High five

A/N: Sorry I took too long, I had a cold and didn't feel like writing but here's my chapter and perhaps another one soon if I feel like writing fast.




Sailing across the air trying to imitate a bird was a worn out Jack, He was currently Infuriated at the current source of his problems and the one who he's been fighting for some time now.

A dull *Thud* sounded out as he ungracefully and badly landed on the ground.

"Omori you're a piece of shit." He cursed in a low and tired voice as he lay face flat on the smooth black rocky surface.

Lifting his head and looking off to the side, the people he had brought to help pacify this problematic child were currently being held unconscious and suspended in the air by Red hands, he winced at the sight as he silently apologized.

Everything was supposed to be easy he thought, this was a simple problem he thought. Nothing would go wrong, he said.

Well everything was currently going wrong, the people he had thought could pacify Sunny or Omori or whatever he's called, we're currently being suspended in the air unconscious… and it was his fault.

He should've never brought those children here… they're just dead weight, he should've taken the hint that the kid wasn't right in the head when he knocked everyone in he's town out.

I mean really it should've been obvious that he wasn't thinking normally, so why did I think that his friends would be able to calm him down.

(Damn my arrogance.)

Still mistakes were made and expected as he wasn't god.

"*Arghhh* Damnit! Let's go again, this time with more feeling." Jack said to himself as he slowly got up, curiously Omori didn't attack him while he was getting up either due to arrogance or the fact that he's been losing for some time now… either one was good if it meant he would last longer to think of a plan.

Jack's mind began to work overtime to think of a strategy in beating the Suped up Child.

(That book he's holding… I know it's something valuable since he's been protecting it with everything he's got everytime I try to get close to him.)

Finally having the framework of a plan he continued.

(This is kinda risky but… I wonder what would happen if I transmuted one of those red hands? Would something happen? Or would I just be an idiot and die?..... Eh might as well try. I'm gonna die if this keeps up anyway.)

Deciding on a course of action he started to enact his experim- strategy.

"Hey Omori!"

With his name being called out Omori tilted his head at Jack, all the while Red hands began to emerge from the white void around them.

"I fucked your sister last night."

*BGM stops*

*Jazz music starts*

If Omori wasn't malicious to Jack before he was now, as much as it looked like he was hurting his friends it was a necessary process for him to be able to permanently stay with them forever, so while his actions looked liked he didn't care about his sister he very much cares and he is very much angry with what Jack had said even if it wasn't true.

No one insults Mari.

"Ha! That's right I did! Watch you gonna do about it?" Jack continued to taunt, his arms spreading out in exaggeration.

Omori's face was now covered with a shadow hiding the expression from his eyes, but if one could feel and read the atmosphere they would realise that a silent wrath was leaking from him.

But there was also an obvious sign that he was furious and that was the Red hands around him, they were flailing around madly as some even broke parts of the ground from their trashing.

Jack seeing this was grinning from behind his mask.

(Alright, Step one done… Now... hit me you fuck!)

Jack thought as he prepared himself for the next step of his plan.

Now all he needed was to wait for Omori to attack and he can then grab the Red hands from the air.

And true to his expectations Omori began his attack and sent dozens of Red hands, enough to completely overshadow the sky above Jack and all of them were heading towards one person.


"Man, I calculated everything… but damn am I bad at math." Jack absently said as he stared at his impending doom if he didn't take action.

"Crap, focus." he shook his head as he began to focus back on the situation.

(I may have fucked up a bit and miscalculated but I can work with this.) Deciding that his previous plan was pretty much scrap now he quickly thought of another one in a hurry.

"Alright, now or never, Do or die." With that said he clapped his hand as faint white sparks briefly showed themselves when he activated his trigger.

The Red hands were now close to him as he positioned himself to be prepared for it.

As they finally reached him, Jack retaliated with a palm from both of his hands to meet them in return.

"High five Bitch!"

As their attacks met each other, Hand to Hand, Dozed of Red hands to two gloved ones, A loud *Spark* rang out from the collision followed by a blinding while light that blinded and disoriented Jack from it's intensity.

When Jack finally regained his composure he was surprised that he was still alive and not a bloody pulp in the ground from all those Red hands that covered the sky.

Though looking around he couldn't see the attack that covered the sky instead he was met with nothing… Although surprised by the sequence of events he didn't forget his original purpose.

Looking directly in front of him, he saw Omori clutching his head with his eyes closed in pain.

Not wasting this opportunity, Jack began to stand up and slowly walk towards Omori, that walk turned into a jog which soon turned into a full-out sprint.

Omori sensing Jack closing in, looked up at him and raised his two hands that were clutching his head in defence.

All in all he looked pitiful and scared, that didn't stop Jack sprint though.

"These Hands are Rated E! For Everyone!!!" Shouting those words Jack Uppercutted the defenceless Omori with his right fist, although Omori had put up his arms in defence a 12 year olds arms were still no match for a full grown man.


Omori flew a few inches from the ground from the uppercut and fell hard on the floor, knocked out for the count from the Rated E Fist.

Jack, seeing this, promptly fell down on the ground and celebrated his victory with a loud shout to the sky.

"Not Even Close!!!!" Joy, he felt joy from winning against trauma boy, this time it was more prominent than the last time he won, probably because he knows that Omori this time is truly out for the count.

But still deciding to play it safe, Jack transmuted the ground to imprison omori in a shell covering his body all the way to his neck so that he wouldn't be able to move.

(Still can't believe that he got that angry from my taunt, But i'm glad it worked as absurd and childish as it was.)

After seeing that Omori was unconscious and restrained he sat down to rest and spoke.

"Looks like I'm the main protagonist kid."

After declaring himself to be the *Main protagonist* he spent a few minutes resting until he finally got up and decided to check the Book Omori was holding and the others that were being held up by Red Hands.

Speaking of the others, Looking to where they were, He saw that Mari and the rest were lying on the ground unconscious from everything that happened.  

Walking over to them he made sure to check if they weren't injured or dead, thankfully they weren't hardly any bruises and they were still breathing fine.

Seeing that they were Ok, He let out a sigh of relief before turning his attention back to the Book.

(Now where's that Book?) He worried as his head started to search around for the Book that Omori was holding.

He didn't  need to search for long as he soon found it lying flat on the ground a few feet away from him and Sunny.

He got up and walked over to where the book was at and saw the title of the book that Omori was holding.

-The Distorted Imagination Of A Dreamer-

Reading the title Jack questioningly raised a metaphorical eyebrow from behind his mask.

"Hmmmmm, Interesting" He sagely spoke as he idly thought. (Yeah, I have no idea what this is…)

Jack began to recall through his memory if it reminded him of something.


After a brief period of thinking he finally spoke out in realization.

"Oh, is this those altered item things the board talked about?" 

End chap--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: Hey….. Had a cold i'm better now… ill probably upload another chapter in a couple of days or so, so while you wait make sure to leave some power stones and a review in case you haven't already…. That's all Es_simp signing out.