Did I hear Wells?

Groaning, i leant on a locker next to Kayla's as she was rummaging her locker for my textbook which I borrowed her, she's been searching for it for five minutes now and I know she forgot it at home.

That's not even the annoying part, the annoying part is her daily dose of love quotes and complains on how she hasn't found her one true pairing.

She's the one Walt Disney had in mind when he wrote all happy endings, she believes in together forever and all that stuff. In my opinion it's total bullshit. I believe in love but I don't believe in happy endings, I think people just wing it as they go and try to work through things.

Chantelle leaned on the other locker next to Kayla, her earphones blasting music so loud I can hear the beats. She cannot ignore Kayla like I can so in order not to drag out Kay's beautiful box braids, she's content with her solution—music.

"Hey babe," an extremely cheery voice said from my back as she hugged me from behind. With the nickname, loud happy voice and the familiar vanilla scent, I already know who it is. Camille.

"Hey muffin," I said as I turned to face her smiling. I was happy to see her for two reasons, one; she's one of my best friends and I missed her during the weekend and two; she'll make Kayla to stop babbling about 'true love'.

"I was wondering where you were, dragged Tamara's extension again?" Kayla asked as she closed the locker.

What did I tell you, my book isn't there.

"Nah, I've decided to leave violence for my sister. I was over there with Jake." She replied smiling.

Chantelle and Camille are twins, I know right, how cool is it being friends with twins.

"Your flavor of the minute," Kayla said disapprovingly. You should guess it by now, where the lovesick girl with a loveless life is and the flirt with a love life are friends they can't see eye to eye on the 'love' matter.

The thing is Kayla is the kind of girl that expects her prince charming to come with a chariot and those suits with ridiculous shoulder pads that Disney princes wears then sweep her off her feet for their happily ever after while Cam is one to take one look and say, 'really, a chariot? This is 2020 people!', Chan's one to walk away and I guess I'll be the one to get him out of that suit. Oh God, not in that way. I mean I'll tell him how bad the shoulder part of the suit is.

"You got it babe," Cam said winking and as soon as Kayla was about to respond Chan stepped in, "can we get to class already?"

Yep, she's the one of a few words.

Okay, meet my friends well.

There's Kayla Steven, afficionado of love, dance team captain and always forgets things. She has long blonde hair and she's addicted to plaid clothings, she buys literally everyone she sees.

Then there's Chantelle Davis and Camille Davis, twin sisters but are extremely different in personalities.

While Chan wears only black and white clothings, Cam's more of a rainbow and unicorn, puppies and ice cream peep person.  They both love partying but for different reasons, Cam's for the boys and Chan is for the booze. While Chan hates shopping and just orders things online, Cam can spend a whole day shopping, I mean it the whole twenty-four hours. Only Kayla can match her shopping energy and that is the best thing they bond over.

Also, they both had naturally long auburn hair but Cam cut her's shoulder length and dyed the ends which made her looked more matured while Chan is content with having her's put in two buns everyday.

Cam and I had first period together and it was history.

In my opinion, whoever made that timetable is a douche. Who puts history on first period on a Monday. It's just as if they want to rub it in our faces that they own our weekdays after the weekends.

Sighing, I entered Mr Welsh's classroom. The teacher himself doesn't help matters as he's a burly, sour old man with Harry Potter spectacles perched on his nose who's still bitter over his divorce of three years now. He's the definition of boring and frustrating and he never fails to deliver as he always drives me to the brink.

Someone sighed from my back, thank God I am not the only one who doesn't want to be here.

Cam was beside me telling me about the new student that just transferred here. Apparently he was a boy and has been here since last Wednesday, he was already on the school's football team and all that jazz.

I'm not interested in school's gossip, I am not interested in Mr Welsh's classes, I just want to go home and rewatch another episode of The magicians. I miss high king Margo.

Cam noticed I wasn't paying attention to her as usual and being the bubbly flirt she was, she skipped to the next seat beside a dirty blond boy, I think his name is Axel, yeah let's go with Axel.

Mr Welsh entered the classroom and began saying whatever it was he learnt from Harvard. Ten minutes into the class, someone came in.

Thank God. Mr Welsh hates late comers and seeing him release all pent-up emotions of the alimony on someone is going to be hilarious as usual.

I'm not a bad person, I just like catching fun the way I can.

"You're late," Mr Welsh said frowning.

The boy at the door looked weirdly like Miles Wells but I shrugged it off, Miles was gone. Miles is miles away is never coming a mile closer, you see what I did there? Epic. No it's not.

"No shit, Einstein." The boy said as he moved into the class and looked for an empty seat and his eyes landed on the only one, beside me.

Okay now I am freaking out, he really looks like Miles, speaks like him and is as rude as him.

God, not my worse nightmare, please I'll go with Mom and Aurora to church next Sunday. Okay not next Sunday because I really need to complete season five of Lucifer but I'll try for the one after that. Maybe.

"Hey gorgeous," he said as he sat beside me. I didn't reply, I was still freaked out.

"What, no replies?" He continued and I still ignored him trying to calm myself and trying not to get Mr Welsh catch me talking as he'll definitely give out detention.

He poked me, he freaking poked me with his pencil. "What?" I hissed as I turned to glare at him.

"Hey sweetheart," he smiled showing off his white pearls, "I'm Dean Wells."

Okay, someone shoot me.

Did I hear Wells?