
It was a lovely day outside.

Baxter, Alec and I were going out to the park with their siblings.

Mother had let me out on account of my good grades on the report cars in my first term.

I walked down the familiar path that I'd come to enjoy.

I found them walking down the path and we exchanged high fives all around.

Baxter's little sister and Alec's brother sprinted ahead like mad kids.

We got to the park and they just sprinted to the slides, so we sat at the bench and left them to play.

We discussed ideas and random details about schoolwork.

The one unanimous agreement we came to was that the homework did not make sense.

Like, at all.

We'd been set a few pieces online and has completed them all.

However, we came to a problem in French.

The accents were required to be there, and although my phone was compatible, our PCs and their phones were not.

Even I couldn't figure out how to get the o and the e to "stick" together for Soeur.

We'd have to bring that up next time.

The littlies called us to play with them so we obeyed.

Not risking getting grassed on.

The other two complained about their siblings all the time, but I'd always wanted one.

They sounded like four fun to be around.

Anyway, the littlies forced us to play Tag with them.

Alec was elected as "It" for the starting round.

We sprinted around, it was pretty easy.

He tagged Baxter's sister and she chased me around for a bit.

I let her get me and she ran off screaming excitedly.

That made me laugh.

I ran after the lot of them, tagging Baxter.

This continued for a bit until they wanted to play something else.

So the kids settled on the swings.

And obviously forced us to push them.

We took it in turns, idly making conversation.

When we went home I collapsed into bed, feeling quite accomplished.