
One thing in particular that bought Delion trust is the fact that both sides are misinformed of what happened 50 years ago.

They can't bust the man and label him a liar, one reason of which Big Maso indirectly points out. "If we knew, we wouldn't wait 50 years for you to come around."

Pointing at the door, he states. "We would nail their heads there where everyone can see their shame."

How does this buy their trust? Well Delion portrays rage equal to theirs and mentioned that he wants to protect family as well.

Them not knowing who did it and Delion suddenly coming up with a portrayed sense of revenge against anyone who harmed Selia, is soothing to the eye of a family member.

So in a twisted way fueled by lies and dumb fucks, Delion has already laid a foundation of trust for himself, which will make movement easier.

It's nice but Delion didn't come all the way from Blenar to entertain these bastards who one way or the other are strangers and are giving a criminal vibe.

He came here to uncover the truth, chief Ambers is counting on him and messing that up after getting her back, would just be playing dumb.

So he goes towards another direction with this, tapping on the table, moving his long to the chin, black hair away from his face, and faking a sweat. Finally requesting, "Can you take me to the graveyard then? I want to pay respect to my grandmother."

Nodding at a man behind him, same one who brought Delion to this... tavern from the looks of it, the fat man specifies. "Mervin Corbelli, he's one of your cousins. Take him to the graveyard, this truly is our family member so treat him good."


Walking in the graveyard after a kilometer long walk, spotting it out of the city walls that are under construction, Delion found, well graves.

There are a ton of them here, this ain't anything to do with a mass murder, it's just that this place is old and it has even turned into a city.

There has to be over a thousand graves here, it's easy to get lost and makes a side task a lot harder. That side task, heavily contributes towards the main one.

He isn't here to pay respect to this grandmother, that won't lead the investigation anywhere.

What can put one piece of this big puzzle in place however, is determining if Stephan's family is buried here.

Stephan claimed it that way, and if the family last name can't be found here [Stambolieva] then that old man is hiding something.

However, he can't start walking around the graveyard now when the goal is to reach Selia's grave. It's enough that he located where the graveyard is, the next step can be planned after a good night sleep.

Deeper they walk into the graveyard, the more Delion realizes that they're walking towards a big tomb instead of a grave.

With a lot of effort, they push the stone door open, that part definitely wasn't easy, especially now late at night when energy is diminished.

Having a look around, Delion sees a lot of human sized horizontal spots carved into the stone walls here.

The way graves are made here, would make one think that the deceased are a part of the walls.

The stonemasons carved a spot inside of the walls, likely when this structure was first made.

Each spot takes about two meters and underneath the stone work there most definitely is a body.

And near every spot, there is another just close by, as if they were running out of room here. Which is tad concerning because this tomb is large, 30 meters across.

Reaching the spot, having to sit down just to take a better look at the grave, he gazes at the name and it truly says Selia Corbelli.

Faking a tear, a good actor enough to even shake his voice, Delion utters. "Grandmother... I'm sorry... I'm sorry this happened to you. But I promise, those bastards will all die on my hands!"

Shedding a tear too but unwilling to admit it, Mervin instead compliments. "You're determined, how can I help?"

"I'll let you know." Delion answered, faking a shaky tone.

Raising his head up, he notices a hand sized scripture a foot above the grave, stating. "Built in 1,235"

"Was this tomb really built at 1,235?" Delion questions, his eyes opened wide as the unusual shed it's ugly head.

Not understanding why Delion would be interested for such a matter, the man answers. "Yes, we weren't really wealthy back then."

Seeding a compliment with a question, the 39 year old detective adds. "Oh well y'all doing good now at least, tombs aren't cheap. Who built this? Your father?"

"No actually, our grandmother's friends built it. Were apparently close to our family but I wasn't even born then." This... well it sounds suspicious in every aspect but the Corbelli family has long sugar coated it.

Hiding his suspicion, Delion wipes another generated tear and utters. "That's nice of them, can I thank them? They've spent thousands of coins, I have to thank them!"

Not liking the idea and trying to advise against it, Mervin explains. "Most of them are dead, a lot moved away."

But being truthful towards a family member, the tall built man continues. "There's only an old lady, but she might beat the living crap out of you. She's crazy."

Standing up, grabbing Mervin on the shoulder, he adds. "Well that's okay, it's a risk I'm willing to take you know. She respected our grandmother and maybe she can help."

Getting buttered up, the same man who wanted to beat the crap out of Delion just 2 hours earlier, compliments. "I wouldn't talk to that woman if my life depended on it but big Maso loves you... and he doesn't love anyone so that means you are a honoured guest, you're family."

Turning around, facing the exit, Mervin waves his hand and adds. "Follow me if you're done giving respect to our grandmother."