Altered items and how to Subdue them


"So that's how it works."

Jack spoke, closing the book he was reading with a small thump.

"Still can't believe the instructions for how it works are written on the front page,"

"But who am I to complain, that's a thumbs up for me thank you weird book."

He spoke, praising it as he held the jet black book with red accents, titled, The Distorted Imagination Of A Dreamer in his hands.

"Well that certainly explains some things."

(This book…. Was pretty much a wish granter, like the holy grail in the nasuverse, albeit limited, but it's less evil and not corrupted by angry so that's a plus… and just like the holy grail it needed energy, energy to actualize the wish and since Sunny is just a normal human with a very questionable state of mind.

The only way that I assume he could get that kind of energy is from souls…. Since judging from everyone outside being suddenly unconscious and my knowledge of Fullmetal alchemist, I can see that theory being plausible.

But that begs the question… What was he using that energy for and why? It couldn't be the cliche case of wanting more power… he shouldn't have any reason to want power… at least none that I know of? And there was another question as well, how did this happen?)

"*Sigh*, although some things still are un-answered, they don't really matter as I now have the key to fixing this entire problem."

Jack mumbled, his posture relaxed that he can now undo everything that Omori did and accomplish his first task.

But there was still something that Jack was feeling in the back of his mind, a very small feeling that was plaguing the back of his mind that was just begging to be noticed.

"Why do I feel like an asshole?" 

He questioned himself, unaware of what his own conscience was feeling.

"*Gasp* Impossible! Is this guilt?! But I destroyed that feeling in my Xbox one and keyboard warrior days?! It was supposed to be dead!"

"But why would I feel guilty?! Could it be that Sunny is actually my long lost brother and I felt guilty because my brotherly instincts were kicking in?!"

He shouted out followed by a short burst of laughter from the whole satire and insane episode that he was having.

"Pfffftttt, Yeah no."

"I'm not meddling in their affairs when I can just wish to reset everything that's happened now."

He spoke firmly, nodding his head in assurance to himself.

"Right, enough fooling around, time to get out of here..."

"How do I get out of here exactly?"

Realizing that he didn't know how to exit this white space he began to look around his surroundings for signs of an exit.

Looking around him there was nothing but empty space surrounding his proximity.

"Uhhhhhh, I may have forgotten to make an escape plan."

Only now was he realizing that he had no escape plan, his own rush to end this as fast as possible blinded him from having thought of an exit plan and he is now left stuck, unaware, and looking like an idiot.


Or maybe not.

"I'm such a dunce, I have this now."

He spoke, waving the book in front of him, He is truly an intelligent being to have thought of this… truly he is gifted beyond comprehension.

"I can just wish my way out of here."

"Alright, let's see here…"

Opening the book he began to skim through it again and read the instructions on the first page.

"First, bind yourself to the book and let it's power and knowledge flow through you. After that, verbally state your wish and the books energy will give you your wish.

Note: A wish made from the book cannot be reversed, example a death made from a wish cannot be reversed with another wish.

There is only enough energy stored for two wishes in the book, after all of its energy is used it will need time to recharge normally.. Blah.. Blah.. Blah.. Recharge period can be hastened by providing the book with Astral energy, Divine energy, etc. Blah blah blah."

"Sounds easy enough."

Surprisingly enough there were very clear warnings written on the book that warned people about it's side effects, since why wouldn't there be a side effect to something as overpowered as this.


The side effects were read as, Decreased reasoning, Distorted line of thinking, Obsession over goals, Increased fantasies, nightmares, etc.

Reading through all of it again, Jack was convinced that this was the reason that Sunny became like that, well this and the fact that he committed suicide, but that doesn't matter.

"Alright, let's do this."

Steeling himself and ignoring, he clapped his hands together with the book still in his hands, he began thinking of binding the altered item to himself.

Tiny white sparks began to make their appearance around his gloved hands, as they danced all around the back of his hand and to his fingers, eventually reaching the book.

