Cinder Who?

In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the four miniaturized members of Team RWBY pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: 'RWBY CHIBI'!

Beacon courtyard...

Weiss is in the Beacon courtyard looking at her scroll when Ruby trots up to her excitedly.

"Weiss, Weiss! Look! Jared got us friendship bracelets!" Ruby said, excitedly.

"Alright Ruby, put it here." Weiss said, sighing and without looking up.

Weiss extends her hand. Ruby immediately locks them both into handcuffs and sticks her tongue out at Weiss, shaking and smirking. Jared approached Ruby and Weiss while noticing the friendship bracelets.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that I got friendship bracelets for those two before getting on the Argus Limited." Jared said, smiling.

"So, you got us something from the future to have Ruby give us here." Weiss said, rolling her eyes. "Why?"

"Because it's fun!" Ruby said, happily.

Team RWBY dorm...

Weiss is in the Team RWBY dorm room, penning a letter to her sister.

"My dearest Winter. My time at Beacon is going well thus far. Unfortunately, I was not selected to be Team Leader. But worry not. Our team has a capable leader at the helm. It's not a fanboy from another universe that knows everything about us. The leader. She's..." Weiss said, as a voice over.

Zwei barks. Weiss turns to look as Ruby teases the dog with a cooked chicken stuck on the scythe-end of Crescent Rose and Jared is busy playing Splatoon 3 on his Nintendo Switch.

"Well, come on, boy! Come on, boy! Get the chicken! Get the chicken!" Ruby said, making chicken noises.

"Come on...come on..." Jared said, pressing buttons on his Nintendo Switch. "I got this..."

"Hmm?" Weiss asked, as a voice over. "...interesting. She's also..."

"Hey, Weiss!" Ruby said.

Weiss turns to see Zwei with the chicken and Ruby holding a large chocolate chip cookie.

"Wanna see me eat this cookie through my nose? Check it out!" Ruby said, making grunts of effort.

"Weiss! I got another win!" Jared said, jamming out to the victory battle theme in Splatoon 3. "Thanks for the good luck!"

Weiss returns to writing the letter.

"...a person." Weiss said, as a voice over.

There's a loud sound of something abruptly crunching.

"Argh." Ruby said.

Beacon kitchen...

At the kitchen table, Ruby and Yang play a game of chess, both of them silently concentrating. Jared is watching the sisters play the game. Ruby makes a move.

"Huh?" Yang asked.

"Checkmate." Ruby said.

"Good game!" Yang said, smiling.

Blake and Weiss burst into the room with their weapons at the ready, causing tables to shake and a billboard to fall off the wall. Weiss and Blake pant while looking around for danger.

"Ha!" Blake said.

"We really need to rename that move." Yang said.

"Yeah." Ruby said, letting out a sigh.

"Sorry for suggesting that move name..." Jared said, frowning.

"It's a good move. Can't deny that." Yang said. "But the name..."

"We can't play chess like this..." Ruby said, looking between Yang and Jared.

Team RWBY dorm...

Weiss is doing work at her desk as Jared is lying down on the floor playing Genshin Impact on his iPhone 12 Mini when Ruby kicks in the dorm door.

"Weiss! Jared!" Ruby said, while Weiss is screaming from being startled.

"Will you please stop doing that?!" Weiss exclaimed.

"That upperclassman from Haven wants to hang out!" Ruby said, excitedly.


"Who is it?" Jared asked, looking up at Ruby.

"Cinder!" Ruby said.

"Cinder...Cinder...Doesn't ring a bell. What's her last name?" Weiss asked.

"Oh! Uh... um, hmm... What was it?" Ruby asked.

A silent movie scene label cuts in, reading: CINDER MALL.


Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury stand outside a store called Always 17.

Cinder holds forth her Tournament outfit from Volume 3 on a hanger, "This is something young people wear, right?"

"I dunno." Emerald said, inarticulate.

A silent movie scene label cuts in, reading: CINDER FALLS.


Cinder is on her back at the bottom of some stairs while at the top Emerald and Mercury laugh.

"Stop laughing and help me!" Cinder said, angrily.

A silent movie scene label cuts in, reading: CINDER DOLL.

Beacon kitchen...

A sock puppet with an outfit similar to Cinder's usual moves as though talking.

"All part of our nefarious plan." Mercury said, high pitched.

A zoom out reveals Emerald in a cushy armchair with Mercury perched on the back of it animating the sock puppet.

Emerald laughs.

A silent movie scene label cuts in, reading: CINDER STALLS.


Mercury, Emerald, and Neopolitan try to shove a dry-erase board with their evil plan into an overflowing closet. Junior Detectives Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias are trying to get past Cinder at the dorm room door.

"Cinder, we just need to check your dorm for evil plans." Neptune said.

Emerald tosses the Kitten Killer 9000 and Melodic Cudgel into the closet.

"Are you sure those were scheduled for today?" Cinder asked.

"We don't notify students when we're trying to bust 'em." Sun said.

"But we're exchange students."

"Doesn't matter." Sun said.

"Man, this, uh, weather's crazy, right?"

"Move out of the way." Neptune said.

"You know, your abs look great today." Cinder said, looking at Sun.

Sun laughs.

Cinder's dorm...

In the room, Neo aims the Death Ray at Sun and Neptune.


"Cinder, please!" Sun said,

A silent movie scene label cuts in, reading: CINDER LOLS.


Mercury and Emerald are splayed at the bottom of the same stairs from earlier, groaning while Cinder laughs from the top.

A silent movie scene label cuts in, reading: CINDER BAWLS.


In the Beacon Main Avenue protagonists laugh and celebrate in general good cheer under a banner that reads WORLD PEACE ACHIEVED. Nora and Jaune laugh together. Ruby swings Zwei around. Jared is singing Cutting Edgex2 Ready Go! with Clara. The Shopkeep sweeps. Ren and Pyrrha shake hands. Sun runs holding Neptune up in the air.

"Yeeaahh!" Neptune said.

Weiss, Blake, and Yang hold hands and skip.

Roman Torchwick grunts in disappointment while Mercury pats him on the back. Emerald and Neo watch them sadly.

Cinder clings to a lamppost. She bangs it with her fist and falls to the ground, emoting misery.

"No! My nefarious plans! Oh, ho-ho, no!" Cinder said, crying.

Team RWBY dorm...

Ruby gives up trying to think of Cinder's surname.

"Uh...I don't know. It's like Cinder Autumn or something." Ruby said.

"Well, too bad. I'm studying." Weiss said.

"Aw." Ruby said, looking at Jared. "Jared, what was it?"

"Cinder Fall?" Jared asked. "I think that was it..."

"Was it? That can't be it, right?"