Unknown Narrator

I rehearsed at home.

At school.

Whenever I could really.

I'd basically finished writing the keyboard version of the songs I'd be playing for Christmas Dinner.

The repertory was pretty long, and it better have been worth it.

The school would be quite happy with this.

The day approached very quickly.

The rest of the time, I spent with the Artist and Editor.

We'd started making music, just online.

Our website was where we put it all.

We'd designed it together and it would be where we exercised our creativity.





Anything really.

I wrote and sang, he drew the animation and he edited it all together.

We put a lot of effort into making it work out and look visually pleasing.

We enjoyed ourselves, but I always got in trouble with mother afterwards.

I didn't care.

She could yell all she wants.

It is worth it to be with my friends.

And she can't take that away from me.

No matter how hard she tries.