Soon after a brilliant white light engulfed the book and his hands, as he squinted his eyes from the intensity of the light.


"Eeerrrr," Jack murmured, but gritted his teeth and endured through the light that's blinding his eyes.

Shortly after, the light began to die down and recede.

Letting out a breath of fresh air, Jack idly wondered if anything changed with himself or the book.

(Was that all?)

< Congratulations/Approval on successfully on Taming/Subduing the Altered item/Nuisance.>

"Jesus Christ!" 

A surprised Jack screamed out, whoever he soon calmed down once he realized who it belonged to.

"Damn it! You scared me!"

"Ok, you're just gonna ignore me."

"Alright cool, do I get a reward for it?"


No use arguing might as well do what's asked of me.

"Ok, by-, wait!"


"Are they gone? Dammit! I could've asked them if they could get me out of here."

"Ahh, screw them, don't need them anyway."

(Ok, let's see if anything has changed with this book.)

After what could be thought as successfully binding the book to himself, He began examining it again to confirm if there are any changes.

The book's appearance had now changed, before it was a jet black book with red accents now it had a grey hard cover with white accents on the edges of the book, but it's most prominent change wasn't the color, but it's title.

The title had now changed and was called-

~Alter Ego~

"Cool, I'm sure this doesn't mean anything."

"Now to get out of here,"

Jack spoke as he began to kneel and raise the book up in the air.

He began to think of his wish and made sure to specify it's details in his head before he verbally spoke it out.

"Ohhh mighty book, I wish for you to get me back to my body in the material world."

A simple and straightforward wish that had little room to be misinterpreted.

A second later Jack disappeared instantly with nothing to signify his disappearance, only leaving behind him several unconscious people in White space.



[Currently in Faraway]

There were currently two people in front of a destroyed house with a ruined front yard lying down on the ground as if they had passed out.

One of them was a masked young man with one of his gloved hands holding a grey book with white accents.

The other was a twelve year old boy with a black t-shirt and brown shorts, he had a short frame, black hair and pale skin.

Soon after, movement was detected from one of them.

"It worked?"

He questioningly asked as he stared at the red sky that was slowly receding and turning to a normal night sky.

"It worked!!"

His tone soon turned to one of elation as he realized that the Altered item worked as intended. 

"Hell Yeah! I feel fucking great!"

Jack shouted out as he energetically jumped up from his spot.

"You think that after everything that happened I would feel like a terminally ill cancer patient on his deathbed."

He spoke as he combed his hand through his black hair.

"Buuut, right now I feel completely refreshed, like I've just put on a fresh pair of underwear on new year's day."

After he was finished speaking, he chuckled softly, like he had made a joke that only certain people would know.


He chuckled as he started to look around his surroundings, his smile soon turned into a frown as he saw the destruction that had happened here.

"Right, time to stop fooling around."

Ending his brief time of joking around he soon focused on his purpose.

"Good news, the sky is no longer red and the surroundings are no longer gloomy, 

Bad news, everything that's been destroyed isn't gonna go away like the other supernatural things…"

He let out a small sigh as he finished speaking.

"Other good news, I can wish everything back to normal…  but do I want to? You know what… as a fuck you to Sunny I'm only going to fix everything that was destroyed and only that."

He spoke as he stared at Sunny lying down on the ground and soon moved his gaze towards the Hero and the others peacefully sleeping a few meters away from them.

"Right, let's get to work."

End chap------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: hah, I'm late.. If any of you want to blame someone, blame past me for leaving it up to me everytime!! God can't that bastard do his job?! *Sigh* anyways make sure to leave a power stone to encourage past me from being lazy. 

Also I'm getting Vaccinated tomorrow so if I don't upload for a while it means I'm dead… no worries tho I'll be writing the rest in hell it heaven so all you guys have to do is follow me when I die… Jk… this is Es_simp signing out.