

"Sunny? What is he doing here?" Kel innocently asked.

"Is it me or does he look older?" Aubrey spoke, drawing everyone's attention with her words.

In front of them was a Sunny that looked to be slightly taller than the Sunny they knew, he was wearing a patient's dress with bandages wrapping around his head and his right eye.

While the two children were marvelling over Sunny's slightly older looks, the other three were fearful over the fact that Sunny was standing on the balcony with a broken railing alone.

Well, that and they put together Jack's words on potentially witnessing something that would be traumatic for them.

With that thought in mind, Mari did what any Big sister would do… 

"Sunny… please step away from the edge a bit." Mari worryingly spoke, fearing the implication on the situation.

Kel and Aubrey noticing Mari's worried voice immediately became uneasy as well as they slowly comprehended what was happening.

Although they were still children they knew what suicide was and why people would do it.

They were mostly told that it was because people were sad, but that's not the point.

Although Mari tried warning her brother, none of what she said registered to him as to him they weren't there.

"Sunny… please… step away from the edge." This time Hero spoke as he became more anxious over the circumstance.

"Sunny?" Basil as well, his face caught in a frightening expression over the fact that his best friend is going to commit something horrendous.

(God, let's just get this over with… I hate these types of things… but.)

Jack thought as he looked at Sunny who was standing on the edge of the broken railway, ready to fall.

(This does give me some insight on what's happening.)

"Nooo!" A loud shriek rang out as Sunny jumped off and started to descend into the concrete pavement at the bottom.

The shriek was quickly recognized to be Mari's as she witnessed her brother make sweet love to the concrete pavement below.

All of them gazed on in shock as they saw a version of their friend or brother just commit suicide.

They were all experiencing different emotions from disbelief, shock, sadness and anger, but all of them except Jack had one question in mind.


"That wasn't real right?" Jack turned his head to the one who asked the question, Basil.

"Right?!" His voice got louder as he repeated his words.

"Probably… I mean aren't you all overreacting a bit, you all already know that we're in his head." Jack spoke, reminding them of where they were.

"Right… right, Sunny would never do that…. This is just a nightmare he had." Basil spoke slowly as he started to calm himself down and think rationally.

 "Soooo, do you guys need more time or can we go now?" Jack spoke, as he pointed over to a white door he had seen suddenly show up after Sunny had decided to spread himself over the concrete pavement.

Basil didn't really know if they need more time or not so he decided to look to Mari to make the decision.

Her hair was covering her face making it so that her expression couldn't be seen, but the angry atmosphere that was radiating around her couldn't be concealed as she stood up and walked over to Jack.

"Wh-what's up?" 


"How, what?" Jack asked, confused as to what she was referring to.

"You knew that this would somehow happen, and even warned us in advance… So how?" Mari stated slowly, as everyone suddenly realized that Jack was warning them about this in advance making them skeptical about him.

Pondering for a bit, Jack decided to answer her.

"Hmmm, The only answer I could give you is… I saw it myself… His death I mean."

"Wait! So this isn't a nightmare for Sunny?!" Basil spoke in realization to what I said.

(Crap, me and my stupid mouth.)

"Well, Yes and no…. Look I don't know the full extent of the situation.. But you can ask Sunny yourselves when we find him." He spoke, trying to defuse the situation and pinning all the blame and attention on Sunny who isn't even here.

"No!" It clearly didn't work as Mari screamed and looked at me furiously.

"I've been tolerating that's been happening now, but I want answers to what's happening and has happened to my brother!" Although he didn't show it Jack was surprised at her sudden outburst and voice.

And it seemed that he wasn't the only one surprised as the others too looked a bit surprised although not that much.

Thinking for a bit, Jack decided to just get this over with since it would waste time  and just answer some of her questions.

"Look I don't know exactly what's happening to your brother… but what I do know is that he is not in his right mind right now… and as for how I know he died…. Well I saw it before I met up with any of you." The last part was a lie but they didn't need to know that.

"You didn't tell m-us everything." Jack silently raised an eyebrow at her quickly correcting herself, but seeing as how no one seemed to be questioning it he decided that he wouldn't as well. 

"Hmmmm, I have secrets too, you know? So I can't tell you my story." 

"But enough standing around and being in this Drama… We have better and more important things to do… like saving Sunny" 

"Now… that answer some of your questions?" Seeing that no one made a point to complain he started to walk towards the white door with the others reluctantly trailing behind him.

At the Otherside of the door was a plain white space with the ground beneath having a stoney texture that Jack was familiar with, Another thing to note was that the sky was dyed red leaving a sense of dread in Jack's spine, looking around there seemed to be nothing else in this mostly white space other than what was mentioned.

Taking a few steps inside the other side of the door, Jack waited a bit for the others to step inside. 

After everyone stepped inside, no one spoke for an awkward few minutes before Hero eventually spoke.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know… but maybe we can ask him." He spoke pointing behind them and at the door they went through, except when they looked there, there was no door, only a short-statured very pale boy with a black tank top, striped boxers and holding a book, standing behind them all a few meters away.

They all recognized him to be the one multiple Aubreys we're fighting for and Sunnys clone… Omori.

For some reason Jack felt drawn to the book Omori was carrying, at first he thought it to be his sketchbook but thinking about it he deemed it to not be his sketchbook, since why would he be carrying his sketchbook here.

"Sunny? Is that really you this time?" Basil carefully spoke remembering the last time they saw a dream of him.

"..." Omori remained indifferent.

"Sunny, come on please say something." Basil spoke again this time sounding a bit desperate.

"Why." Omori spoke after Basil asked a second time.

"W-what?" Basil asked, confused to his question, just as he was about to speak again Aubrey interrupted.

 "Sunny this isn't funny anymore… can we please go back home now."

"..." He said nothing and just stared at them, Aubrey seeing this became a bit nervous.

"Little brother… I don't know what's happening to you but please… let us help." Mari asked, sounding sweet and comforting.

Omori's face softened a bit before frowning and going back to it's indifferent expression.

"We can't help you if you won't tell us what's wrong… so please let's go home and we can talk." As she said those words she took a few steps towards Sunny.

(This might be easier than I thought… I knew bringing them was a good idea.) 

But just as she was getting close to Omori, He stopped her with these stoic words.

"So you can yell that Sunny is useless again?"

(Ayo wait what!?) Jack mentally shouted in his mind as he heard those words.

It seems that Jack wasn't the only one who was surprised at this, seeing as how the others wore expressions that looked shocked.

During this Jack suddenly felt an uneasiness as he quickly spoke.

"Mari back up quick."

"Sunny I never w-" But she was cut off when an attack that Jack recognized came barreling towards her.

Acting quickly, Jack transmuted the ground in front of Mari to form a wall to protect her from the attack.


"I knew this wouldn't be easy!"

Shocked, everyone except Jack stared wide-eyed at what had just happened.

They were confused and shocked at what just happened, yet once they had re-composed themselves all of them except Jack had one thought.

(This isn't Sunny, he would never attack his Mari.)


(Oh God, I shouldn't have taken that deal.)

End chap-------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: this chapter would've been better but sadly my dog ate half of the chapter and I was forced to re-write the whole chapter since I forgot what i wrote. *Sigh* truly my dog is shameless…. Drop some power stones to stop my dog from eating chapters…totally… Es_simp signing out.