jack was immediately concerned to see the boy there as all of them recognized him to be…


End chap--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: When I said 2 to 3 days I accidentally misspelled it, what I meant was 2 times 3 days!!! Yeah sorry for the delay got busy and had my school work to do…. Jk actually was just lazy and wanted to do nothing…. But for real this time no misspellings I shall upload in three or four days… so be sure to drop some power stones to make me keep that promise.

Es_simp signing out.
